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Florida May Begin Charging Willful "Deadbeat Dads" As Felons
posted by Scott on Sunday January 28, @10:49AM
from the news/child-support dept.
News The Sun-Sentinel is reporting that activist groups are pushing for new laws that will make the willful nonpayment of child support in excess of $5k a felony. The law would not apply to people who are in tight financial situations and are unable to pay. While I'm not arguing that willful non-payers of child support shouldn't be punished, I find this disappointing in light of the fact that there still exist no laws which enforce a father's visitation rights, or require the custodial parent to account for how child support money is spent.

Source: Sun-Sentinel [Florida newspaper]

Title: Activist want parents who don't pay child support to be charged as felons

Author: Shana Gruskin

Date: January 21, 2001

New Study By US Justice Dept. On Campus Rape | Long Live The Male?  >

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Could this scenario happen? (Score:1)
by David Byron on Sunday January 28, @12:59PM EST (#1)
(User #111 Info) http://www.feminismontrial.webprovider.com/index.htm
Under this law I think you could find a man raped by a woman, the woman convicted and sentenced but the rape victim ordered to pay child support. If they took a stand and did not pay their rapist for raping them, they would be charged with a fellony while their rapist in some cases would only have been charged with a misdemeanor. The rape victim would probably spend longer in prison.

When a woman rapes a man it is often not the same offense as when a man rapes a woman. Its often a lower grade fellony but in some cases its only a misdemeanor. Varies a lot from state to state.

That male rape victims are forced to pay child support is pretty standard across the US now, I believe.

It would all be justified as "in the best interests of the child".
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