New Jersey: Living with someone is not required to sue for palimony

Just how long does a man in New Jersey have to be dating/seeing a woman before she qualifies to get palimony from him? Guess we'll find out. Story here. Excerpt:

'The ruling overturned an appeals court decision last year that said there is no basis for a palimony suit unless a couple lived together.

"It is the promise of support, expressed or implied, coupled with a marital-type relationship, that are the indispensable elements to support a valid claim of palimony," Justice John Wallace wrote for the court.

The high court was ruling in the case of a former North Bergen woman who was attempting to sue a prominent, wealthy and married Manhattan ophthalmologist for palimony after he ended a 20-year relationship.'

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"The family court is well equipped to consider highly personal facts and to determine whether a plantiff's claim for support based on a married type relationship has merit."

translation: "family" courts have been robbing men for over 40 years and are perfectly capable of continuing to come up with new and far-reaching methods to continue.

especially if it falls within the existing plan to take from the men and give to the women, and of course get the lawyers a significant cut.

guess it's just a fluke that he is a retired DOCTOR ($$$).

i said it before and it bears repeating. with all the lawyers these days and many many more to come, they will be looking under every pile of dung for reasons to transfer some wealth. do not be fooled. look at what a gold mine for lawyers and women this could open up.

imho if we won't marry them on command they will search to find other ways to pick our pockets.

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Every time you buy her dinner,

Every time you pay for her movie,

Every time you buy her a drink,

Every time you open the car door for her,

Every time you give her flowers or chocolates, etc., etc., etc.

she writes it down in her little log book and documents your commitment to her. Eventually she will take you to a judge to make you sure you (chivalrous fool) will stay on the hook paying her.

Of course, when she has sex with you she is just expressing her choice, recognizing and acknowledging the commitment you've made to her.

Isn't prostitution wonderful, when legalized by the state as it now is in New Jersey?

Judicial Chivalry

Imprison Corrupt Judges

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It seems the government has taken a page out of NOW's book. They're now making new laws to deter men from dating women. In other words, they are trying to turn men gay. They're certainly working hard to make relationships a waste of both time and money for men, even if they don't marry. Maybe eventually reproduction will stop as a result of the justice system kissing so much female ass.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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