"Avenging Angel" Gets Life in Prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who claimed she was an angel sent from God to punish pedophiles was convicted Friday of murdering two boyfriends by a jury that rejected her insanity defense. Sheila LaBarre, 49, was sentenced to life in prison without parole. In 2006, police found her burning trash that contained the bones of one of her victims… defense lawyers argued that LaBarre was a delusional woman who believed every man in her life was a pedophile and who saw herself as an avenging angel. Her attorney stated - "It continues to be our belief that she's deeply crazy and insane."

The verdict will be appealed.'

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My favorite quote is "During the five-week trial, defense lawyers argued that LaBarre, 59, was a delusional woman who believed every man in her life was a pedophile and who saw herself as an avenging angel."

Maybe if she claimed all of the men victimized HER she could have used the Mary Winkler defense. At least we now know her claim that every man near her is a pedophile isn't enough of an excuse for her to walk.

I don't believe in capital punishment and I personally agree with the life sentence.

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that bunch of clowns at the court house singular focus is on $$$.

they don't need to decide or have anything to do w/ life and death.

how many innocent men freed now by the innocence project, close to 250?

with the d.a.'s fighting tooth and nail to hinder the process.

didn't want to lose or look bad, take your choice.

how many tens of thousands were really innocent, had evidence suppressed,

destroyed or purposely mislaid. snakes can't be anything but.

nasty bunch i wouldn't trust w/ my ink pen, much less life and death.

and it is a fool who does.

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Feminists need to start being a little worried with this ruling on the books. They all think every male who has ever lived is a rapist or pedophile. I guess they'll need to think of other excuses to use when they start to act on those beliefs huh?

Well, I feel a little bit safer lol

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Well I'm glad to see that sometimes in real life, the woman who thinks that every guy is a rapist or pedophile, is sometimes proven to be insane, and also, a murdering psychopathic bitch. This is a huge slap in the face for the "all men are rapists" hate literature that feminists propagate, as well as the "women are not violent" indoctrination which the same group also propagates. Life does not imitate bullshit!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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