Kathleen Parker: 'Focus on fathers overlooks half of the problem'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We pause briefly to ponder the kind of response Mr. Obama might have received had he decided to criticize negligent moms on Mother's Day. No one in his right mind would do such a thing, but we're so accustomed to dissing dads that even a Father's Day reprimand leaves America's eyelashes unruffled.
On Mother's Day, we didn't hear much about women initiating domestic violence, including child abuse, though some studies show that they do more often than men. That's not a popular statistic for the good reason that women more often than men suffer grave injury and are killed in physical disputes.'

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Let's look at the excerpt again (I read the whole article)

"On Mother's Day, we didn't hear much about women initiating domestic violence, including child abuse, though some studies show that they do more often than men. That's not a popular statistic for the good reason that women more often than men suffer grave injury and are killed in physical disputes."

For the good reason? Even if it were true that more women suffer grave injury and death, this woman's logic eludes me. The reason it's not a "popular statistic" is because almost no-one knows about it - it's never been popularized!!

Sorry guys, she's still a women-firster. As usual, there's always at least one give-away when a woman writes something like this.


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Women really do lack a sense of justice. I am finding this to be more and more true with each passing day.

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I don't think many people here know the Obama family at all.Ann Dunham was his mother and a lifelong feminist.She spent some 20 years of her life on the
NGO studying "peasant blacksmithing" in Indonesia
in order to obtain a PHD.Her husband had left her and she remarried but that didn't work out either,her career,if you can call it that always came first and
husbands a bad second.She was one of quite a few women
who travelled about those days ,most of whom were more left wing than Stalin and were the pioneers of Feminism.Why then should you expect Obama,with a wife like his,to be anymore than downright hostile to men,particularly white men?

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The Obama campaign right now is trying to overcome public perceptions that he is an elitist and somehow "not like us."

Hence his recent touring theme focused on the distressed economy and the suffering of the working/middle class.

And the Obama strategists orchestrated his wife Michelle's embarassing appearance this week on the silly puff show "The View," where she was subjected to doing a cooking segment with the idiot co-hosts.

It is kind of a stretch to ask the voting public to believe that two African-Americans with Princeton degrees and a household income of a few million are "just folks like us."

And let's not forget that McCain's aging barbie doll surgically enhanced wife is an heiress with a multi-million dollar inheritance.

Politics as usual in the Land of the Free ... vote for the millionaire of your "choice."

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ax - Schopenhauer was way ahead of his time in his understanding of women and the inevitable gender wars that follow from women and men's differences.

Every MRA should Google "Schopenhauer essay On Women" and take a few minutes to appreciate the depth of his wisdom.

Two of his quotes about marriage are -

* "Marrying means to halve one's rights and double one's duties."

* "Marrying means, to grasp blindfold into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes."

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It would have been good to have had Schopenhauer and Orwell rolled into one person.

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