Court: Ex-husband doesn't have to get physical exam for wife's life insurance

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A woman who wanted to force her ex husband to get a physical so that she could get a life insurance policy on him loses her case to the Nebraska Supreme Court. She wanted this life insurance policy so that if he died, she would get a large payout in lieu of the lost alimony checks.

I sure hope the family court lawyers don't read this article and get any ideas about applying such a protection mechanism for continuing child support payments after the non custodial parent dies.

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Had someone forced me to take a physical for the reason given, I would have suddenly developed "Alimony Non-Substitution Syndrome". Some of the symptoms include wheezey breathing, difficulty standing, dizziness, pain in the sciatic region, recent weight gain, and anything else you can plausibly "have" that the doctor cannot disprove.


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I commend the court for their decision. People who leech of off others and try to get insurance policies ensuring this leeching can continue for the rest of their lives does not deserve to be catered to. It makes me sick that an ex-wife would try to pull this kind of stunt. It's like investing money in a slave's death. Excuse me while I go throw up.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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