Top Ten Male Bashing Ads

The "Top 10" ads are found here. Excerpt:

"You’ve seen him plenty of times on sitcoms; he’s the dumb, bumbling, idiot dad, husband and boyfriend who appears useless at everything but bringing home a paycheck. The message: Guys are dumb and women have to lead them around.
Dumb, incompetent male characters are portrayed in abundance on television commercials. From being completely henpecked to having two working brain cells, our top 10 list of the worst male-bashing ads represents the whole spectrum. If all this negativity turns your stomach, you can easily strike back with your wallet and avoid these products. For the simpler, more immediate protest, however, use your thumb and change the channel."

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Where are all those V-8 commercials showing men getting bopped in the head by women. Those are the worst (most misandrist) commercials on TV by far, IMO.

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Anybody see that Burger King Commercial where the female gym teacher gives the long-haired guy a nasty smack across the face in the teacher's lounge?

One of the worst I've seen in a while,

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Has anyone seen the Listerine vanishing whitening strips commercial where a woman is made to look like a fool in front of a guy? It sure didn't take them long to recut the commercial, out of fear of offending women. Maybe someday us men will be shown the same respect. What bugs me most about misandric commercials is how I'm expected to think it's funny. To label me to have a sense of humour where everything is a joke is even more anti-male than the ads themselves.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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