Save the Males interview

Excellent interview of Kathleen Parker here regarding her new book highlighting some of the sections of the book. This will be of general interest to MRAs. Excerpt:

'Kathryn Jean Lopez: Well count me among those who think men matter. Why do they need saving though? Don’t they usually do the rescue missions?

Kathleen Parker: Men are, indeed, excellent rescuers. We like that about men. In fact, Western men rescued women once upon a time from their status as pack mules. As my friend Matt Labash might say, I like to call that Western Civilization. Men also created the big-idea documents that ultimately resulted in women’s suffrage and equality under the law. Women have demonstrated their gratitude by reaching the summit and basically pulling the ladder up behind them. “See ya, guys. You’re on your own now. Oh, and we’re taking the kids.”'

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I found the interview very unneven, predictably so because it was between two women. I guess even women who like and appreciate men can't manage to keep to that subject matter very long, they soon drift off into what is of more interest to their sex, like the discussion about porn. Is that really high on the list of priorities of how to "save the males"? The things that really matter to men, and the way we are marginalised by the very society we slaved to create and still slave to sustain, was largely glossed over.

So I found the interview somewhat off topic in places, unfortunately; but I suppose we have to be grateful it ever took place and got published. Nice though, to see my following catchphrase effectively endorsed by a thinking woman:

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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"Western men rescued women once upon a time from their status as pack mules"

What does that refer to? When in history have women had anything even close to that low a status? Does anyone know? I'm really asking you she talking about women in pre-historic times?


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(PaulP) - "The female train of thought gets derailed."

Well, it's always more of a train of FEELINGS rather than actual THOUGHT. (That is why there are zero significant female philosophers. Actual thought kills their libido which causes cognitive dissonance.)

That misogyny out of the way, Ms. Parker is an insightful social observer and pretty funny.

A few of her remarks (and my comments):

”During the last 30 years or so, as feminism has reached most of the goals of equality … women have become hostile toward men and maleness in what seems to be a spirit of retributive justice. Our boys will now pay for all the sins committed by the worst men throughout history.”

(One might argue that the entire theory of an Evil Patriarchy is the foundation for feminist’s retributive justice concept. It’s like saying – “If your great-great grandfather expected his wife on the homestead to do the laundry, then you men today must pay for his sins!”)

“For those who missed their women’s studies classes, the first wave got women the vote; second wave got them jobs and divorces; third wave made them porn stars. I’ve always said that any woman with a checkbook is a feminist, but feminism has morphed from being pro-woman to anti-male. What we need is a fourth wave — a new “reasonable” feminism.”

(Can the values of reason and feminism ever be compatible?)

“The men’s movement has been in gestation for 15 years and hasn’t begun to quicken yet. Ultimately, letting men be men means not insisting that they be our best girlfriends.”

(I am a bit uncomfortable with the phrase “letting” men be men. Gosh, who is in the one-up power position if women are “letting” masculinity exist? Is it like letting the dogs out?)

“Men don’t want to be saved from porn, I’m pretty sure.”

(Yes, and women don’t want to be saved from shopping. Choose your addiction.)

BTW - for further evidence of how feminism degrades women, go to and watch Michelle Obama forced to do a COOKING segment with the vacuous idiot savaants on "The View" yesterday! No man has ever humiliated a woman as badly as other women are capable of.... I was expecting they would ask her to pick some cotton after the break.

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this comes from the time in history when women pulled all those wagons west

thus the phrase - westward ho!

bet ya'll didn't know that.

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