Video footage from Fatherless Day rally in Sacramento, CA (June 13 2008)

Here is footage from the Sacramento rally of the National Fatherless Day. There were also rallies planned in the capitols of all 50 states. This one was from the California capitol.

The video may appear grainy at first (it was captured via a cell phone). To improve the viewing quality, in the lower right corner of the video, click on the "Google Video" button. Select "Original Size" and it will no longer be grainy.

Fred Hayward
Men's Rights Inc.

Donald Tenn
Fathers 4 Justice

Larry Kerkman
Children's Rights Initiative for Sharing Parents Equally (CRISPE)

Betty Williams
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Sacramento Branch

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Great work Sacramento FRA's!!!

Where are reports from all the other states? It would have been nice to have seen all of these reports flood the Internet en masse'. Getting this news on the Internet is part of the activism too.

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I was going to post this under the "urban dictionary" thread, but they keep posting stories so fast here that one's probably on page 200 by now*

One guy's definition of "feminism" is, "Feminism is an ideological hiding place for creatures who appear to have been born of a union between a sasquatch and Janet Reno".

Hopefully that interpretation is becoming widespread amongst the young generations.


*This rapid-fire rate of posting is self-defeating on two fronts: One, it defeats the board, because no-one has time to post any comments and few people dig back very far to previous pages; thus you end up with lots of one- or two-comment stories which in turn feeds the problem, because people coming here get an idea that a story's not too interesting and so don't read it;

and Two, it's bad for the movement because the stories telling us to take actions are buried..for example the urban dictionary thread - the urban dictionary itself thus far not reflecting much activity re: the advice given in that story.

One possible solution to this problem would be if I were to come to the site one day and see a page something like this (similar to

TOPIC----------------------Started by-------replies-------------last comment-----------posted by
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________----Fathers Day rally---------johndias----------3--------Monday-06/17/08@02:32 a.m.-------ax
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________----Feminist shaves beard------Matt-----------14-------Wednesday-06/13/08@9:12 a.m.-----roy
--Greer's body exhumed------anthony---------6--------Wednesday 06/13/08@8:53 a.m.----daveinga


Then I could click on the topic line to open up the story and the comments. You can fit lots more one-line items on a single page that you can whole paragraphs :-)

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