How the 'feminization of America' destroys boys, men – and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Terrible"? As this edition of Whistleblower shows, there is nothing wrong – and a very great deal right – with boys and masculinity. As maverick feminist Camille Paglia courageously reminds her men-hating colleagues, masculinity is "the most creative cultural force in history."'

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..with a nursery rhyme.

Can you guess what it is yet?


(Yours, Mr P.D. Tail)

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She made it a gynocentric issue by saying that men's creativity has to do with some sort of unhealthy response they have toward their mothers while very young. Or to put it in everyday terms, it is due to a problem men have with their mothers.

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but Paglia's a women-firster. The degree to which that is true, depends on whether her current relationship is with a man or a woman.

Also she's a confusing writer, sounds somewhat like a manic.


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I gotta go with Ax, on this.

Camille is like the female Garry Busey.


message to Feminists;
A little less talk and a little more SHUT THE HELL UP!

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Is he two-faced or something?

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It really "big" of Paglia to say that "masculinity is the most creative cultural force in history"She's stating the obvious considering that every major discovery made in science,and anything that's considered great in any field,was and is done by a male.Was there ever any doubt to this fact?

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