Lying 13-YO puts two men in jail

This piece of work claimed to be 19 and divorced on her MySpace page. She was, in fact, 13. Two guys were sentenced believing her to be legal. Her family admitted that she is promiscuous and did not yet change her MySpace profile. Excerpt:

'ORANGE COUNTy, Fla. -- A 13-year-old girl's sexual shenanigans have put a second man behind bars. Morris Williams, 22, told the judge he thought the girl was 18-years-old, but he found out Tuesday that ignorance is not a defense.
Williams said Dean picked him up on the street and after a few conversations they had sex. When he heard she was not 18, he went to her father.

"He was like 'well, she's 13,'" Williams said of a conversation with Dean's father.
Dean's family admits Alisha still stays out late and has yet to delete her misleading MySpace page.

Williams will serve six years probation with the first year in jail. The other five years he will have to wear an ankle monitor. His attorney says he will come back to court to ask again for a shorter sentence.'

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Girls have learned that they do not have any responsibility for their actions. The men will pay. "What? I'm 13 wanna have sex? Sure! If I get caught I will be the victim! The men will pay even though they never knew!"

That's the way it is now days. I try to warn my 15 yo nephew and he won't even listen to me. I fear for him and all other boys and men.

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That girl will go on to destroy countless other men before she reaches the legal age of consent. I mean hell, no one's even trying to stop her from destroying the next one by letting her keep her phony profile on the net.

Problem is, it's idiot MEN who are allowing this bullshit. This girl is as sick as a fucking pedophile and yet her FATHER is the one going all torch and pitchfork on the guys that SHE is entrapping. MEN are the one's allowing this crap to continue.

5 years for being deceived into the commission of a crime?

It's no different then you or I reading the classifieds looking for a decent used car, finding a great deal, calling up the seller, meeting with them, getting the impression everything is fine and dandy, buying the car, and finding out when we go to register it that it is stolen. Being the good people we are, we offer the car to the police to be returned to it's rightful owner, when instead of thanking us, the police charge US for stealing the car and we end up serving 5 years for a felony. The public thinks, great, the goods got returned and some one is doing time a happy ending indeed. To bad the real criminal is free to repeat the scam over and over and over again.

NONE of those men should have any sort of criminal charges as THEY are the victims of the scam, not the predators seeking the innocent young girl to violate (though these days I am starting to wonder if there is such a creature as an innocent female of any age cause they seem to learn the power of their gender younger and younger everyday).

Fuck that girl is gonna be scary when she grows up, hasn't changed a bit and knows full well that she is above all laws of the land.

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