ifeminsts: Raped by a woman

Article here. Excerpt:

"A few short observations of my own from soul searching:

---I doubted myself and the events, afraid that I'd be laughed at or worse, accused of making a false allegation.
--I knew my masculinity would be called into question and that I'd be ridiculed.
--I doubted myself and thought maybe I misunderstood the nature of rape and that men really can't be raped.
--I was afraid she'd make good on her implied threat and accuse me of rape or claim it was consensual. Then I could possibly be charged with both rape and child endangerment (or a related charge) due to her pregnancy. I wasn't going to go to prison for a rapist.
--I knew that such an allegation would endanger my status in the Marine Corps.
--I knew that my consumption of alcohol (underage) would be used against me as well."

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See Moxon's book - the chapter on rape. There is in reality no such thing as a specifically definable phenomenon as "rape trauma". Also, as others have pointed out, rape should not hold the exalted status it currently does as a "uniquely unique" crime (all crimes being unique).

I think part of this guy's problem, as with women who are raped, is that victims are socialized to adopt certain psychological features - not just individually after the rape but as a matter of course in our society, as "preparation" in the event they do become victims. We are a society afflicted with "rape victim mania"..similar to dance mania.

The other problem with this, from an MR standpoint, is that it is viewed by much of the public as men just trying to "one-up" women in order to gain victim status for men as a class. That ain't never gonna happen, and should not be what the MR movement is about.

I'm surprised this story was posted, although it is of some academic interest.


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Feminists hold that when men rape women, that is somehow an expression of the "power" men have over women. Whereas in reality, the issue of rape itself is about the power that women have over men.. for example the ease with which false allegations can be made; an underage girl being able to lie about her age then engaging in sex, and the man being held responsible; a method for a woman to get revenge, out of spite or for some perceived wrong; etc.


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i had a similar thing happen to me in college. got drunk at a party, passed out and woke to find a volleyball playing co-ed having a go at "junior". trama? oh yeah, right there at the end for a few sec's.

don't mean to make light of rape. but these days just what is rape? it has turned into 99 ways to jail a man. and if he has some $$, so much the better. then we see women's favorite word, sue sue sue.

look at the guy who was just released after doing 12 hard years on a 40 year term. DNA cleared him. what, somewhere around 250 cleared now? out of probably tens of thousands, and if you won't confess, no parole. sounds like the nazi model they seem to fashion the laws after these days. thank God for science. and he will probably have to fight for any compensation. and what about the ones who made false accusations? yeah, right. i heard it again the other day by a judge on t.v.. "there is no difference between sentencing of men and women before the law." flat out liar. but they threw the truth away decades ago. when it became profitible to incarcerate men, falsely if necessary.

a woman would have to murder half a town to get a sentence like that. it's probably more time than all the women child molesters have done altogether.

want to treat rape as a serious crime? like all the other laws, just for men.

like everything else these half-men do, in the end it's all about the $$$$.

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It's pretty clear who holds the actual power in the Gender Wars.

False accusations of domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, child abuse -- these are all potent weapons in an arsenal that for all intensive purposes is available for women only.

Every thinking man lives in a perpetual state of high anxiety because he fully understands that an entire feminist legal apparatus exists with the sole purpose of targeting men as prey in order to harvest their assets and deprive them of liberty.

Just as the feminists like to claim that rape is a means of patriarchal power and control that benefits all men; likewise the legal tyranny directed against men clearly benefits all women.

A recent research poll revealed that only 36% of married men are "happy" in their marriages. One assumes that they accept this state of affairs because they know what awaits them in divorce court.

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...Uh..., Yeah.
I've only brought this point up at least 5 times recently.

I'll say it one more time; Feminism IS terrorism. And not just emotional terrorism. Terrorism in general.

If it weren't why are so MANY (most) men literally AFRAID to speak out?
That is the very definition of terrorism and Tyranny.

Apparently, not many of us here are reading the "Operation G Wars" posts.


(the new and improved)

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How come I was actually flattered when I was awoken by a girl who had "shaky hands"? Judicial, social, and feminist hypocrisy has created a massive double standard in regard to whats acceptable male/female sexuality.

The definition of rape changes on a daily basis.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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...I didn't realize how condescending my reply was to your comments above, until I re-read it just now.
'didn't mean for it to come across that way. Sorry.


(the new and improved)

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