Rally announcement for people negatively effected by family courts in Los Angeles

Friday, June 13, 2008 there is a must-attend rally for people who've been negatively effected by family courts. Here is the Youtube Announcement / Invitation if you can make it to the Los Angeles area that day.

Rally Announcement

The Los Angeles rally is our local effort. As most of you may be aware, this is a part of a larger nationwide effort scheduled for that day.

Get active! Get involved! Speak up! Demand change!

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However, I believe that saying some people have been "negatively affected" by the corrupt family court racket is a gross understatement and is like saying crime victims who have have anally raped had an "intimate encounter" with a criminal element of society.

I applaud what these rally organizers are trying to accomplish but (and I hope I am very wrong here) I suspect that the rally will only draw no more than 100 protestors and that would be considered a major turnout.

Western men are the only social class in world history that were enslaved even though they had political power, the vote and funds to fight their enslavers but for some reason didn't have the will to defend their freedom.

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