Men are losing jobs...what is happening to us?

Folks, I came across this story, surprisingly, on MSN.

As much as I hate saying it, perhaps it has to get real bad for men to prod us into the kind of revolt needed to force changes in our system. How much longer? Excerpt:

'They eat from the same dishes and sleep in the same beds, but they seem to be operating in two different economies. From last November through this April, American women aged 20 and up gained nearly 300,000 jobs, according to the household survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At the same time, American men lost nearly 700,000 jobs. You might even say American men are in recession, and American women are not.

What's going on? Simply put, men have the misfortune of being concentrated in the two sectors that are doing the worst — manufacturing and construction. Women are concentrated in sectors that are still growing, such as education and health care.'

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The fear conveyed in the MANN commentary about this trend (more women and less men in the workplace) seems to be that men are losing out on the good jobs. I think that since men no longer have authority in their homes, there is no incentive to be a provider. You can bring home the bacon, but you will not have the final say over decisions made in the household. For this reason, I think it is healthy that more women are entering the workforce. As long as the supply of male providers is drying up, the reality of women having to work for survival (rather than work as one of many options) will cement itself over time.

More women in the workplace? Good! That's just less social pressure on men to support them. If more women are without the safety net of a male provider, and have to pull their own weight all the way to retirement, then I say bring on the ladies!

John Dias
"Stopping False Allegations with Surveillance Technology"

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"Women are concentrated in sectors that are still growing, such as education and health care."

So they want to brag about how great it is for women in healthcare....ok, next time you're in a hospital take a look at nurses. Not all of them are in this predicament, but a lot are. See how fat a lot are as they make their rounds on patient floors. The reason some of them are obese is they don't exactly turn down the donuts and pizza the pharmaceutical reps bring in every day. Over time this packs the pounds on some women....then add to the fact some of them are the most miserable I see in hospitals. Yet here they are paid some very hefty salaries ($65K +).

We'll see if they extol this profession in just a few years as the nursing shortage continues and if you think these women will just sit back and not complain ad naseum, think again.

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I had to visit my local hospital frequently while my mother was dying from lung cancer recently.

The nurses I witnessed were all COWS!

I never saw a skinny nurse.

And they are experts in health care?

Why don't they take care of their own bodies?

I'm not saying they are not professional or compassionate --- but man, they are FAT.

What's up with that?

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John, I see where you are getting at and that's all well in good but where does this leave men? My concern is we're becoming that more expendable and being weaned out of the picture. Are we slowly being socially engineered to function only as drones?

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Why don't they have affirmative for men in teaching and nursing, or at least special incentives for men to enter these fields - since men are under-represented in these fields? They do the same for women in the reverse situation.

And, instituting that or something similar, at this point, would be killing three birds with one stone:

1)Help solve shortages in nursing and teaching.
2)Put more men to work.
3)Bring male viewpoint and experience to these professions. Male teachers can act as mentors and role models for students. Also, provide male nurses for male patients, reducing privacy issues.


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Jim said; "My concern is we're becoming that more expendable and being weaned out of of the picture. Are we slowly being socially engineered to function only as drones?"

Jim. You got it. You got it EXACTLY right.
That is PRECISELY what is happening.
Social engineering. That is the game plan of feminists, many AmeriKan woMEN, social(ist) progressives and Flamingo, wussie-poopie, mouse-men.

The media is the the mouthpiece for the whole thing, too.
Look at the images and messages the media bombards us with 24 hrs. a day, morning noon and night year after year, after year.
CONSTANT images of "evil, predatory males". CONSTANT images of men as buffoons, CONSTANT images of male-genital trauma, CONSTANT images of unspeakable violence against males, CONSTANT images of men as primitive, stupid, clueless morons, CONSTANT images of men as inferior to females, CONSTANT images of men (on TV shows and movies) as rapists and criminals, CONSTANT images of fathers who are "abusive" who rape, molest and murder their own children,
CONSTANT images of fathers who know nothing about parenthood and have to be taught by their wives and their own CHILDREN (usually female) on life lessons, humanity and parenting.
CONSTANT images of "women kickin' men's' asses.". (and on and on)

As well as;
Constant images of females lording domination over their husbands or men in general.

Women besting men in EVERYTHING, including physical strength as in fights (woman always wins despite being much smaller than her male adversary(s) ) her arms like pool-ques in comparison to the muscle tone of the man (men) she's fighting and obvious weight disparages. (even the laws of physics are twisted for the sake of women, apparently...)

Women are always seen as the winner of ANY and ALL arguments with a male. (his primitive male brain is no match for her superior, more evolved and finely honed female brain). The female even knows EVERYTHING about men, but of course the man "knows NOTHING about women". The woman not only knows all about what it means to be a Woman, but everything about being a man. The man of course knows nothing about either. Especially about being a man(?!?)
In other words men are SO freakin' dumb that they don't have a CLUE how to be what they, by nature, hormones and genetics naturally are.
That's like having to tell an Eagle what it is and how to fly, even though they would naturally know how to do these things SIMPLY because they ARE Eagles.
But men apparently cannot grasp the simplest concept of maleness and being a man. That is how dumb they are.

The fact is, that the way the media depicts men is as a total homogeneous group of sub-humans, defective (in every way) pitiful "people" who suffer from literal RETARDATION. Retardation that is often suggested to be an evolutionary defect.

NOTE; This is what Hitler did in Nazi Germany. He used the media to dehumanize the Jewish people. Depicting them in ways that had no basis in facts. They were, as men are today in AmeriKKa, mocked, dehumanized, marginalized, and despite the FACT of proven, documented intelligence, the Jews (as are AmeriKan men today) were depicted as buffoons, clowns, "lower on the evolutionary scale"(??) and mentally deficient(!) Also like Men in AmeriKKa, the Jews were depicted as an "Enormous threat" to German people, to Germany, society and the world as a whole.
Hitler, perhaps, thought he was doing the world a great service by decimating the Jews and wiping them off the face of the earth. Or he just hated Jewish people and was probably jealous of them, and looked for any way to justify his hatred, even twist the facts to fit his "truth" and spread his false facts via the media. These "facts" were repeated constantly by the German media. The German people were fed a VERY steady diet of propaganda. And as most of you know, "a lie told over and over enough, becomes a "believed truth.". Therefore Hitler, by lies, deception and "Facts" was then able to LITTERALY BRAINWASH an entire NATION. It was then much easier to justify his plans for the Jews to the people. If a people (in this case the Jews, then, and Amerikkan men now)are seen as subhuman, then human rights do not apply to that group of people, because, they aren't REALLY Human. If they are not as human as everyone else that means they are closer to animals. Animals lower than "true Humans", Therefore cruelty to said people is more tolerable. it's just not a priority to speak out against, be heard or listen to the problem.
And if said group of people are sub-human and a threat, then one can justify killing them in "self defence". After all do we not "put down" ANY animal that it a threat to humans? If they are such a threat, and not "really human" then we can justify imprisoning them, enslaving them, even wiping them out.
Any of this starting to sound familiar?
Just an aside American Indians were done the same way. Today we are STILL seen as "savages", "sub-human", less intelligent "primitives". just to show you the long term affects of propaganda.

I tell you that the exact same propaganda technique is being used on AmeriKKan MEN.
Why? because as we all know by now it works. It takes patients, but it WORKS.

So, yeah. Men are going to be "Drones". We will do ALL the heavy, dangerous work (we already, pretty much do) because we are ...expendable. I.E. worth less than females. Not quite as human as the females, not as intelligent as the Females...,
Yep. if ya know something about history (soon to be HERstory) then it's easy to have deja vu.

Well. here we go again. This time it ain't "the Jews" the "N**gers" or the "INJUNS".
This time my fellow men, no matter your race.
They're commin' for YOU.

See ya.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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ezzactly what it is. and i just saw where 57% of gov't employees are women.

they make up what, 40% (+/-) of the workforce. and affirmative action still

churning away, not even a hesitation. perpetual victims. when will it be enuf?

100% women - is that the goal?

and no complaints from the women either. just more whine.

most all the new hires in gov't are female. and don't think they are hiring

qualified ones either. nothing like equality under the law.

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Austan Goolsbee, chief economic adviser to Senator Barack Obama, said: "Because the unemployed are disproportionately men, they may especially benefit from Obama's program to get us out of recession. But gender has nothing to do with the policy's design."

Translation: I'm helping everyone and I apologize to feminists that I might accidentally help more men than women in the process.

Senator Hillary Clinton's economic policy director, Brian Deese, said: "The goal is not to appeal to men more than women."

Translation: GIRLZ RULE! FUCK MEN!

Another reason politicians aren't making hay of the plight of males is that they are well aware that women are in no mood for it. Working-class and lower-middle-class women in particular, whether or not their men have jobs, are feeling economically stressed, says Bill McInturff, a pollster for Senator John McCain. He adds, "In focus groups they talk about how 'I'm taking care of my parents, his parents, buying groceries, taking kids to the doctor.' These women are tired."

Translation: We'd help men, but women don't see how it would benefit women.

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