RADAR ALERT: Sen. Barack Obama Supports I-VAWA!

Senator Barack Obama may well become the next president of the United States. But in a recent letter to one of his constituents, he affirmed his support for the International Violence Against Women Act, and reiterated many of the half-truths and falsehoods of domestic violence – see complete letter below.

I-VAWA – Senate bill 2279 – is a dangerous bill that would break up families, harm women, and openly discriminate against male victims.

In India, domestic violence laws have become so harmful that they are commonly referred to as "legal terrorism"1. For more information on the Pandora’s Box of I-VAWA, see the RADAR analysis "I-VAWA: The Destruction of Families Worldwide"2.


Please contact Sen. Obama’s office today.

Telephone: 202-224-2854 – politely tell the receptionist your name, city, and state, and say, "I am asking Sen. Obama to withdraw his support from S. 2279, the International Violence Against Women Act. I-VAWA is anti-male and anti-family."

Or submit a message through his website – http://obama.senate.gov/contact – or send a fax – 202-228-4260 – politely emphasizing these points:

  1. According to the World Health Organization3, men are twice as likely as women to die from violence-related causes. Why is Sen. Obama ignoring the plight of men?
  2. According to a 32-country survey4, women are more likely to engage in domestic violence than men. Why is I-VAWA ignoring the plight of men?
  3. VAWA has had a devastating impact on African-American communities in the United States5.



1 http://uchalla.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/stop-legal-terrorism-save-the-indian-husbands

2 http://www.mediaradar.org/why_ivawa200801_campaign.php

3 World Health Organization. World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, Switzerland, 2002, http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/world_report/en/summary_en.pdf

4 Straus, Dominance And Symmetry In Partner Violence By Male And Female University Students In 32 Nations, Children and Youth Services Review, http://pubpages.unh.edu/%7Emas2/ID41-PR41-Dominance-symmetry-In-Press-07.pdf. Table 2, p. 260: Overall, 21.4% of any type of physical violence was female-perpetrator-only as compared to 9.9% male-only. Table 3, p. 261: Overall, 29.4% of severe physical violence was female-perpetrator-only as compared to 15.7% male-only.

5 http://aavreform.org/index.php



Date: April 4, 2008

Dear ________________________:

Thank you for sharing with me your concerns about support for international victims of domestic violence and S.2279, the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA).

I am concerned with the suggestion that I-VAWA is anti-male and anti-family. Indeed, I recognize the importance of having our children grow up in stable and nurturing homes, preferably with both a father and mother as active parents. Our children need role models, both male and female, to help them reach their potential. Having said that, these homes must be safe and loving environments, not ones where a child lives in fear of abuse and neglect, or worries that a parent will be victim to abuse. I do not believe that I-VAWA lessens or belittles the significance of the two-parent family, but rather puts in place
programs to support families when violence creates an unhealthy and unsafe home environment. Gender-based violence affects individuals from every walk of life, in every part of the world. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 in 3 of the women in the world will experience violence in her lifetime, with rates of up to 70 percent in some countries. The breadth of this problem is staggering, as we know many cases often go unreported. Women and children are often at greater risk of physical violence, exploitation and sexual abuse in crisis situations, such as in the wake of the Asian tsunami or in the Darfur region of Sudan.

I am deeply concerned about the escalation of sexual violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where the United Nations reported 27,000 sexual assaults against women and girls in the South Kivu province alone in 2006. Recently, I wrote to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressing my concerns about the growing number of systematic sexual assaults against women in the DRC, and asked a series of questions about what the United States is doing to help curb this violence against women. A copy of that letter is enclosed for your review.

We can and must do more to address this devastating human and moral problem, as well as to combat persisting forms of discrimination that women and girls from all walks of life face daily. On October 31, the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Biden (D-DE) and Senator Lugar (R-IN), respectively, introduced the International Violence Against Women Act of 2007 (S. 2279). This bill would establish key offices at the Department of State and the U.S. Agency of International Development tasked with addressing international women’s issues and integrating gender into relevant policies and programs. The bill would also ensure that adequate foreign assistance is directed at measures that prevent and respond to acts of violence against women. S. 2279 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, a panel on which I serve. I hope this letter helps you understand why, as your U.S. Senator and the father of two young daughters, I hope the Senate will take to take swift action
in considering this measure.

Thank you again for writing. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future regarding this or other issues of concern to you.


Barack Obama
United States Senator

Date of RADAR Release: April 28, 2008

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your
letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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The problem is, if you are waiting for an "anti-feminist" politician to come along, you will have to live another 200 years.

It is simply not going to happen. You cannot be elected if you are perceived as "anti-women."

We may see some modest reforms in domestic violence policies, or some incremental changes in Family Court practices to lessen the tyranny against fathers.

But you won't see Kim Gandy (NOW's president) selling pencils on a street corner anytime soon.

Feminism has been culturally institutionalized.

It is like oxygen. So accepted as "natural" that 99% of people do not even see it, yet alone question it.

And, let's be honest. Most Americans are not deeply critical thinkers.

They just want burgers on the grill on Sunday and a loud big truck.

The women merely want to go shopping.

That's all.

America. We're Number One!

So, I doubt that Obama's e-mail server is gonna crash from a tsunami wave of anti I-VAWA messages.

I'll bet not even 1% of Americans have heard about I-VAWA.

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Was it Mark Twain who said that politicians and diapers need to be changed frequently for the same reason?

We men need to connect and start working towards booting the man-hating policians out of office. We should gather together as discreetly as possible so we can pearl harbor several of the bastards. Leave it to the media to wonder about the upsets and to try to figure out why certain (anti-male) politicians got booted out of office.

Ultimately the only thing politicians care about is getting reelected. Take a secure reelection away from politicians and you'll find them start to care about men's issues.

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There is some merit in your proposed idea of quietly (locally) targeting anti-male politicians.

They should not be hard to find, since they are pretty much all anti-male and bought and sold via feminist pressures.

But here's a dilemma about revolutions: the successful radicals become the State and then impose variations of the same tyrannies they defeated.

I've lived in three revolutionary countries -- Cuba, Grenada, and Nicaragua.

In every case, the revolution and idealism turned into bureaucratic crap and repression.

So,I'm not sure how you actually make a revolution.

Even the one America achieved seems to be turning right back into domination of the masses by the "royal" class.

The 2% who own everything.

In order to have an actual society, you have to promote the idea of a "civil" bond that represents community.

America dispensed with this concept long ago and so now it is just a country of migratory strangers struggling to exist.

We blew it.

So, "America" is over now.

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Roy, you may be old news at this MRA thing, but i can assure you there are many others that are just begining to fight.
You are the Avante guarde, so keep doing what you're doing, as reinforcements are on the way.

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Hey A.A.,

I'm not that old! (And let's face it, in a movement in its infancy, nothing is "old.")

And I may be one of a few MRA's who have lived through actual revolutions.

My favorite one of the three I experienced was Grenada, because the music was great, the food was wonderful, the climate perfect, and the women ... well.

The politics kind of unraveled with a lot of blood being spilled. I did not appreciate that at all. Nor the US marines who prevented a solution.

I would not consider myself "avante."

Just a canary in the mineshaft of feminism.

Reinforcements are always good.

You younger dudes are becoming very wise and so I believe things in terms of the Gender Wars may quickly improve.

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