Violet Blue takes on 'feminist porn' concept

For those who don't know about her, Violet Blue may be one of the few syndicated sex-advice columnists who also actually knows how to write. (I can count on one hand the number of such people.) Anyway, she has bravely taken on the concept of "feminist porn", and while some of what she says in this article is propagating negative stereotypes about both sexes, men in particular, she is taking the issue head-on and making some good observations. I doubt either feminists or MRAs will find themselves in full agreement with the article-- good! It keeps things interesting. Excerpt:

'Feminist porn. For many, seeing those words together is like putting together the words "comfortable flight," "lightly scented" and "Bill O'Reilly: journalist." We now have Jet Blue and Virgin America, not everyone can smell your panty liners, and there's no debate about the irony of the last bit — but pretty much everyone wants to know, what the hell are porn and feminism doing in bed together?'

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I thought feminist porn was the Lifetime Channel.

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I remember a show called "Silk Stalkings" I saw a couple times on a different channel (The USA Network). It was beyond stupid. The entire plot of every show was some woman getting stalked by a man, said man usually appearing when the given woman was scantily-clad in a highly vulnerable position. That was the plot of each show, over and over again.

Nearly the entire viewing audience was female. Wonder how the WST101 crowd explains that.

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The whole porn culture is a really fascinating glimpse into America's dark historical legacy from Puritanism to today's faux-religiousity.

I actually got paid on a full scholarship to attend classes like "The Feminist Redemption of Pornography" way back in about 1979 at an elite university.

Class attendance was never a problem, because we were watching porno movies and then discussing how they represented gender relations.

Good place to pick up hot chicks!

(Excerpt from the article) -- "and there is a growing body of excellent smut out there starring trans people (mostly trans men so far) that is looking to show genuine pleasure, consent, and loving relationships outside of the gender binary."

This disturbs me because the whole transgender theme is just silly.

"Outside of gender binary?" That is the standard feminist social construction of gender theory ... an idiotic idea.

Trannies are maybe .000005 percent of the human population, and feminists have adopted them like pets to wage a crusade.

I really do not care if a guy who believes he is psychologically a woman wants to have surgery and remove his genitalia.

Do whatever you have to do to find your identity.

Just do not use my tax dollars for your ex- happ-penis.

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From what I've heard from transgendered people I know, feminists HATE transsexuals.

Female to Male transsexuals are seen as betrayers.
Male to Female transsexuals are seen as spies/infiltrators.

And the existance of transgendered people absolutely destroys the idea that gender is constructed by society. When you're dealing with someone who as a 5 year-old boy that knew/wanted that he should be wearing dresses and playing with dolls... It just directly contradicts the "social construction of gender" idiocy.

I suppose Female to Male transsexuals have an "easier" time. If she wants to dress like a boy and play with boy's toys -- she must be a tomboy...

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That is really interesting. I would have never thought about it, because to my knowledge I've never met a trans-sexual individual.(I have seen quite a few on Rush Street in Chicago after midnight....)

It does make sense that they would be outlaws to feminists who like definite categories and lock-step politics.

But you have to admit that N.O.W. has made "equal marriage" and LGBT causes a major part of their public persona.

Any social phenomenon that causes America to question its bedrock values always gets my vote.

Can you imagine if Obama and Hillary were also running against a trans-sexual presidential candidate?

America's head would explode!

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But can she give good advice? She is an advice columnist, isn't she?

Where's the beef??


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What the hell are porn and feminism doing in bed together?

That's like asking "what the hell are promiscuous, polygamous, unbridled whore culture and feminism doing in bed together?"

It's a question that does not need to be asked because it is so obvious one (slut culture) stems from the other (feminism). Indeed, the existence of such a culture is proof of the pervasive success of feminism/the women's movement.

Pornography - at least in the form it exists today - is merely female fertility worship. The case for it being "male oppression" is very weak as most women go into the "industry" (i.e. publish material on the Internet) entirely of their own wish and make very handsome sum's of money at men's expense. You see, whoredom is the natural state of woman. It is her first calling as an occupation with which she can earns a living on her own - perhaps it is because pornography exposes this truth which women would rather keep concealed.

Above all, feminism is a sexual anarchist movement. Which breaks down barriers of morality (i.e. those imposed on women, not those imposed on men notably) around sex, in particular any division of a "private" and "public" sphere when dealing with matters of sexuality. I know this is 101 stuff for anyone who has delved into Communist Privitivism which at all times is the backbone of feminist philosophy.

However it still needs to be said any time this question of "is porn anti-feminist?" comes up.

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...have a sexual fantasy about being raped, stalked, beaten gagged and/or otherwise abused in a sexual manner.

Why do you think ALL of the shows like that have an overwhelmingly female viewership. They all fantasize about that stuff.

I am sure there are those women out there that do not, but I have yet to meet any of them.

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Actually there is such a thing as the rape fantasy*, the rest of your entry sucks. Please make like a Texan and get the heck off this board.


*Don't look on Wikipedia for it, their definition of it is pretty much worthless.

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Feminism and porn go hand in hand because usually porn is a showcase of a woman's power over a man when it comes to sex. In a lot of porn movies, a woman doens't have to do so much as ask for sex, and she gets it. Same deal with men. However, it doesn't work that way in real life for men, thus, for us it's only fantasy. For women, it's reality to some degree. There's no doubt in my mind that it's way easier for a woman to get sexual gratification than it is for a man.

Is porn patriarchal oppression? No. It gives us men a chance to live the fantasy of how easy it would be to get laid if it were as easy for us as it is for women.

BTW, I believe that most PEOPLE, regardless of whether they're male or female have a fantasy about being restrained and raped. Even I do. Sorry, if that's TMI.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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As Steve Moxon points out in The Woman Racket, the rape fantasy is the most common fantasy of women. That's based on solid research. "A Passage to India" is a good example of a rape fantasy, in this case a movie. Another good example is the MTV video "Self-Control" by Laura Branigan (came out in the mid 80's; is on YouTube).


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