Girl-On-Girl Fight Trend Growing Online

Story here. (For the video report, click "Girl Fight Trend Growing" under the "Related to Story" box.) Excerpt:

'Behavioral experts said girls are the worst offenders for the type of bullying associated with a recent attack described as "animalistic" in which a group of six girls pummeled a classmate for 30 minutes until she passed out.
A search for "girl fight in Florida" in YouTube uncovered a series of violent fights in Brevard, Volusia and Orange counties.

Experts classify the beatings as cyber-bullying, saying the girls can continue to torment their victims long after their bruises heal by posting the beatings online for the world to see.

Behavior experts said girls are the worst offenders for this type of bullying, Local 6's Lauren Rowe reported.'

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Art class teacher tells girl to sit down and behave, and she gets beaten to the floor while the other kids egg her on to keep doing it. Video report here. Teacher is female. Attacker is female. Principal is female, and she tells the teacher that it was, basically, her fault for getting beat up. So where can a man be blamed in this?

In the video for the main story posted above, one "expert" is interviewed who says that girls are taking an example from "the boys" and being dangerously violent. But yet at the same time, it is said in the same report, these attacks are being launched mostly by girls; in fact maybe I am out of the loop here but I am not aware of fighting among boys being nearly as bad as that among girls, certainly not broadcast over the web to the same degree (go to and search on "boy fight" and look at the results. Now search on "girl fight" and look at the results. Definitely different in number of hits, context, and outcome, and it seems it's much worse to be a girl than a boy in terms of fighting these days).

Maybe boys spend too much time watching Youtube clips but they don't seem to be making them the way the girls are, much less ones that have them ganging up on and beating the crap out of some other kid. Also note that a lot of g-g fights are a gang of girls beating up on one girl. Boy-boy fights are mostly if not entirely one-on-one. So tell me, who is being more vicious and violent here?

Yet somehow, it's the boys' fault. The reporters in the video report also seem to be ready to make up excuses about what the causes could be-- like the girls can't decide for themselves that they simply want to be violently cruel to other girls. "Oh, it must be due to this or that." I have a reason for it: Violence among women and girls got acceptable at some point in the "evolution of our culture" and so now, here it is. Before, it was acceptable (and apparently still is) for them to be violent toward men. Now is has become a trend for them to be violent toward each other-- and of course that is being criticized. But this is what happens when you say that using violence to solve interpersonal problems is "right sometimes". It quickly becomes "right" to use it at other times as well. It is the thin edge of the wedge, as they say. A campaign to get girls to stop being violent toward *anyone* is clearly needed. But will it happen any time soon? I wouldn't bet on it. Because, as we all know, "girls just aren't like that" -- regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

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Beating your teacher? That isn't nice... But seriously, feminism has encouraging girls for the last 40 years to not be "nice"(responsible). Women getting beaten down by girls without recourse is just another consequence of feminism -- a movement that is supposed to advance women.

But at least the boys in the class know which girls to avoid like the plague...

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There was a prosecutor being interviewed on MSNBC the other night concerning this. She made sure to mention that the two boys who were lookouts will be charged as if they were directly beating the girls. She also mentioned that the juvenile girls who actually participated in the beatings will be charged as juveniles. My blood was boiling.

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I keep endlessly promoting Rachel Simmon's book ODD GIRL OUT: THE HIDDEN CULTURE OF AGGRESSION IN GIRLS because it explains girl's aggressiveness completely.

Mostly girls and women use "passive-aggression." Tactics like shaming, slandering reputations, social isolation, using friendship as a weapon, spending hubbies money irresponsibly -- basically all the "power and control" strategies you can review by Googling the "Duluth Model" of domestic violence.

It is interesting that girls are becoming more physically violent.

That suggests that they no longer accept the Chivalrist definition of feminine.

I've always liked tough girls.

Mostly their attitudes, and their stamina.

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I read the book, likely on your recommendation... If I remember correctly, physical girl on girl violence is covered, typically initiated by middle/lower class girls.

She also mentions that with girls the violence goes downhill. The first girl strikes the second girl and the second girl goes home and strikes her younger sibling or kicks the dog if said sibling isn't available...

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Thank you for pointing that out. Simmon's book does indeed cover some aspects of direct female-on-female violence.

Her main theory however is that girls are not socially allowed to be directly violent (i.e. physically) -- and so they resort to an arsenal of passive-aggressive psychological tactics instead.

As a theory it is hard to dispute.

Anyone who has worked for a female boss can testify that they are always playing head games as their form of power and authority.

I have two daughters, and their grasp of how easy it is for them to manipulate men scares me.

They know it and they know that I know they know I know it.

So, we still like each other. I just call them out on their BS when they try it....

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Can we update VAWA now?

oregon dad

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take the more emotional gender. the vendictive gender. teach her that violence and power are OK to use against another. stir nicely with an over inflated ego. throw in some jealousy and rage.

this is what you get.
by teaching girls that they should act like boys, even though they are much much more emotional and emotionally imbalanced, and you basically train psychos to go off on each other.

this is the face of "equality".
this is feminism's misinterpretation of what males do.
this is a mess and this lies at the feet of feminist thought and a re-engineered social and educational system.

oregon dad

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... but don't expect to find many articles about it. However, here is one story: "God wasn't there",7340,L-3529162,00.html

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If you have read the recent book "The Female Brain," (written by a woman scientist) or even just browsed the reviews on --

you need to be very afraid.

These are not rational creatures, and they never will be.

Their brains are marinated in a monthly tsunami of shifting hormones that prevent rationality.

They may be desirable, once in a while.

But reliable?


The concept of integrity is entirely foreign to women.

You can't even hold their attention long enough to try to explain it.

Hence, no women philosophers. None. Not one.

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It doesn't surprise me that when girls act like animals, they somehow try to find a way to blame it on the male gender. I guess the Duluth Model is spreading like a deadly, contagious, disease.

Anyone with a brain knows that women can be just as violent as men, perhaps even moreseo, considering the changes in hormone levels that are always occurring in their bodies. I'm not saying that this makes a woman violent per se, but it can contribute to it.

It truly offends me that some are saying that girls that act like this are "acting like boys". I say this b/c I never bullied anybody. I was the victim of a bully a couple times in my life, but never was a bully myself. Thus, the violent wenches certainly weren't acting like me.

All I really have to say regarding this is: welcome to our world, girls! Being bullied has always been a reality for boys. Now it's time for girls to enjoy one of the many "advantages" of being male.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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