More whining from Camp Hillary

She just can't help herself, can she? A trail of male bodies lies behind her and she's still on about how hard it is out there for a woman in politics! Report here. This is getting so old. Excerpt:

'In an interview with ABC News' Cynthia McFadden to air on this evening's "Nightline," Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., says it's tougher for her to run as a woman than it is for her male opponent.
"Every so often I just wish that it were a little more of an even playing field," she said, "but, you know, I play on whatever field is out there."
I also wonder if former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C. -- and all the other men vanquished by Clinton (and Obama) so handily -- think that they had an easy go of it.'

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I'd vote for Laura Roslin in a second. In the show, she had a fatal diagnosis of breast cancer but stepped up to the plate when there was no one else to assume the presidency after the entire cabinet was dead and her entire civilization and its billions of people were all snuffed out over the course of a few minutes.

She could have whined about those evil Cylons and how it just wasn't a level playing field what with their network-blasting technology, but she didn't, nor did she thrown tantrums (and objects) at people and collapse regularly into a nervous wreck-heap (where have we heard of this kind of behavior before, here in real life?). But instead, she did what she was sworn to do. And without complaint. She made tough decisions without looking back and done what has needed to be done keeping as much of her humanity as she can under the circumstances.

Too bad the first real female contender for a real presidential position is nothing like her. If Hildebeast needs a role model for herself, she needs to get all 4 seasons of BSG on DVD and start watching.

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Let's be honest.

It was inevitable that the first real female contender for the presidency would be a whiny victimologist since most women subscribe to that camp today anyway.

Women are just now seeing that all of their whining isn't swaying everybody as it always did. Of course you still have the politically correct bozos that believe all of women's fraudulent claims of oppression(Hell you even have some clowns here that are pro-feminist). The average intelligient man and woman have long since turned their heads on these grown crybabies looking for a free ride.

Pay your own way trifling skanks and take the blows just like you're so ready to deal them. Men hit women back now; ain't that somethin' ?

If you can't take the heat YOU created, go sit on a feminist website and make up more nonsense about women being oppressed or how afraid you are of men. You don't deserve to be Commander in Chief if you're going to play independent women one minute and helpless little girl the next.

Mr. Reality's new story - Wendy's feminist tactics are nothing new.

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The media (and not just the liberal medai) discounted Edwards from day one. CNN et. al. would usually only interview him within the context of, "what would make you drop out of the race, Senator Edwards?" They were absolutely determined, that a white man would not win the Democratic nomination.

It's scary when the media decides who's going to be elected. It's every bit as bad as how the Supreme Court elected Bush. In fact when you think of it, those five of nine idiots are responsible for the war in Iraq (in tandem with Nader).

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If Hillary starts with the "little poor me because I am female" routine while she is still (technically)in contention for the nomination then what will she do when it becomes offical and her entitlement to the Presidency is denied her?

Will she freak out publically and so become a historial icon for sour grapes loser?

We will see.

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MrReality nails it yet again. (And to think we were once each other's foils. See what happens when you read with an open mind?)

Can you imagine President Hillary going to North Korea to negotiate with Kim Jong Il?

First of all, she is nine inches taller than him and that poses serious problems for world leader photo ops.

Second, "Dear Leader" (Kim) has the world's largest pornography collection.

When he looks at Hillary, I guarantee he's not thinking "hot babe I need to deal with..."

Hillary has tried everything to persuade voters that she is credible as a potential President.

She has not failed because she is female.

She has failed because she is HILLARY!

Get some therapy and come back in eight years girl if you can look in the mirror and identify an actual human being.

That's harsh. But true.

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why would somebody want you to run the United States, when you can't even keep your man satisfied? I'd also like to know where Hillary got all of the experience she claims to have. Oh yeah, that was from when Bill was president, right? So, just sitting on the sidelines and watching is "experience"? Whatever...

Now Hillary's claiming that because she's a woman, people don't like her. LOL. Next she's going to tell us that she doesn't like to go to they gym because she doesn't like men gawking at her. Why is it that woman so easily find a way to blame the opposite gender for everything? I guess that's what happens when you're spoon fed from day one. Obviously, someone who was taken care of their whole life has no business trying to take care of a nation.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I find it interesting that Hillary's reputation is that she hired all her campaign managers for their loyalty to her.

Now that her campaign is tanking, she is firing a lot of them.

Do you think this kind of narcissistic personality could ever lead America's armed forces in an actual war?

Periscope depth please!

Then another 30 meters dive dive dive!

Wait ... I can't see the enemy now! WTF?

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Remember First Lady Hillary's failed health care plan? (she was taking the heat for Bill - we couldn't let the president propose one himself, then have it fail).

I'm not sure exactly what changes she may have made to her preivous plan, but what if her CURRENT proposal fails? What if she doesn't know squat about the issue? Or, what if she's a big fat liar, and just goes with the current situation??

[Notice how the MSM never raised the issue (of the previous failure). If they did, I never heard or read about it.]


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There has been some (not a lot) of media commentary that Hillary blew the universal health care plan because she was secretive and controlling and did not reach out to politicians (even in her own party) to get some legislation passed.

Imagine that.

A controlling, secretive, manipulative, "my way or the highway" passive-aggressive type woman.

What a rare specimen!

Completely unlike the typical American female...

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"Completely unlike the typical American female..."

Good one Roy. You made me laugh.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Hopefully she's about to go the way of the Kiwi..and never again will a woman run for president!

Thus quoth the Kiwi - "Nevermore!"


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I don't think all women would make bad presidents, but Hillary definitely is not suited for the job. As many posters on this site have pointed out, when things go wrong for her, she never takes responsibility, instead she claims she's a victim. How can someone like that run a country? When things go wrong, she won't have people pandering to her, as if someone's victimized her. What would she do in that scenario? Now, if a woman who thought like Erin Pizzey ran for president, I'd root for her.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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As long as women lobby for preferential treatment via their victim politics, aren't held to the same standards as men, can obtain an easy living simply because they have a pussy, act like spoiled children, are obssessed with physical traits rather than intellect and compassion for others, etc.; women will make bad presidents.

There simply aren't enough women going against this negative behavior the female gender seems to embody to prove that a female president would be capable, accountable and respectful of everyone under their control(this means taking care of someone other than women and their children).

Women are pretty much spoiled children in grown-up bodies today, and I would never trust a spoiled child to lead an entire country.

Mr. Reality's new story - Wendy's feminist tactics are nothing new.

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The way the site is formatted makes it look like crap on smaller monitors - 17" or smaller - or display settings below 1024 X 768

On my monitor the site looks great. My monitor is an Asus (they makes awesome monitors and their new ones they launched this week at CeBIT are fantastic) 22" LCD widescreen @ 1680 X 1050) but on my girl friends monitor the site looks like you describe. Hers is a Viewsonic 17" CRT @ 800 X 600. But the color is going on hers, and I might just use that as an excuse to upgrade my monitor to one of the new Asus monitors that came out this week and give her mine (only 5 months old).

If your monitor supports it, change your resolution to 1024 X 768 (adjust the font size if everything looks really small) and you should be fine

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It's like if somebody complained that the pages take too long to download, and I responded by saying "I have a fiber-optic macro-burst T1 internet line, with a 50-terabyte bandwidth and 1 billion to 1 data compression."

(just kidding around P.)

Actually I recently started having the same visual problem with the site. Roy's comment looks very narrow to me.


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It is true..

But I still stand by my belief that this site is optimized for 1024 X 768 or higher

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