Bravo's "Millionaire Match Maker" No Place for Men

Via email submission:

Hi my name is Dan. I'm a big fan of your blog and I have a lot of respect for you and what you are doing. I recently sent a letter to the website for the Bravo television network about a show they have called Millionaire Match Maker. Like I'm guessing most of you, I have grown tired in the last couple of years of TV shows depicting women being rude or condescending towards men. I see it in TV commercials, programs and reality shows. Well, a couple of days ago I was watching the above-named show and decided I was going to write the network and tell them about how I felt. Here is copy of the letter:


I am a member of a growing group of men's rights activists and I found your show to be offensive to men and irresponsible.

Your show depicts a woman who is demeaning and condescending towards the men in the show. The show is called Millionaire Match Maker that airs on the Bravo TV network. In the show, a woman (Pattie) who runs a dating service, is supposedly hired by various wealthy men in Los Angeles to find a woman that they might fall in love with. However, Pattie is show to mostly have a rude, catty attitude and takes it upon her self to tell these men what she thinks of them, criticize and order them to make curtain changes in there lives, wardrobe, attitude, etc. so that they might be lucky enough to marry one of her "independent women" that belong to her service.

She is usually show to have an irritated, judgmental demeanor and to be generally arrogant. In your latest episode called "rocker guy", Pattie meets a guy called Julian that lives in a house that appears to be a upper-middle class dwelling, but because it is apparently not big or extravagant enough, refers to the house and neighborhood as a "ghetto", and because the house does live up to her standards, she further refers to him as a "cheep, lazy, s.o.b." At one point, she is standing outside his house and says, "this is disgusting, this is not a millionaire". Before meeting Julian, she reviews a video tape interview of him in her office and tells some of her female co-workers that she is going to whip him into shape before he will be allowed to meet any girls, she says that she is going to "slap this bitch" into shape, referring to him as her "bitch". After walking into his house she tells Julian that "no woman would date you while you live in a house like this". Julian then asks her if a woman who would think something like that, would be right for him in the first place, she responds "trust me, no woman with a spine would date you in this house, your a cheapskate", "you live in a dump", "get it together".

She finally and reluctantly tells Julian that she will work with him but that "you need to change you attitude", and "you need to decide to fall in love" before I will help you and before you can meet any girls in the dating service. There are many other examples of sarcastic, condescending behavior exhibited by the woman in your show, but I don't have time to list them all (these were just a few that stuck out and I remembered). The point is, there may be a lot of people at your company and in the public that enjoy watching a woman being rude and demeaning towards a man, but keep in mind that your show is broadcast on cable for everyone to see including children who are young and impressionable.

The kind of interactions and interplay between sexes that you show on TV mean a great deal to young people. In my opinion, your show is sexist. If you question that comment, simply reverse the rolls where a man is depicted to shape these women up to be suitable and good enough so that someone might do them a favor and want to marry them, all the while saying things like, "i'm going to slap this bitch", "this place is disgusting", "your a cheep, lazy, s.o.b." "you live in a dump". I think there would be more than a few woman's rights activist upset. Further, with Pattie's behavior, you broadcast to the world examples furthering the stereotypes of women being materialistic. With comments like, "no woman would date you living in a house like this"(an upper-middle class house in California, by the way), and "this is disgusting, this is not a millionaire".

It is important that we portray women in a positive light, not further stereotypes of cattiness, bitchyness, rude behavior or materialism, as your show does. Young men and women need better roll models than that. They need examples of men and women respecting and caring for one another, not examples of behavior that is divisive and gender polarizing. I am going to copy this email and post it on various men's rights blogs in witch I am a member. If you would like to respond to it, please do not send a standard message thanking me for my input and feedback saying you were sorry I found it offensive, rather I would like to know if someone at Bravo TV has the courage to address and defend showing misadry and negative female stereotypes to millions of people, and how it could effect children that might end up watching your show and if you were really responsible, you could respond to the specific examples of behavior and quotes of Pattie's that I laid out in the letter.

With all the TV shows in past decades that were sexist towards women, depicting men talking down to, demeaning, condemning and criticizing women, I would think that in this new age where women are liberated, you would be more mature, responsible and compassionate to not perpetuate the same bad behavior, only towards men now.


P.S. I was in quite a hurry when writing this, but there were many other examples of underhanded, matter-of-fact ways of condescension and sarcasm toward the men in the show by Pattie. As well, there are many other episodes of this show that air every day on Bravo TV and can be viewed on their website. The link to view this particular episode is

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These types of programs are exactly why I don't watch TV nor do I let my children. This is garbage, not entertainment.

oregon dad

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I'll see if I can dig it up and post a link to it here.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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what? - blatant discrimination, name calling, sexism, and the list goes on

where? - prime time t.v.

against - men

by - women

just another day in the steadily declining world of television. nuttinu

where do they find these males that want to give away their stuff to these selfish %#@!s? i don't believe most of it. guys w/ a lotta $$$ don't typically need help finding gold diggers. maybe they should take a lesson from paul mcbeatle. did i read that even his daughter tried to get him to get a prenup? probably wouldn't have helped w/ a child involved. what a joke the whole marriage/divorce industry has become.

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that women marry for money, nothing does. Oh wait, that's right, they don't marry just for money, they marry to satisfy their shallow needs, that is a house, a yacht, living a life of luxury without having to lift a finger. Hos like Pattie need to snap out of it.

I would love to see the roles reversed and her being criticized, after all, apart from a materialistic, ornery, bitchy personality, she's got nothing. I pity the man that has to sleep next to that beast at night.

BTW, Dan, good job pointing out how this is negative towards women too. You'd think that women would realize that shows like this which promote materialism do not show them in a nice light. Also, you'd think that women would realize the being materialistic is a gigantic turnoff for most men.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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All MRAs will know that the Gender Wars are changing when there is a reality TV show titled - "Women Seeking to Go to Bed with Geeky Philosophers."

Until then, wear a condom.

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I am amused by the fact that you noticed and picked out all of the demeaning things she said to the guys in this show. You were so angry in fact that you wrote to Bravo. Fine if yu feel strongly about something it's wonderful that you write. But I noticed your letter was pretty one sided. Watching this show I noticed that she was very old-fashioned/superficial with both male and female gender roles. Funny how you only seemed to notice that she was that way with the men.

Oh you said making women seem like they were only after men for money was also bad for women. What about the other side of that? IT HAS NEVER in the history of western culture been that women only want men for materialistic reasons and thats it-these poor sweet men just want to be loved and get used. It has been that women who want men for their money are those married to men that want women for their looks. So the man with more money/power gets the woman people feel is more attractive and subservient. Her system of match making follows that standard completely.

Not only is it making women seem materialistic it's making men seem superficial. DID YOU NOTICE THAT? Did you notice in that same episode she told a woman that saying she was a doctor would be a turn off to men, or tell a woman she was too old for a man who was exactly the same age she was, OR constantly dogged the way the women looked on the show? Did you not see the women rounded up like cattle and then 5 to 10 of them compete for the affections of 2 men? That wasn't sexist or demeaning? You haven't heard her say the women need to give up their careers if the men tell them too to take care of kids, or tell them men only want long straight hair, and they needed to sex themselves up and not give off a "mom" vibe. There was an entire episode devoted to her telling women they didn't look right but needed to follow this shallow masogenistic ideal of beauty. Over half the women there have breast implants. They are FAR better looking than the men she sets them up with and they require model type headshots for the selection process. NOT TO MENTION THE MEN ARE THE ONES WHO ULTIMATELY PICK WHO THEY WANT TO DATE.

She definietly has a standard of gender roles but it's sexist on both sides. This was not noted in your letter to Bravo and I was wondering why. Could it be that you don't care when a woman is demeaned because we're so used to seeing it in our culture. But the same thing happens to a man and you're so furious you write a letter?

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I saw this woman on Dr. Phil yesterday and was horrified. She is demeaning to both men and women. I'm happy that this site is sticking up for male rights. I am a feminist, but I think the past twenty years have continually portrayed the majority of men in a negative way ie. irresponsible, addicted to pornography, immoral etc. Way to go for fighting the negative stereotypes.

This millionare matchmaker lady is a bad role model for everyone.

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