A letter to protest tax-funded misandry

This intriguing letter was written by Deborah Fellows, president of the New York Civil Rights Council. Excerpt:

'“Women” studies appeared overnight and everywhere. Statistics like “One in Four females will be sexually molested by the time their 21” or “Super bowl Sunday incidences of domestic violence raise by a factor of four” started to appear. They were repeated so much they did become the truth. But when true and factual reports came out to counter balance the manipulated reports they had to come up with another way of getting their message of hatred and prejudices across. They infiltrated the Governments. They had to manipulate the questions to fulfill their data. Henceforth – Propaganda was again born.'

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I understand many dislike McElroy [for many reasons]. I found this letter on her site and believe she is more of an ally than an enemy. She understands the propaganda of political correctness and actually knows what the word Misandry means.

Some months ago I had consistent contact with McElroy via e-mail. Unfortunely her Ifeminist e-mail was temporarily shut down due to nasty comments. Most from gender feminists and a few from angry MRA's. She's now difficult to contact.

I realize she's not an MRA, but has tremendous insight in regards to SOME of our issues. From what I was told she'll once again write for FOX News online. Regardless of much individual hatred for FOX, most of her previous articles are generally pro-male.


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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This is an e-mail from McElroy in regards to a man that permanently damaged her eye while they were dating.

YES, i do sympathize with her the same way I have empathy for men abused by their wives. Does the statement make me less of an MRA?

I also asked her a question about NOW's hypocrisy in regards to abortion. [I corrected this statement which is an edit]

This is why I respect her. Keep in mind I don't see her as an individual who would embellish such a situation. She could of easily become a man hater but she didn't. She's an advocate for equity as it relates to domestic violence.

Here's the e-mail!


Hey Anthony:

"Sorry to be such a poor correspondent but I've been swamped with end of
the year work pressure.

Yes, my eye is injured beyond repair...except if technology improves
considerably in this area. But it is not a tragedy as the other eye
compensates for the blindness and, so, there is little I have difficulty
doing. Depth perception is sometimes a problem but not usually.

Thanks for being shocked Anthony. If more people were shocked by the
idea of violence between intimates, then I don't think it would be as
common as I believe it is although I don't believe it is as prevalent as
mainstream feminism would make it out to be.

I was well aware that one man, one human being was the cause of my
injuries and I did not blame anyone else but myself for them. I still
ask myself 'why did I stay?' I cannot say that I am such a sterling
example of humanity that I was not angry with men in general for a
period but I acted against the generalized anger by reminding myself
constantly of the fact that one individual and one individual alone beat
me up. This was self-interest on my part. I am thoroughly heterosexual
and I wanted very much for my next relationship to be a partnership
bases on trust, love and respect. I've found that with Bradford. If I
had allowed myself to choose the generalized anger over what I knew to
be true, then I would have never been the person who attracted him and
made our relationship work. It really is a person's choices that define
him or her.

I am not sure of Now stand on gender selection but various other
feminist organizations fall firmly down against allowing women to abort
female fetuses on the basis of their gender. Of course, this is
hypocrisy because they are trying to restrict a woman's right to
abortion to those circumstances that "they" consider appropriate. And,
of course, they never blame the aborting woman but prefer to blame the
surrounding cultural values that pressure -- nay, force -- women to
choose gender specific abortions. Yadda yadda yadda."

Happy New Year to you Anthony!

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [ifeminists.com] ......
> Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:56:24 -0600
> From: Megalomaniac @..................
> To: admin@ifeminists.net

"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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I've always considered Wendy McElroy to be an ally. Quite frankly, I don't understand why some MRA's express such hostility towards her. I'm glad she is going to write again for FoxNews. Thanks for posting this.

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Wendy McElroy could immediately gain a lot of respect if she would just give up the silly "i-feminist" handle.

She writes well and thinks well but she is somehow connected to feminism.

Why is that?

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After reading a lot of articles online written by both masculists, and feminists, I've noticed the articles which are nothing more than BS usually use language that is not articulate at all. Wendy obviously has a good command of the English language, and she's logical. I agree she's an ally. I really respect her for not hating all men for what happened, and actually being against the skewed "statistics" which feminist groups like NOW try to force-feed us. I think hating the opposite gender is a phase all of us go through. I went through it too, but I realized that I was really angry at myself, like Wendy. I was angry at myself for selling myself short, lacking confidence, and caring too much what women thought. I realize that that is what ultimately drove them away. I'm now much more confident, and I'm not all hung up on finding a woman. And ironically, now I see a whole world of possibilities for relationships, and I like it. I don't see the point in hating all women. There are a lot of good ones out there, as Wendy has demonstrated. Add Deborah Fellows, Amy Alkon, and my wonderful new female acquaintance Jessica to that list.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The article was written by Deborah Fellows.
Not Wendy.

Just thought I'd remind you.

oregon dad

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Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I think the discussion started because I found the letter on McElroy's site. I thought the letter was great.


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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I'ts great to see some women also speaking out against anti-male bias.

It gives me some hope.

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The article was written by Deborah Fellows.
Not Wendy.

So this joker is up here praising Wendy even though she didn't write the letter?


Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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"So this joker is up here praising Wendy even though she didn't write the letter?" [Reality]

I thought the letter was great but also appreciated the fact that it was posted on McElroy's site. I would venture to say she approved the letter because of its importance and her understanding of misandry.

By the way, whats the problem with deviating from the orginal submission?

I see it this way, I doubt you have any respect for McElroy. If I was praisng Rudov, you'd be all for it.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Just speaking for my own self, I will have some "hope" about women when they --
*protest the next reauthorization of VAWA
* organize to reform child support and custody laws
* help to dismantle the Domestic Violence Industry
* march to protest false rape allegations
* write their congresspersons to stamp out paternity fraud
*fight for boy-friendly school classrooms
*end the practice of undeserved alimony

Actually, I would have some hope about women if they would just do any ONE of those things....

I am not especially hopeful.

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I already responded to your orginal post in regards to McElroy. You made your point and now it might be advantageous to let it go.

As for "retarded"? Can't you think of a better term. Maybe Developmentally Challenged?

Think about it and get back to me

Cordially Yours:



I was wondering what you did for Valentines Day? Did you have any special plans you might enjoy discussing?


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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That's why most teachers are both female and idiots. I met some of the dumbest people in the world while I was attending college.

Just speaking for my own self, I will have some "hope" about women when they --
*protest the next reauthorization of VAWA
* organize to reform child support and custody laws
* help to dismantle the Domestic Violence Industry
* march to protest false rape allegations
* write their congresspersons to stamp out paternity fraud
*fight for boy-friendly school classrooms
*end the practice of undeserved alimony

Actually, I would have some hope about women if they would just do any ONE of those things....

I am not especially hopeful.

You might as well keep hoping sir. What you may get is a few women that stand side-by-side with misandry -- and the preferential treatment of women it brings -- while at the same time supposedly writing articles to fight it.

It's really no different than women claiming "we want to be equal but still want preferential treatment."

Women are given the freedom to not make any damn sense. If a woman does something dumb(and hateful) the world rushes to cover her tracks; if a man is even "perceived" as doing something dumb(or is angry at injustice; which he should be) he is emasculated by this feminized, politically correct society.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I try to never take anything "personally" that is simply words-on-a-screen.

There is an interesting thing happening in our society with all the blogging and social networking and texting and celling ...

it's almost like people are seeking a lifestyle that eliminates face-to-face human contact.

(Best books exploring cyberville so far -- Sherry Turkle's "Life on the Screen." Also Lee Siegels's "Against the Machine.")

The basic theory of cultural scholars is that being anonymous on the 'Net allows persons to behave in ways they would refrain from in actual face-to-face encounters.

But I get confused about -- "behave" --

because it's just words-on-a-screen, right?

I guess I can pretend to flatter a poster, or anger a poster, or merely comment about a poster's inscribed character, opinions, ideas, logic, etc.

But it is all a simulation of something, right?

Or, maybe it is becoming real?

Most of the time Mr.Reality cracks me up.

I think he may be the savaant that delivers the final solution about how MRAs need to dialogue.

(PS - if you're going to use lyrics in your sig line from the Stones AND Dylan, you might as well include some Hendrix once in a while.)

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Check out this Wikipedia article on what has been called "Cocooning." It addresses how society has become socially stunted when it comes to relating to one another face-to-face.

It really delves into people retreating from the "real world" and how they immerse themselves in faux socialization mediums.

I copied and pasted it for you:

Cocooning is the name given to trend that sees individuals socializing less and retreating into their home more. Individuals tend to stay away from society and lack in social confidence leading to 'cocooning'. The term was coined in the 1990s by Faith Popcorn a trend forecaster and marketing consultant. Popcorn identified cocooning as a commercially significant trend that would lead to, among other things, stay-at-home electronic shopping.

Since Popcorn coined the term, the trend has continued. The creation of the World Wide Web (WWW), home entertainment technology, advances in communication technology (cellphones, PDAs, and Blackberries) which allow "work-at-home" options, and demographic changes have made cocooning an increasingly attractive option.

William A. Sherden in The Fortune Sellers: The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions (ISBN 0-471-35844-4) takes a skeptical view of Popcorn's ideas about Cocooning, among other things, and concludes she was simply wrong on several key issues.

Marc Rudov also did an article titled "Texting leads to cheating." You may want to look it up.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocooning

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I respect his guitar ability but was never a huge fan.

The Rolling Stones are by FAR my favorite band.

"it's almost like people are seeking a lifestyle that eliminates face-to-face human contact." [Roy]

I blog on a number of sites. Mostly political and baseball. Infact this is the only MRA site I contribute to. I try and keep my computer/TV time to a minimum. I can't lose site of interpersonal communication.

I think as technology becomes more advanced many in society might hibernate in their multi media environment.

My cousin [16 years old] spends about seven hour a day playing X-Box. I told him he could have a difficult time assimilating in an adult society as he grows older. Like many teenage boys very little in our pussified society stimulates him.

"The basic theory of cultural scholars is that being anonymous on the 'Net allows persons to behave in ways they would refrain from in actual face-to-face encounters." [Roy]

I think avoiding face to face contact might be a result of many who suffer from social anxiety. Bottom line: its easier to communicate via blog than actually sitting down with a person. I also believe many communicate through the Internet because rejection is a non-issue.

I see it this way. I don't know anyone personally with any knowledge of gender issues. I can only discuss gender issues with the guys on this board. Hopefully as our movement gains more momentum I might be able to have an intelligent conversation with a friend at a bar.

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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