Hillary learns the hard way-- or maybe she doesn't

I saw this and this and laughed. "She who lives by the PC-sword apparently also dies by it." Well if you're going to keep taking the approach that skin color-ethnicity and/or gender are, or should be, significant factors in decisions that don't really have them as a proper input, I suppose when things don't go your way, you must accept the consequences. I hope she learns something from these happenings but somehow, I doubt she will.

To truly take on a point of view that says to judge people by the content of their character rather than anything else apparently has yet to really make its way into the collective psyche. MLK Jr. would be disappointed, but really, what did he expect? This human race it seems has a long way to go in pulling its collective head out of its collective you-know-what.

Not wanting to count chickens before they are hatched, and barring something really unexpected, I think The Hildebeast has, for all intents and purposes, been slain (see Yahoo's Interactive Map for primary results and forecasts in states that have not yet voted). What's funny is that between her and her husband, they've pretty much done it to themselves.

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Just personally, I am loving watching Hillary freak out and melt down as she starts to contemplate that she is LOSING.

Have you seen her photos lately? She looks like a crack whore who can't score.

This is so revealing about what having her as President would mean.

Even the almost dead Fidel Castro could beat her up in a negotiation.

Go away girl...

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If Hillary crashes, which seems likely, I wonder if she will dump Bill? After all if she isn't going to be the Prez then why have that worthless piece of crap in her life? He would no longer serve any useful purpose to her. She should cash him in. Bill has never been an advocate for men's rights as far as I can tell from his past record! So screw him.

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When Hillary does not become President, she will not dump Bill.

She will figure out some scheme to make millions as the ambassador of vaginas for the U.N. or some similar racket.

Obama will toss her a bone.

Hillary is an opportunist. She lives for opportunities.

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Obama may be starting to seem even more charismatic than Bill was, at least in a more "energetic" or youthful way. Whereas Bill's charisma depended on sort of a fatherly charm - a calm, wise old man. Of course he quickly lost that reputation during his wife's campaign - by, for example, attacking media persons.

Maybe Hillary hasn't had time to have sex with him, so he's gotten all wound up ;-)


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come on ax - you don't really believe that.

all here should celebrate tho. world's #1 feminist is going down.

no, i won't go there. too easy.

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Which is why I haven't ruled out the possibility of Hillary getting the nomination. Believe me, I would love to watch her concession speech.


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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Maybe Bill is a pervert but the guy is definitely getting laid on a regular basis. I can't blame him. Could you imagine the horror of seeing Hillary naked?

I'll be back in a minute because picturing Hillary naked has lead me to puke in the toilet.

O.K. I'm back

The only thing Bill needs to worry about is not shooting a load on women's apparel. Jesus Bill, keep it quiet!


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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My posts got banned on a prominent men's web site when I asked a simple question --

Are Americans really ready to watch their first ever elected female President get old?

Hillary is not looking so good right now.

Imagine having her sit down with Hugo Chavez to negotiate some oil deals and he's thinking -- "you look like my grandma..."

This cannot be permitted to happen.

Hillary needs to spend eight years healing her marriage, not trying to run any country.

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Hillary naked?? YECCHHH!!! I'd rather see a mummy..even without it's tape on!!


Keeps flowin' like a river.
To the sea."

[Alan Parsons]

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I'd rather see Rosie O'Donell naked! That's saying a lot. And I'm sorry for all the throwing up that statement has caused the other members of the board. What if Hillary was bi and had a fling with Rosie? Ewww... I'm not gonna eat for a week now!

But that's besides the point. I'm glad that Hillary's starting to crash and burn. The only hope she ever had of winning the election was to gain the votes of hardcore girl power types and manginas, and fortunately, most people are competent enough to see that Obama would be the better choice. It all comes down to how you handle the debates, and what your plans are for the nation. Obama really excelled in these categories. He has my blessing.

BTW, I know that he proposed a bill that would make the penalties for those paying child support stricter if they miss payments, but we can always write him and get him to change his mind. After all, isn't he an advocate of fatherhood?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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A few months ago on this board, there was a topic posted about how Obama had come out and said "absent black fathers need to become more responsible than they have been, and be there for the upbringing of their children.." (paraphrasing)

In other words the line about deadbeat dads. I still don't think he's an honorary woman (about the same as what you're calling a "mangina"), though, like Edwards was. I'll vote for him if he wins the primary. If Hillary wins, I'm not voting.


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But he was really good on a lot of other issues. And possibly after he sees Support System Down, he'll change his mind about the bill, and retract his statement. He should have sympathy on his fellow man. He should know what it's like to be hated for being both black and male. Something tells me his mind could be changed.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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