Torrance, California is Site of Second Fathers' Rights Rally

Torrance, California is Site of Second Fathers' Rights Rally

"While a clear blue sky and lush green grass presented a pleasant setting for beaten down Dads to gather, the pleasantry of the setting could not take away from the serious reason for Sunday's rally. Fathers across Los Angeles County, California, and America are being grossly abused by family law courts that do little to dispense just resolutions to family law litigant Fathers who come before them."

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go ray!!

I wish you would post a date ahead of time for future park protests, so guys like me could maybe schedule a couple day vacation to southern california to stand around with you guys for a most worthy cause.

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We're still learning how to do all this, but do try to get the word out as much as we are able. You are certainly welcome to attend anytime.

Winter is our rainly season and we just can't do these in a rain storm. So far we've only missed one rally because of rain. Check the forcast for Sherman Oaks, or Torrance. If rain is in the schedule, we won't be rallying.

Here is where the announcement of future rallies is posted.

Goto: "Upcoming Rally Invitation"

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