Ruov: Boycott Valentine's Day

An excerpt from Compelled to Give:

"It's February again. This can mean only one thing: the dreaded, compulsory Valentine's Day is just around the corner. If you forgot, fear not: the onslaught of TV and radio commercials will remind you and remind you and remind you. There is no escaping them, and they all share a common theme: women are entitled to receive; men are compelled to give. Nothing quite captures the essence of love like female entitlement.

Ask the typical woman to define romance. I'll lay odds that she'll describe a man buying and/or doing something for her, without a word about spoiling him. Why such narcissism? Simple. Most women are raised to be self-absorbed takers, and insecure men continue to tolerate and enable them.

Are men worthless? Only if they never demand fairness and reciprocity from women — and many men don't. Valentine's Day, and all of its pathetic rituals, represents the failure of men to stand up to women — who, ironically, don't respect these eunuchs and don't sexually crave them, either."

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Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to leave your miserable wife or gold-digging girlfriend. Take your uncompatible nightmare out for dinner and ask her for a divorce (and to also pickup the dinner check too!). While all the doormats are handing over diamonds at the tables next to you, you can feel proud that you are on your way to a long fulfilling life of no stress and immense personal wealth.

My brothers over at the Don’t Get Married Forum are buzzing as expected this fine Valentine’s Day.

Brother systems1082 gives some keen insight to those who may be happy with their wives or girlfriends and are thinking of buying their sweeties a Valentine’s Day gift.

“Valentines day is approaching and I wonder how many men are anticipating a rolex or a platinum bracelet from his wife or girlfriend.

I counted over 53 different tv, radio and newspaper ads during Christmas and closer to 75 during Valentines Day.

The ties, the flower or cards are nice but do they compare to a set of diamonds, bracelets or rings a woman ‘expects’?

I’ve noticed over the last 20+ years how arrogant women have become in demanding and expecting diamonds every single ‘Hallmark’ holiday.

DeBeers started the ball rolling back in the mid 1940’s duping men returning from Europe or the Pacific to buy a ring to show his girl back home he cares. Did they not think it should have been the woman buying the man the ring to show she cares and will wait? It’s backward to say the least, and women use this to shame men into buying them a diamond.

Of course an engagement ring is expected, what 4 months salary? What if she divorces, shouldn’t this engagement ring be returned? It was and never is a gift, it’s a symbol of engagement and if she breaks this engagement, she should be made to give it back.

Think of all the men going into debt because of being pressured, shamed and even lied to, so he purchases a ring.

Buy her flowers, or dinner, but tell Debeers, Jared, Kay etc. to stay the hell out of your lives.

This was the topic last night at dinner. My 20 something friend told me she’s always known, and heard 4 months salary.

I asked her what her reasoning was, and her silence before answering was telling. She said ‘just how it is’ I would not spend 4 months salary on a woman to save her life, let alone buy her some ring. Of course she became angry, but she has to because it’s in her best interest to keep the ‘4 month salary’ growing.”

Brother darthchode offers some advice and a link for those who are compelled to purchase a ring.

“Should I ever buy an diamond engagement ring, it will be with these stones:

Cheap, real, and man-made


Overpriced, real, and mined by slaves.”

And Brother Lee puts the purchase in perspective:

“That is I-N-S-A-N-E.

For the slightly below average man who earns $40,000/yr, the ring should be $13,333??? For a man struggling along at $24,000 he should spend $8,000 freaking’ dollars on a ring!?!

What if you earn $90,000? Does that mean the average AW (American Woman) expects an outlay of $30,000?!?

This is just a rule of thumb to make the man a wage slave, forcing him to work OT and dangerous jobs to get the extra cash to pay for the debt overhead such foolishness will surely cause.

4 months salary…{fckoff}

Absolutely not.”

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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It must be returned when the blowjobs stop!

oregon dad

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This is what you do on Valentine's Day. It also works for an engagement ring. Give her a card with a note saying that instead of buying her a gift, you decided to make a contribution in her name to a good charity that you both support (you have to really make the donation). See how she responds. She certainly can't call you cheap. Will she be touched by your generosity and care for the less fortunate, or will she be disappointed that she's not getting a dime. Look at Valentine's Day as an opportunity to find out what she is really like.

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This guy has come a long way in a year or so, because he used to just write about how to get pussy.

He has now become a political MRA, and he's stolen a lot of my riffs....

But that's fine because I give them away for free.

He even got me banned from MND, but that's OK too.

I think Marc owes me a decent beer in my favorite bar in Carriacou.

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The word "cheap" only gets thrown around when you don't give women what they want. Most women could care less about charities; they only donate for publicity. Oprah comes to mind..

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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You don't have an actual girlfriend, right?

V-day is not the especially best time to "find out what she is really like."

And, your advice would lead to a spike in male homicides that we don't need.

If you want to find out what she is "really like..." --- go meet her mom.

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This is what I did. I was broke this Valentine's Day, so I sent my girl a couple ecards. She really appreciated the gesture.

You see, a good woman appreciates a gift or gesture no matter how big or small. A spoiled brat expects the whole world on a silver platter. There's no way in hell I'd ever buy diamonds as a valentine's day gift. Flowers, a stuffed animal, chocolates, perfume, perhaps, but jewellery... forget it! You save gifts like that for milestones like important birthdays and anniversaries.

And it's hilarious how we're expected to spend four months salary on an engagement ring. Whatever.... Since when did love become all about gold digging?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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He's saying boycott it and stop purchasing gifts for women, not get cheaper gifts because "you were broke this Valentine's Day."

You still don't get it do you? That's ok most men don't.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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