Strippers Welcomed Back to Duke... as "Paid Artists"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Duke University has come under fire from some students and conservative commentators this week for hosting a performance that involved strippers and burlesque dancers, two years after an infamous case in which lacrosse players at the school were falsely accused of raping a stripper at a team party.

The Sex Workers' Art Show, a traveling act that features discussions about the sex industry as well as performances by strippers and burlesque dancers, performed on campus on Sunday. The event was sponsored and paid for in part by the Student Health Center, the Duke women's center, the Women's Studies department and the sexual assault support services, among other groups.
Larry Moneta, Duke's vice president for student affairs, said the performance "raised issues for discussion." Asked about the difference between the art show and the lacrosse team's hosting strippers, he said, "one served the purpose of personal gratification and the other had educational value."'

(Bottom line - students paid fees that were used to hire educationally-inclined strippers. Does that make all the students pimps?)

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The event was sponsored by "sexual assault support services"? I thought these were the same women who claim that viewing pornography, etc. increases the rate of sex crimes committed by men?? Are men's teams' student athletes allowed to view the "performances"?? Is this in the best interests of "taking back the night"??????

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So universities equate stripping with education? WTF! What a waste of money! Not to mention, at a University where a stripper falsely accused the LAX players of rape! Perhaps it's 'cause Duke is so feminized that it's trying to get all the male students falsely accused of rape?

This makes me proud once again that I dropped out of University. The more I hear about stupid stuff like this the more I realize that Universities might as well be shaped like the female form, with the Administrative building the vagina, and the Dean's Office the breasts.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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ax - "I thought these were the same women who claim that viewing pornography, etc."

Here's the deal. There has been a huge debate in feminism going back 30 years about porn. It's still not resolved.

Recall reading about the "free love" movement? That meant that girls can sleep around as a way of expressing their liberation. (That's become the norm today, but it was once a "revolutionary" feminist idea. Google Isadora Duncan.)

In the 70's there were a lot of academic feminists trying to figure out if there could be a "redemption" of pornography in a feminist-friendly mode. Porn for girls.

Today basically that question has been answered by female chauvinist pigs, raunch culture, porn stars as role models, girls gone wild, all the idiot pop music faux-strippers, Hannah Montana and the continuing sexualization of children, etc.

Something went terribly wrong with feminism, apparently. The idea was that when women got more power and money and independence, they would behave like men.

But, I guess they still want to flash their boobs, buy dozens of pairs of shoes that they don't need, and get in free on "Ladies Night."

I have my own theories ... mostly that it is never wise to indulge children before you have educated them about the consequences of their choices.

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In all reality most women see nothing wrong with whoredom; which is why so many engage in it.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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In this day and age of feminist raunch culture and girls gone wild and romance as a temporary financial exchange --

what does it mean actually to be a "whore?"

It used to suggest trading sex for money, but marriage seems to qualify if that is the main criteria. (In which case both parties are whores...)

My personal opinion is that it may now mean that you sold yourself too cheaply and didn't get the optimum deal.

So, to be called a "whore" is kind of like being called "stupid."

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The three basic differing feminist views of porn (and likewise prostitution) are:

1) Belief that both are based on the subordination and objectification of women, which makes these industries inherently misogynistic;

2) The belief that both should be tolerated in order to avoid abregating freedom in one form or another;

3) The belief that both should be valued as venues for the liberation of women from outdated notions of female sexuality.


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Actually there is a fourth feminist belief that resolves all the cognitive dissonance that women experience when trying to reconcile what you've so precisely described above in views 1-3:

View No. 4 -


There. Problem solved! ;-0

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The precise wording of the above, is due to the fact that I was directly quoting "Legalizing Misandry", which is a scholarly work.

The closest I myself came to scholarship, was when I almost electrocuted myself for my sixth grade "Science Fair" project - then I mentioned that fact in the project write-up :-))


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ax -

You should have been advised not to employ electricity in your 6th grade science project.

You might still have a shot at a lawsuit, based on personal injury and suffering, and a lack of fiduciary responsibility by the school administrators.

My science fair project in 6th grade was about birth control. I ended up with hundreds of mice, because my hypothesis was flawed!

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