Ex-wife arrested for murder over custody outcome

Story here. So I suppose when a man does something like this it's another example of patriarchal oppression and when a woman does it, it is her natural instincts at work and she shouldn't be blamed for it. Or maybe it was really just payback for years of abuse? No matter, she has a vagina, and therefore, can't possibly be guilty of anything. Notice it's a murder-by-proxy case too; she got someone else to actually do the deed. Excerpt:

'The ex-wife of slain dentist Daniel Malakov was arrested Thursday on charges of plotting to kill him on a playground in front of their 4-year-old daughter.
Borukhova exchanged 65 calls with suspected triggerman Mikhail Mallayev, 50, in the days before the Oct. 28 slaying - one of them placed from near the crime scene, prosecutors have said.

"We've been looking at her from the outset because she knew Malakov would be in the park with his daughter," a police source said.
They speculated the murder was payback for Malakov's victory in a custody battle for their daughter, Michelle, who turns 5 next week.
Police say Mallayev approached Malakov, who was with Michelle and Borukhova, at the Annadale Playground in Forest Hills, Queens, and pumped three bullets into his chest at point-blank range.

He then calmly got into his Dodge Durango SUV and drove 14 hours back home to Tucker, Ga., police say.

Mallayev, who has denied killing anyone, is being held without bail.'

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It seems that marriage has become the most dangerous occupation for men.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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The one time in a blue moon in which a man is awarded custody of his child over the mother, he becomes a victim of misandry from his ex-wife, instead of from the family court, which is usually the case.

When it comes to custody, it seems us men never win.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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