NH Men's Commission Releases Second Biennial Report

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men has just released its second biennial report: The Status of Men in New Hampshire. This report summarizes the work of the Commission during the past two years and serves as a guide to policymakers on some of the most pressing problems facing men today.

The report covers topics including the education of boys, NH college enrollment statistics, the status of fathers, parental alienation syndrome, birth certificate laws, family law, prostate cancer, and domestic violence. It includes summaries of testimony heard from NH state agency representatives, education experts, family violence researchers, and psychologists.

The Commission hopes that the distribution of this report will be used to raise awareness about the problems facing men and their families, and inspire productive efforts to correct these injustices.

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Also, Men should copy the links provided in this document for forwarding in emails when appropriate in response to news articles or to legislators when appropriate.

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