Feminist Leaders Oppose Hillary, Endorse Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Choosing to support Senator Obama was not an easy decision for us," the group stated, "because electing a woman president would be a cause for celebration in itself." They "deplored" the "sexist attacks against Senator Clinton that have circulated in the media." But, they stated, they nevertheless supported Obama because his election "would be another historic achievement" and because "his support for gender equality has been unwavering."'

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Who needs fiction when you have the news? 'nuff said.

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we need the details of what he is doing for men, as we are a gender too.

oregon dad

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What will he do for our gender? Hello! He's a black man. Just imagine all the crap he had to put up with to get this far. Something tells me this man is against all forms of discrimination, especially racism and misandry. Go Barrack!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This group who endorsed Obama is primarily an anti-war coalition of privileged female professionals and academics, a little "wine and cheese salon" with no connection to the broader voting public.

I wouldn't make too much of their P.R. stunt.

Although I'm in the "anybody but Hillary" camp, not because she's a woman - because she's Hillary - it is interesting to see Mr. & Mrs. Clinton's dynastic hopes starting to unravel.

No country other than a dictatorship or a few faux-democracies have been governed by two families for three decades. (Well, except for all of Europe...)

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The utter defeat of daughter owners is nearing.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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Before you decide to go with Obama, it might be a good idea to Google his "Responsible Fatherhood Bill".

He's just another idiot who wants to increase child alimony enforcement.Here's a start:


My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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I read the article you gave link to. Nothing really bad except for its authors are too biased and tend to grossly exaggerate things about the "stick" part of the bill.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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I would much rather see Obama in the White House than a post-menopausal feminist.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Please clarify you position for Fathers of Daughters.

oregon dad

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So, in other words anthony, you will vote Democrat no matter what?

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Ok nbdspcl, If you think it is a good thing to extort more money from men then go ahead and vote for him.

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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"Please clarify you position for Fathers of Daughters." [Oregon Dad]

I've also wondered about nbdspcl's meaning behind that phrase he uses often.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I did it many times here. It's more easy for you to use search.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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I'm somewhat of a weird voter. I really care more about a candidates personality, commitment, and intellect. Not to say the issues aren't important. I favor the Republicans on some of their positions on national defense and immigration. i also support Republican economics. From a democratic stand point I agree with some of their social policies.

I initially liked Giuliani but realized he's to corrupt to run this country.

I just voted for Obama, the candidate I believe can offer society a positive and engeritic view of the future. The mood of this country has been negative for a long time.

McCain: I respect the man. Infact his 5 years as a POW makes him an American hero. My concern is his age. If elected he would take office at 72.

Their really is no perfect candidate. Except Mick Jagger.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I guess I was wrong. Obama seems to have no problem with misandry, only racism. Oh wait, since he tries to make all of the 'deadbeat dads' be classified as mainly African American and Hispanic, I guess I have to take that back too. Wow... it's like Shakespeare showed us in Macbeth... things are not always as they appear.

I wish politicians would wake up and see how ridiculously gender-biased the family court is, instead of blaming fathers who are shut out of their children's lives, for not being in their children's lives. Do you blame a POW for being in prison? It's a valid analogy, really.

Maybe what they oughta do, is introduce a Responsible Motherhood Act, in which single mothers, if they fail to let the fathers visit their kids for a reasonable amount of time at least bi-weekly, their child support gets reduced for each infraction. Then, if it continues, the payments should stop entirely, and full custody should be awarded to the father. I know, only in a perfect world. But it makes sense to me.

Well, now that I know all the facts, I hope Romney wins. It's a long shot... but that's who I'm cheering for now.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Yep xtrnl, Obama is no different. Personally I am looking hard at Ron Paul.

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Don't you think Keith Richards would be the better President?

The "riff-master?"

Keith is far more intellectual than Mick.

He can quote blues lyrics from the 1930's and doesn't take himself too seriously.

If elected, he could be sworn in on a vintage 78 rpm vinyl record of "Love in Vain" by Robert Johnson.

That would be democracy!

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nobodyspecial came up with this "daughter owners" schtick as a way of provoking controversy and making a handle for him/herself.

It actually means nothing, says nothing, and has no value whatsoever to the men's and father's movement.

You might as well rip off some meaningless phrase like mother-owners, father-owners, automobile-owners, owners-of-shoes ... whatever...

It's just gibberish.

Worse, it is strategically useless for men's and father's rights advocates.

And, boring.

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What a rant has been caused by such "boring ideas" which "mean nothing". =))

Anyways, what's truly meaningless is discussions with daughter owners about daughter owners. I don't want to waste my time with you.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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He's talking about the fathers that treat their daughters better than their sons, and cater to their every whim, thus raising them to believe they're entitled to something just for being female. When I'm a father, I'm going to raise my daughters the same as if they were my sons. I want them to see that gender shouldn't (I won't say doesn't, cause that would be a lie) make a difference.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Attempting an actual conversation with nobodyspecial is (to quote a cultural icon with a guitar) - "like pissing in the wind."

Pointless. Pointless pointless pointless...

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Please tell me why you think "Blade Runner" is the greatest movie ever. I've seen it, outstanding movie, but the best science fiction flick of all time?

More Stones: "Crazy Mama"

"Well your crazy mama
With your ball and chain
Plain psychotic
Plain insane"


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I could see him as president. The man is invincible. This man has survived every known chemical, I doubt the middle east would be an issue. Richard's would be the last man standing after a nuclear attack.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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He's talking about the fathers that treat their daughters better than their sons, and cater to their every whim, thus raising them to believe they're entitled to something just for being female. When I'm a father, I'm going to raise my daughters the same as if they were my sons. I want them to see that gender shouldn't (I won't say doesn't, cause that would be a lie) make a difference.

Correct. I know plenty of dumb dads that do this and thus condemn every man their spoiled daughter(s) gets involved with to a relationship filled with misery.

The domain of Mr. Reality: New Topic - When oral Sex results in a pregnancy

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Yes, but Roy is right too.
Before this, he was pushing the idea of artificial wombs as solving all of society's problems. Everything was somehow related to needing artificial wombs; and being asexual.
He's either a crank or a troll.
Either way; don't put too much stock in what he says. He's at least a little "out there"...

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When it comes to their precious "daughters" they melt like ice cream. Plus many dads -- and moms(she is a BIG contributor) help instill the rather false idea that every man wants to have sex with their little skanks or that men should pay for women.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I didn't say it did. Although he says it about all dads of girls; not some, or even many.
Just don't put too much stock into him... that's all I'm saying.
The best trolls have a grain of truth in their wild statements. That's how they cause controversy, and derail things.

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Personally I think NBD is a feminist undercover attempting to deflect blame away from women. However, the portion about "dumb dads"(I just wrote an article on this on my website) which he/she calls "daughter owners" is true to an extent. No not all dads are like that, but the majority are. He/She simply leaves out the other side of the equation.

Truth is truth.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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> The best trolls have a grain of truth in their wild statements

Obviously, you know something about trolling, but it seems that the worst trolls are those who simply call others trolls.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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Agreed. As long as people know how to pick truth apart from manipulation; and don't get caught up in the manipulation; it's good.

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"Blade Runner," which was just re-released (again) in five different collector's DVD editions, including what director Ridley Scott has sworn is his "final cut" of the movie - is simply great cinema on every level.

Technically, the movie reinvented cinematography and especially lighting. The film is absolutely gorgeous as a color noir pastiche and its influence can be seen in music videos and commercials every day.

Scott discovered that light can come from anywhere and it does not need to be "logical." So virtually every frame of the movie is a textbook lesson in breaking conventions formerly mistaken as rules.

The special effects were state-of-the-art in a pre-computer era, done with miniatures, models, mattes, and optical printing. And they still look better than a lot of today's video game-like CGI crap.

The music score by Vangelis is amazing and holds up as a stand-alone work, as the CD soundtrack attests.

"Blade Runner" presented an entire, seamless, credible "world" on screen that nobody had ever seen before. (The street scenes alone are mini-epics of social commentary...)

All of the actors are incredible, from Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos - to the harem of gorgeous females - how can you best Sean Young, Joanna Cassidy, and Daryl Hannah?

Thematically, "Blade Runner" is a story about what it means to be truly human. It is both a tragedy and a love story, but mostly it is about philosophy. Where is the dividing line between humans and replicants? How do we know we are human?

Interestingly, Ridley Scott has suggested there could be a sequel. He also stated in the interviews bundled with the collector’s editions that the Harrison Ford character Deckard, (the Blade Runner) was indeed a replicant.

The only work of modern culture that I've come across that returns more on repeated exposure than "Blade Runner" is Miles Davis' cool jazz album "Kind of Blue."

To be truly a great work of artistic expression, whether it is a novel, painting, movie, or album - you have to be able to come back to it over and over and find something new.

In other words, it is the opposite experience of merely "consuming..."

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I'm going to pick up a copy. I might as well, I'm a movie nut. I haven't seen the movie in a while so I'll re-evaluate it. Either way I remember it being great.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I saw a movie called Imposter that was pretty good, in which a man is accused of being a decoy containing a bomb in his ribcage. This is kind of like an allegory of being a man in the modern world (Although it was written in the 1950s). Stigmatized based on hypothesis.

I also mention 1984 because the same thing happens in that book. All it takes is someone to say "he said down with Big Brother", and off to the ministry of love you go (which is really a place of torture). It's also interesting because even though this book is futuristic, it was written in 1948. I think feminists aren't big fans of these works of art because the ruling government bodies are much like modern day feminists.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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