Man Claims Battered Spouse Defense

Story here.

A man who claims he was repeatedly battered by his wife is on trial for killing her. The jury trial began yesterday, 28th January. He once had a restraining order against his wife and she was also arrested on suspicion of domestic battery against him so there is a paper trail of abuse against him.

Watch this one.

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Just a "wild" guess.
Only women are allowed to kill their spouse.
Interesting argument by the violence expert.
He says all people are responsible for their own actions. I'd agree with that. Then why do women get of for crying "i'm an abused spouse" ?

Let's see if there is true equality in this trial.

oregon dad

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The article reports that the female perp --"Henderson was arrested once in a domestic battery case, which was referred to a diversion program."

A diversion program is a VAWA-funded feminist scam for getting female perpetrators of DV referred to a counselling program where they are instructed that they were actually "victims" and only acted defensively when they assaulted their partner. And they are never prosecuted for their crime.

It is too bad this dude shot her eleven times, because that is not going to play well with the jury.

He will be convicted and do some serious time.

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A point that the defense could make is that there are no domestic violence shelters for men or any domestic violence laws aimed specifically at protecting men as there are for women. Therefore the defendant had few alternatives but using lethal force to protect himself and preserve his life from an abusive wife who had a documented history of domestic violence against him. Putting VAWA on trial and showing how prejudice society is against men who are abused would work to the defense's advantage.

And by the way, where are the MRA's in Indiana who could be showing this man some support?

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this is yet another example of how misandry can be detrimental to women as well. Not that I'm a pussified MRA, as MrReality would call it, but I'm just pointing out that logically, misandry can also affect women negatively. If this man had a place to turn for help, or had he received actual help he might not have been put in a position where he had to use lethal force to defend himself.

Perhaps Nikki Henderson wouldn't have been shot to death had she actually got counselling to be a less violent person instead of counselling which told her that she was in the right for being violent. I also think the fact that she took the gun from him in their struggle might work to his benefit. Who knows what would have happened had he not wrestled the gun back from her? Maybe he'd be dead instead.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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When does Mr. Reality get out of the box?

I need to set my alarm.

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I was never in the box.

I just haven't been posting on this site as much.

The domain of Mr. Reality: New Topic - When oral Sex results in a pregnancy

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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