Request Comments on "You Should Know Better"

Hey guys,

I've been hearing many positive comments on my script from several sources; family, friends, coworkers, and some of my fellow MRAs. I was just wondering what those of you who read any of my script think of it. [See MANN post here.]

I would love to hear how far you are into it, and any comments you have regarding it. Please comment on it using this thread. For those of you who haven't read my pro-male horror script which deals with karma destroying evildoers through their own intentions, and would like to, e-mail me at and I will send you a copy.

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I like the idea but I've never read a script before and don't have confidence that I could do a good job evaluating it.

As far as so many guys being afraid of portraying women getting hurt as a result of their actions, I see no problem with it whatsoever. The way the media and government constantly act as though women's actions have no adverse consequences, I think a change is very overdue.

I think being Mr Nice-Guy all the time just encourages disrespect of us by women... not to mention other men.

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If anything, this movie is misandric, as most of the victims are men. But I only did that to show that the greatest of all evils can be done by (or attempted by) a female. It builds up to her crime. You'll be happy to know that karma bites her in the most appropriate places, her and her mangina movie-maker friend.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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