"A Tale of Two Rapes"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In that decade, I found myths and lies about “Violence Against Women” with respect to both rape and domestic violence were both de rigeur, and vehemently defended by many who knew good and well they were defending myths and lies, and would privately admit as much. Their justification for this dishonesty was simple and pragmatic - police work is after all, a political job. Anyone who seeks advancement to positions that involve more face time with cute reporters and television cameras than with burglary reports and false alarm calls will keep their ears open for the latest tune being called by the politicians. “Violence Against Women” has been a buzzword for at least a generation now, and any police officer of any rank that exposes a reality not in concert with the absurd statistics and draconian measures put forth to combat this “epidemic of violence” is unlikely to advance.'

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This was just on Glenn Sacks, and a hot topic for commenters!! Police officers need to shed their "Klan think" and be honest with false rape numbers, because men get beaten, and lynched when a girl/women Say's she's been raped!

America has given her, unbridled, UN-challenged "lynch power" and she's abusing it!!

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As far as I'm concerned, to lie about rape is like raping somebody. The reason being that you give undue punishment and stigmatization pertaining to sexuality to an individual guilty of no wrongdoing. That could be considered a form of rape. As well, women who abuse the system and make false abuse accusations tie up the resources that could be helping the real victims! Why is it that feminazi-minded women never realize that they hurt themselves too in their belligerence?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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