Boys need to be taught separately from the age of five, says expert

Story here. Excerpt:

'Boys need to be taught separately from girls from the age of five to prevent them being damaged by the education system, an expert claimed yesterday.

Dr Leonard Sax argues that boys are "turned off" by starting formal education too soon when they are expected to sit down and keep quiet in class...

...Dr Sax, a research psychologist in the U.S., claims this has led to an epidemic of unmotivated boys and under-achieving young men.

He said: "With boys you have to start right away. If you wait until secondary school, you have waited too long. From the age of five, there are clear advantages in all-boys' education when teachers know how to take advantage of it."'

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Given the proper educational support boys would show their unique and powerful intelect. Our feminized/pussified education system has been oppressing boys for years. I guess they feel its the only way for girls to compete. Even with this educational oppression I believe boys will still find away to compete and succeed in modern society. Not to say our anti-boy school system shouldn't be challenged, but the strong always survive.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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When I was in grade seven, I was in an all boys class. My Jr. High school decided to try it as an experiment. The result was much like what was described in the article. I agree that boys and girls tend to learn differently. Boys need a little logic embedded in the curriculum, while girls would probably have more of an affinity for an injection of art and humanity here and there. Needless to say, I did quite well that year. But the year after they changed it back to mixed classes. I don't really believe that either gender is at a disadvantage in mixed classes, but to separate them could definitely have benifits.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Given the proper educational support boys would show their unique and powerful intelect. Our feminized/pussified education system has been oppressing boys for years. I guess they feel its the only way for girls to compete. Even with this educational oppression I believe boys will still find away to compete and succeed in modern society. Not to say our anti-boy school system shouldn't be challenged, but the strong always survive.

There is truth in this statement. Many women fear the male intellect. They are just too petty and self-absorbed to admit it.

The domain of Mr. Reality: New Topic - When oral Sex results in a pregnancy

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

Like0 Dislike0 NOT our friend. Apparently he thinks that sitting down, paying attention, and reading are only for the girls, whereas boys' school should reenact LORD OF THE FLIES, with the students wrestling in the dirt outside in their jockey shorts.

It's no secret that the education system is stacked against boys, but not because it treats boys and girls the same. The problem is that it treats boys and girls DIFFERENTLY; i.e. it worries so much about the self-esteem of girls, while ignoring the boys' concerns. Many a class consists of a teacher ignoring boys' raised hands so that a girl can get the right answer, instead...

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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