Women turn on ‘traitor’ Oprah Winfrey for backing Barack Obama

Story here.

It started with a message on her website entitled “Oprah is a traitor” and rapidly expanded to include several discussions that attracted hundreds of comments.

In the original post, a reader called austaz68 said she “cannot believe that women all over this country are not up in arms over Oprah’s backing of Obama. For the first time in history we actually have a shot at putting a woman in the White House and Oprah backs the black MAN. She’s choosing her race over her gender.”


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Are they forgetting that Oprah has a right to support whomever she chooses in this race? Now she's getting slack for standing her ground against feminist morons who vote based on gender? Wow... a woman who is a victim(albeit a minor one) of feminism. I never thought I'd see the day.

I must say I agree with Oprah's choice. Obama seems to be a responsible man, and he advocates a father's role in a child's life. It would be good news for the US if he won. And lemme tell ya, not to be racist, but I think a black man who had to work for everything he has would make a better leader than a closet misandrist and spoiled caucasian princess.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Well it's not near enough to just get flamed on her web site; she is still a multi-millionaire (billionaire?) and remains to this day the Foreskin Vampiress of Africa (or She-Who-Would-Mix-My-Foreskin-In-Cream-and-Slather-It-On-Her-Face). She deserves whatever grief she gets. It's ridiculous, really, the whole thing. But when you lie with dogs, you should expect to rise with fleas.

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For the longest the finger has been pointed at the white male as the one who is "keeping black men down." I have always said women were the ones that were pulling the strings. The men were just sheepish and stupid enough to go along with them like always.

The klan mentality and racist misandric structure has always been women's brainchild. White women use it to control white men by painting black men as someone that is hurting women; black women use it to control black men by claiming all white men want is black women and fooling dumb black men into believing white men hate black men and thus black women are "supposedly" on black men's side.

Notice the similarities between the two:

1. Men always WANT them. They know this is a lie, but continue to force themselves to believe and they most certainly want YOU to believe it!

2. Both women set men against each other by using the color of their skin.

3. Both goad men into chivalrous acts.

4. Both effectively give the dumb male a "strawman" to attack while women do their dirt behind the scenes.

The two skanks may have different skintones but they are pretty much the same manipulative, petty children at heart.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I think the joke is on all of those femi fascists who think that supporting Obama is somehow a betrayal of the effort to pussyfy the White House. Obama would more than likely be the first BLACK FEMALE President elected. He seems rather domesticated to me. He obviously has no clue about men's rights and his testosterone level is probably non-existent too! If by some bizarre miracle he got elected, Oprah would probably be calling the shots behind the throne anyway.

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and this reaction to the big O proves it. Gender trumps race every single time!!! If Obama wants a hope in Hell of getting elected, he has to turn his back on blacks and pander to the princesses of America.

Jesus, what a comfortable position women must be in to overtly fuck over blacks without fear any fear whatsoever of being called on it.

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It's nice to see some of the responses seem to be from women who "get it". Suggesting that all women should be voting for Hillary because she's a woman is condescending and outright insulting for women. Fortunately some of them recognize that. Unfortunately many, perhaps most, don't.

I will say I do know a lot of women who don't support Hillary one bit.

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Jesus, what a comfortable position women must be in to overtly fuck over blacks without fear any fear whatsoever of being called on it.

Quoted for truth. Finally another man on MANN that has taken off the pink goggles and sees reality rather than what women want him to see.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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It has always amused me to consider that the world's most famous narcissistic megalomaniac, Oprah - a woman who will not have any self esteem until she has her own television NETWORK (which is happening soon) - is the role model for so many American women of all ages and races.

Megalomania - "a delusional mental disorder marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur."

Gosh, that definition applies equally well on a global scale to feminism in general!

As for the '08 election, I'm starting to seriously consider just sitting it out. I can handle voting for the lesser of two evils ... but as an MRA, having to choose between two equally evil candidates who ignore all our issues is not something I can do and still look in the mirror.

Maybe we need a "Men Refuse to MARRY or VOTE!" campaign to get some media attention?
MRAs could sign an internet pledge that "I will not vote for any candidate of either party who fails to acknowledge mens' and fathers' issues in their campaign platform. Nor will I consider marriage until that has occured."

Goofy but serious .... just the right mix for Katie Couric!

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Oprah - a woman who will not have any self esteem until she has her own television NETWORK (which is happening soon) - is the role model for so many American women of all ages and races.

True, she partnered with Discovery I believe and is obviously attempting to do what a black man has already done. I am speaking of the creator of Black Entertainment Television which is known as B.E.T., Mr Robert Johnson. Her idea is -- as you said -- more about her lack of self esteem than being a good business decision(TV is dead) and is definitely not a neccessity like B.E.T. was at the time.

Robert Johnson was the first black american billionaire even though -- since he is black MALE -- we don't hear about his success as much as Orca's. The racist, sexist women that dominate the media make sure black males are only portrayed as uneducated thugs that "just want one thing."

Women must always place themselves at the center of attention. If you read the article in my signature by Matthias Mattusek you'll see why they always seek attention. The majority of women have an inferiority complex which stems partly from them knowing they never really work for what they recieve instead lying on their backs whoring for money and manipulating men that may care for them.

Women not only must convince themselves that they are "this and that" they must convince all men too. That's why the infiltrators come to sites like these, that's why women censor when they hear facts. There is nothing wrong with shutting out noise, but women censor scientifically proven facts because these facts don't place women on a pedestal like politically correct dogma does.

The thing that is the most funny about O's network is that it comes at the worst time. Noone watches TV anymore, that's old. TV lost 2.5 million viewers last year alone. Noone is interested in watching "America's Next Top Whore" or "I love he-she skanks with too much make-up and sleazy outfits, Part 2."

She's a moron when it comes to technology. She JUST got a Youtube account around the end of last year and allows no comments on her boneheaded clips other than those from her soccer mom audience. Moderation -- hell I do it to weed out the manginas and feminists -- is fine but censoring anyone but your own soccer moms is pathetic.

Oprah keeps making worthless crap that is paid for by an even more worthless audience, her soccer moms. TV is out of style, so are the majority of angry American women, along with Oprah and her myriad liposuction operations.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I hope Oprah pisses away a good sized chuck of her fortune on this Obama For President quixotic quest and on the upcoming ultra high risk mega dollar burning network channel devoted to her.

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Mr. R. - "The racist, sexist women that dominate the media make sure black males are only portrayed as uneducated thugs that 'just want one thing'."

So, for real, how do you look at the supposedly misogynistic portrayal of black women in all the rap videos, lyrics, street culture in general?

The whole feminist "objectification of women as commodities" angle?

(Of course, check out any female pop-star video to see the equivalent use of "boy-toys" in the scene.)

And what about Bill Cosby's recent book which seems to be a pretty brutal assault on young black men?

And Obama?

If elected, will he be accused of being the first "beige" president?

This election is soon going to be all about playing the gender-race poker game, because it's all gonna go negative after Super Tuesday.

Who's more oppressed, the unnecessary sequel?

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Granted I don't get a vote because I live in Canada. But I still think that refusing to vote will not help the situation. If us men refuse to vote, we give women all the deciding power on a silver platter. I admit, if I was a US citizen, I probably wouldn't care for any of the presidential candidates, except for Romney. But I certainly wouldn't refuse to vote and give women more undeserved power.

And regarding what Roy said about women in rap videos, that's not misogynistic at all. It's admiration of the female form. Let's face facts too, sometimes you see larger women in hip hop videos. You NEVER see larger men in videos by female artists. Speaking of which, I work at a casino and I see many couples come into the place. I've noticed that 90% of the time the woman is fatter than the man. These videos corroborate this.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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if obama hasn't learned a big lesson here about women and loyalty he doesn't need to be president. not toooo smart.

IMHo the best way to get the pampered poops to show their real colors and bring our issues to the forefront is to keep talking about the "Marriage Strike". hetero women MUST have marriage. w/0 it they have to count on their own earning power. no big diamonds, luxury homes and fancy cars in that. the msm picks up on it too. it drives hetero women wild. what a weapon if we can just get enough guys to do it. most women's worst nightmare is to grow old alone. keep tellin' the young guys the truth about the real pitfalls of marriage over and over, all the time. it makes good sense and really is logical to retain control over one's own destiny.

and the next shot to the heart of the beast will be male contraception. torpedo #2 being loaded now captain. no more baby-daddy shows when men control reproduction. the other nightmare women regularly have, no children, or at least no chump to support their dreams.

anybody heard of what romney did w/ the info. asked for and promptly supplied to him by our fellow MRA's?

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Hey xtrnl,

Just curious. Never been to a casino or gambled on anything in my life.

When the fat girlfriend is right next to her man, who's about to lose big or win big a crap load of money on the next roll of dice or flip of cards or a spin of the roulette ball ...

does she usually tell him to cut, or go for it?

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When the couples are in the casino, they both lose a ton of money. lol. At least that's still equal opportunity. Though I do see a lot of females asking their husbands/boyfriends for more money to gamble with after they lose a lot of the time. *rolls eyes* Spoiled brats!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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