Japanese Railway Bans Male Chest Hair in Poster

Story here.

Japanese rail company JR East banned an ad poster featuring a man's moderately hairy chest - an image it considered so shocking to Japanese women that it constituted an open-and-shut case of sexual harassment. The poster "wasn't just out of line because there was nakedness; the pictures showed things that were particularly unpleasant for women, such as chest hair, and it was decided that showing them things they didn't want to see was sexual harassment".

So, now a woman can be sexually harassed just by SEEING something unpleasant? Will they circumcise Mt. Fuji next?

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Now, the anatomy of our chest constitutes sexual harrassment? I guess that a woman's cleavage would constitute the same thing. So, I guess the way the Japanese operate is "a man's bare chest can be shown. That's okay... just no hair!". Right... So will all men who have hair on their chests have to shave it off when they go to Japan?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If you read the whole article, it is kind of interesting, because it is really about differences in cultural representations of sexuality allowable in public.

Apparently 75% of Japanese women find male chest hair very unappealing.(And, not surprisingly, only a small minority of Japanese men sport chest hair...)

So, as members of the obsessively polite society of conformist drones that they are, Japanese would have no problem with banning an "offensive" poster like this - in public.

What's funny though, is that Japan is very permissive about pornography, bar girls, prostitution, erotic sexual literature & painting, and as a culture has not yet bought totally into western-style feminism.

Japanese are very committed to avoiding public acts of shame and embarassment .... but what happens in private is another matter entirely.

And, sadly, boob jobs are increasing at an alarming rate among young Japanese females, who want more cleavage.

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So chest hair is sexual harassment? Sounds like women really do like young boys. look at the amount of women molesting young boys in the news now. Looks like a patern here. Am I wrong on this?


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"OH, so it's not okay to show a man's chest, but it IS okay to show partially nude women?!! That proves women are sex objects!!! Sob sob.."


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This is the first stage of Japanese Matriarchal chaos, and male worker subjugation. They start by getting seemingly benign women as victim articles in the media, and then the manginas jump on board.
Then the neo gender feminists get some grant money's to reinterpret history in a way that shows they are the real victims of war, ect, ect. The gender feminists get their heels in, and remove all vestiges of male logic/ right from wrong.

Then matriarchal chaos explodes..school shootings, mothers drowning their children,rampant drug addiction....

You go girl!!

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If you look at American fashion advertising over the past twenty years, you will notice an obvious trend to erase male chest hair and hairiness in general.

Apparently most male models wax their entire bodies in order to achieve the required degree of true nudity and simulation of pre-pubescent "maleness."

Japanese seem to be fascinated with all things western and "modern," so maybe the male chest hair scandal is as much about deviating from American advertising as it is about sexual harassment of women.

My main interest in this story was that it offers an example of social trends to restrict, criminalize and arguably erase public expressions of "too masculine" masculinity.

I can anticipate the day when any public expression of the traditionally masculine form will be illegal, or at least legally restricted.

If schoolboys cannot draw pictures of guns without being put on Ritalin, it's not a stretch to imagine a ban on showing chest hair...

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This is the first stage of Japanese Matriarchal chaos, and male worker subjugation. They start by getting seemingly benign women as victim articles in the media, and then the manginas jump on board.
Then the neo gender feminists get some grant money's to reinterpret history in a way that shows they are the real victims of war, ect, ect. The gender feminists get their heels in, and remove all vestiges of male logic/ right from wrong.

Then matriarchal chaos explodes..school shootings, mothers drowning their children,rampant drug addiction....

You go girl!!

Ha ha ha!

That's some empowerment for your @**. The majority of women are still stuck in the past. They love chaos. Women want some old school, fantasy-based goddess utopia where women are worshipped, wealthy, and on top of everything and men -- who of course are relegated to being beneath the "goddesses" -- work to gain women's favor. This shows why they always support racism, bigotry, men taking care of women, klan-like lynchings, child murder, the destruction of the family, etc. Most women are still cave dwellers when it comes to equality and progression.

The trick is in how they "flip the script." In other words women are great at deception and while they take us back to the era of Willie Lynch they fool the unthinking masses into believing we are going forward. Anyone that happens to look out the window of this moving train and see we are headed backwards -- and for a cliff -- is removed by the pink gestapo.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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As I read your post, MrReality, I misread the word "goddess" as "godless". Interesting, isn't it. All you have to do is change one letter in the word to make it that. I guess it goes without saying that a "goddess" society would definitely be a "godless" one too. Feminazis and manginas hate religion because it contradicts everything they believe.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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..., but only when the subject to be venerated is none other than themselves.

Self-adoration is king in the XX chromosome ring.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I always used a mixture of honey and eggs to get my hair into shape. I never had problems (except before using this combination) and i recommend people to start using natural treatments rather than any other products. I use creams when i need to get rid of hair though. I can't stand blades so epilare definitiva works best for me. Revitol products are good too.

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