Orwell + False Allegations = Bad News For Men In California

Article here. Excerpt:

"A proposed database listing the names of abusers convicted of domestic violence could help Californians find out if a potential partner has a dangerous background."

Ax's Take: The theory behind this thing, is supposedly to enable the screening out of violent people prior to starting a relationship with them. The reality is that, since women commit DV as often as men, but so few are convicted, hence the database is all but useless to men.

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Now you'll have vindictive women utilizing our anti-male judicial system with more false claims of domestic abuse. This tactic is already used to screw men out of child custody. These same men will now be put on some kind of communist data base. Their lives forever destroyed. I found the transparency of the article amusing. They tried to be politically correct and insinuate this data base may also help men. The irony is this database would ultimately put men in harms way. An innocent mans name, address, etc. posted in cyberspace. Its like a legalized mafia hit list. What about the employer who would also have access to this information?

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Will they put you on that list if the police were called but no charges made?

If that is true, there will be millions of men on that list. Does anyone know for sure?

EDIT: Ok I guess its only for convicted men, not sure I agree with this, but I do know that if we dont get rid of the bad guys out there, the good guys are gunna keep losing.

Its like all the femnazis out there ruining it for women who just want a choice.

(Website url commin soon)

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These women and their "missplaced protector" manginas are pushing men and relationships to the breaking point!!
It may reach the point where a man has to wire secret video cameras around his house to protect himself!!

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These women and their "missplaced protector" manginas are pushing men and relationships to the breaking point!!
It may reach the point where a man has to wire secret video cameras around his house to protect himself!!

My cellphone records videos. Get one and everytime a woman approaches you put her on camera and record everything she does. If she doesn't like it so what. Tell her you're recording her for your own safety and that she's the one bothering YOU not the other way around.

It just may help you out when she claims you "abused or raped her" later on!

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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