Murtari Arrested-- Please write to Hillary

John Murtari has been taken to jail (once again) for daring to present father's issues in public in New York. Is this the kind of treatment that peaceful protesters, petitioning their government regarding fathers' and men's issues, can come to expect under a "Clinton Presidency?"

Please write a letter to Senator Clinton, and please be polite.

A Kids Right

press release

Here is Senator Clinton's contact info and my letter (below) to Senator Clinton, who will soon be campaigning for your vote in CA, and your state (if she hasn't already been there). Feel free to borrow whatever parts you like from the letter below, then send it to her, politely please.


General Fax: (202) 228-0282
Syracuse Local rep, Jay Biba
fax: 315-448-0476
New York City Office:
fax: (212) 688-7444
Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator),
fax: 202-228-0121
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Hillary Clinton:

Please meet personally with parents who feel their Civil Rights have been violated. This is about getting the Civil Rights of parents and children to be together, recognized and protected. Is there anything more important and foundational to our nation than the family? It should not matter what state you live in.

We need Congressional hearings into reform. Please, why don't you take the time to meet with parents hurt by the system? Even though I am not a parent, I am a citizen of America, very, very concerned about the above. "Senator Clinton help us."


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That John is in trouble over protesting on behalf of Fathers. Simply shows what many of us already know. That Men in this Republic no longer have any standing. We should shut off the Baby spigot completely and let America Implode. It is on its way to becoming a Bastard Nation. Let it go completely. Neither political party acts as though we even exist.

I no longer feel any allegiance to this Republic. At 51 I have seen enough Men shit on by our Family Courts and legal system to conclude that the days of this Republic is numbered. The looting and plundering of the Nation will be its downfall. Even the High Net worth Hollywood Men are having children with and Marrying FW. Clint Eastwood, Ben Kingsley,Nicholas Cage, and now Matthew McConaughey. When the ultra Liberal Men realize its a disaster to marry AW. Our message has penetrated the Left we are winning. But it may be too little too late.

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Unfortunately, asking the Hildabeast to intervene on the behalf of a male who is getting hosed by the system is like expecting Col. Sanders to stop wringing plump chicken's necks because vegetarians think it is cruel and inhumane.

Her campaign strategy does not include or even wants the male vote even though it makes up 50% of the electorate.

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