Hillary: "No woman is illegal"

Seems the would-be president is ready to allow any woman to come to America with or without papers. Wonder what she feels about men in the same condition? Read it here. Excerpt:

'In broken English, one woman told Clinton how she wasn't making money as a broker anymore.

"I have no income at all," she said. "So how will I survive?"

Choking up with emotion, the woman said, "In my neighborhood, there are brand-new homes, but the value is nothing. I'm glad you are here so I can tell you, because you're going to be the president, I know."

A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.

"No woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers.

Summing it up at the end, Clinton said, "We've only talked to a few people, but each of them talk about some part of the problem we are confronting. This is a problem that is only going to get worse if we don't address it."'

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During this fake "neighborhood roundtable" in reply to a woman who said that she had lost everything due to the sub-prime mortgage crisis, Hillary said -

"… unscrupulous lending leads to bad mortgages, which lead to foreclosures, which lead to people with nowhere to go and vacant neighborhoods that can go rapidly downhill."

Hillary knows a lot about being on the receiving end of bad real estate scams – recall the “Whitewatergate” Arkansas scandal when Bill was guvnor? (Of course, she made up for it when she netted over $100,000 in profits from a $1,000 inside-trader deal on cattle futures.)

I’m looking forward to Hillary getting all teary-eyed when someone asks her about her resume of unscrupulous “experience” when she was co-president -- i.e.

"Records Set" by the Clinton administration:
▪ Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates.
▪ Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation.
▪ Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify.
▪ Most number of witnesses to die suddenly.
▪ First president sued for sexual harassment.
▪ First president accused of rape.
▪ First president to be held in contempt of court.
▪ First president to be impeached for personal malfeasance.
▪ First first lady to come under criminal investigation.
▪ Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign-contribution case.
▪ Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions.
▪ Number of Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5.
▪ Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine that were convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47.
▪ Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33.
▪ Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61.
▪ Number of congressional witnesses who pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122.
▪ Clinton machine crimes for which convictions were obtained: drug trafficking, 3; racketeering, extortion, bribery, 4; tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement, 2; fraud, 12; conspiracy, 5; fraudulent loans, illegal gifts, 1; illegal campaign contributions, 5; money laundering, 6; perjury, et al.
▪ Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn't remember, didn't know, or something similar: Bill Kennedy, 116; Harold Ickes, 148; Ricki Seidman, 160; Bruce Lindsey, 161; Bill Burton, 191; Mark Gearan, 221; Mack McLarty, 233; Neil Egglseston, 250; John Podesta, 264; Jennifer O'Connor, 343; Dwight Holton 348; Patsy Thomasson, 420; Jeff Eller, 697; and Hillary Clinton, 250.

Have professional mainstream media journalistas forgotten how to do simple college-level research?

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I saw this over at the Drudge report, what a crock of shit!

How can no women be illegal?? Is she saying that women can go to any country they want, without a visa, breaking laws and that is ok?? If she gets elected, will she give citizenship to all the illegal women??!! Will she deport all the illegal men?!?! Will she then give money to all these illegal women?!?

Is the american population dumb enough to buy into that? Sadly, I think so.

(Website url commin soon)

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Actually...increasing the population of women relative to men might IMPROVE men's status in the U.S. By allowing only women to immigrate, the ratio of men to women would drop.

What if male sexuality ended up being in a relatively short supply as a result and thus men gained increased value? With a lower man-to-woman ratio, men would find it easier to bed down with women, etc. To borrow some of Warren Farrell's terminology, men would be less disposable.

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Is the american population dumb enough to buy into that?

Yes. Under the modern day matriarchy "logic" has been outlawed. Common sense , and analytical thinking , is the mortal enemy of overly emotional, histrionic, female worshipping behavior.

Want to know what kind of behavior is held in high regard today? Watch any of the dumb "I want to be a model or singer" shows and you'll see..

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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