New MRA Web site

Congrats to MrReality! I am looking forward to seeing it grow and become another great source of news and information for MRAs. The site is

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Nice post Matt. I'm gonna bookmark MR's site. Hey MR. I checked your website out earlier, and I love it. I will definitely join, and support you in your MRA endeavours. I also think it's great that you've jumped on the bandwagon regarding the new Molson ad. We're going to get it pulled in a hurry! BTW, I found it interesting to find out that you're black. I have a lot of respect for black men, as they have had to put up with a ridiculous amount of discrimination over the years, and to this day. It actually makes me sick to think of it. A man like you can certainly relate to how the misandry in the world makes us feel; it's only one form of hatred you have to endure. I just want you to know MR, that you're my brother, and I have undying respect for you, and also that I think both racism and misandry have no place in our society. Thank you for all of your deep insights, especially the comment you made about Keith Belzer using Clorox on his white sheet to get the blood stain out. That made me laugh. It was funny, cause it was true. Not that I think misandry is a laughing matter. I wish you all the success in the world with this new website.

Your brother,
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The web address will be changing within the next few weeks. The initial address was just to get it online so members could start signing up and discussing subjects relevant to Men's Rights.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Personally I am hoping to bring more black men over to the movement. If you talk to the average black man he has been fooled -- by women(both black and white) -- into thinking that the white man is oppressing him. Meanwhile black women refer to him as "nigga" and other such derogatory terms while telling him it is the "white man" that hates him.

They just don't see how similar our situations are as men and how women have always pitted man against man while they enjoy a lifetime of leisure and luxury. Hopefully with more men becoming aware the tyrannical rule of women , and their male drones, will come to an end.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The no-bullshit, man on the street perspective!!

build that site into a powerhouse bro..

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I realize we've had our differences but I do wish your new site success. You possess a lot of intensity towards the movement. That's the foundation of success.


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When I did an internet search for 'MrReality' I saw a profile of you with a pic. What's wierd is, I can't find it again..haha..

Not sure why I was surprised you being black, guess your the first black man I know of that is taking on feminism. I commend you sir!

I have read, that black women took feminism to extremes, even more so than whites and asians, so it's no wonder your here.

I am creating a blob spot, that I hope to use just for videos, so it won't be your avg blog. When I am done, maybe you could link our sites?

The premise is, I want to take every video I can find with women talking trash, and put it up against facts. I plan to upload many of them to YouTube, to help spread the word.

I call my site, "The Equalizer". I will attempt set straight, all the shit these feminists put out, using hard facts. I really want to focus on N.O.W. and all the hypocrytical shit they spew out.

I have learned that people will more often watch a video to learn somthing, as to reading about it. So I will be overlaying comments and facts to the videos I find, compilling them together and uploading them everywhere I can.

We will make a difference!

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I'd like to check out your site as well, when it's done, Dutch. Please email me at when it's ready to be unveiled. ^_^

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Just a suggestion:

Consider using pictures and graphs. Too many statistics, I think, will cause people to tune out or their eyes to glaze over.

I hope you can make it interesting because it sounds like a really great idea.

Best of luck with it. I'm looking forward to it.

P.S. Comedy mixed in is always great, too, in spite of the subject covered.

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Dutch, it does sound like you're proposed site would fill in a missing piece of the puzzle!
We also need to bring more people to mensactivism in general!! What have you done for the mensrights cause today. Tell a friend, or better, send him a linc!! tell him you came accross an interesting site he should check out!!

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Thanks for the support and the suggestions. The site is made and up, I just havn't done anything too it yet.

I need to get some better video software for the kind of work I want to do, soon as I do, I will let you all know.

(Website url commin soon)

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When I did an internet search for 'MrReality' I saw a profile of you with a pic. What's wierd is, I can't find it again..haha..

That profile must belong to another "Mr. Reality." I don't have any pics online. I actually make sure that I don't post any pics online due to insane feminist stalkers.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The more MRA sites there are the better. Women are starting to see men are not playing with them anymore.

Game Over girls.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Not Impressed


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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