RADAR ALERT: In 2007 We Set the Stage for DV Reform!

In 2007 domestic violence programs around the country continued to encourage false allegations, undermine families, force children into single-parent households, ignore the civil rights of the falsely accused, and discriminate against male victims.

And as RADAR's Special Report "Why Have Domestic
Violence Programs Failed to Stop Partner Abuse?" reveals, these
programs have been flatly ineffective in reducing abuse rates – and in some cases placed victims at greater risk of violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARreport-Why-DV-Programs-Fail-to-Stop-Abuse.pdf

In response RADAR and the VAWA Reform Coalition continued to make the case for reform. Highlights of the year included:

  1. Expansion of the VAWA Reform Coalition to about 90 organizations in 32 states: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/VAWA-Reform-Coalition-Declaration.pdf
  2. Sponsorship of 5 high-profile campaigns:
  3. Extensive media activities:
  4. Release or updating of 6 Special Reports that document the problems: http://www.mediaradar.org/radar_special_reports.php
    • Has VAWA Delivered on its Promises to Women?
    • A Culture of False Allegations: How VAWA Harms Families and
    • Why Have Domestic Violence Programs Failed to Stop Partner Abuse?
    • Education for Injustice
    • Justice Denied: Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence (update)
    • VAWA Programs Discriminate Against Male Victims (update)
  5. Release of the Agenda for VAWA Reform: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARdocument-Agenda-for-VAWA-Reform.pdf
  6. Freedom of Information Act request revealing a widescale lack of services for male victims: http://www.mediaradar.org/ovw_foia_data.php
  7. Major expansion of information on the RADAR website
  8. Sustained lobbying presence on Capitol Hill

But 2007 was just the beginning.

2008 is a presidential election year and the candidates need to hear from everyone about the necessity to reform domestic violence laws - they especially need to know about the Agenda for VAWA Reform: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARdocument-Agenda-for-VAWA-Reform.pdf

Get involved in the critical effort to protect families and children. We will make a difference in 2008.

Date of RADAR Release: January 2, 2008

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting
– is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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I donated a few bucks to RADAR, because as far as I can see, they are standing their ground, as best they can, and are starting to get noticed for their efforts!!

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"Setting the stage" is just like saying you prepared to do some "foreplay" before trying something serious, right?

Can RADAR post even one LEGISLATIVE action, a single bill or law enacted, that advanced men's rights, and which RADAR decisively influenced?

Come on RADAR!

We want data and specifics, not more silly self-congratulatory pop-promotion!

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RADAR is a valuable asset for refutation of male vilifying, d.v. propaganda. The fact they attempt to be active in educating our law makers is commendable.

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He rarely knows what he is talking about.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mr. R.,

Please supply the data and evidence I requested, illustrating RADAR's efficacy.

Man, it's hard to be on your side of an argument, even when I am (inclined to be) on your side.

Mainly because I still want to believe that you know what you are talking about....

"When the cap fits... let 'im wear it..."


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I visited your website. In regards to the above comment, please do NOT USE MY NAME! Consider this a serious warning. My theory has always been "speak softly, but carry a big stick"


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Stay focused on the issues at hand please.

There's no need to prove anything.

In Short: RADAR has done alot more for the MRM publicly than "Roy" has.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Can you please explain how I act like a female?

I've given it some thought and using my name on your site isn't a big deal. Infact, I'm honored! I do wonder what Matt/Scott think about one of their members being attacked on your site.

In regards to my initial post, I might have overreacted. I don't want to come across as a threatening individual considering I'm more of a passive guy.

I shouldn't have vented my frustration on this board. What Reality says on his site has nothing to do with us. [not quite] I believe your new site is an attempt to somehow disrespect MANN. It seems your site is a blanant attack towards the members of MANN. Issues you feel are nothing more than an arrogant response to opinions you find unexeptable.

"Stay focused on the issues at hand please." [Mr.Reality]

I hope you can adhere to your own statement because lord knows you've never deviated from the issues.

By the way, you never answered my question. Do you hate women? It was that very question that has lead some here to suggest I'm a female [or at least I "act' like one] I'm proud to state, I do not hate women. I need to be fair, I'm not suggesting you actually hate them but I would like to hear your perspective.

You have yet to defend your statement: "I act like a woman." I think you owe it to yourself and the other guys affiliated with MANN to explain your ideology. No response on your part equals failure. An arrogant guy like you could never accept such a comment. I find that perplexing. You strike me as a man who doesn't take shit from anyone. Apparently I've overestimated you.



Good luck with your new website and I hope it does well.

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You have edited the darn thing about ten times now and each time your post gets longer and longer.

I'm not going to answer any of your questions. So just leave it be and move on.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"I'm not going to answer any of your questions. So just leave it be and move on." [Mr. Reality]

Are my questions to difficult to answer? I don't understand why you can't respond to a simple question. What ever. I'm bored and will take your advice and walk away. I fear your taking a legitimate MRA movement into an angry hate movement. Please tell me I'm wrong.

"women haters need not apply"


another edit [pardon me]

It should be "a"nthony. I don't like the capitalized "A".

I'm back with another edit to my original post. I forgot to mention I enjoy Yoo-hoo and Devil Dogs. This is vital MRA information.

Mr. Reality I promise this is the last edit. My statement:

Two blondes on the opposite side of a river. One blonde asks the other "How do I get to the other side"!

The second blond responds by saying "your already on the other side"

O.K. I lied. I find it necessary to once again edit my post. I have a feeling your a Pro Wrestling fan.

Alright, I'm having editing issues. This one is an extremely important question. Do you like the song "Dancing Queen" by Abba?

Final Edit: "Never spit in mans face unless his mustache is on fire"

Another edit?

"Like a fiendish tropic virus
Spitting bile at all you whores
Razor-sharp tongue-in-cheek
Poking in your open sores

A wolf in sheep's clothing
The ultimate disgrace
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face"


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