Detectives: Wife gave kids ear plugs before Bravest husband slay

This story was on the front page of The New York Daily News morning print edition. Usually these types of stories are buried on page 52. Excerpt:

"Investigators believe the wife of a slain FDNY fire marshal gave her daughters earplugs so they would sleep while she allegedly pumped three bullets into her husband, sources said Thursday.
Detectives believe she used the two hours between the shooting and the 911 call to clean up the scene, put a blanket over her husband's head and place the murder weapon - the marshal's service revolver - back on a shelf."
Investigators are awaiting test results on blood found under Janet Mercereau's fingernails. She told detectives it was her menstrual blood, a source said.

Janet Mercereau filed for divorce last year only to stop the proceedings months later, officials said. She told detectives her husband was abusive and that she took out an order of protection against him last year."

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"Rosie O'Donnell can play her in the movie"


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they will convict her. even if they do she will walk, or waddle away w/ some counseling and probation. it appears to be almost legal to kill husbands in the us w/ a little planning.

my bets for excuse(s) to be used:

insanity or abuse

she has already set him up for being an abuser

but the menstural blood thang smells like an insanity plea (ew)

maybe just trying to give her lawyers some options.

somebody check the VAWA and see if witholding peanut M&M's is considered abuse.

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"but the menstural blood thang smells like an insanity plea (ew)" [daveinga]

Great Line!


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She's already claimed abuse, and everybody knows how rare false abuse claims are (ha ha) so she'll get off. Maybe she gets a year; that's my bet.

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