Murderess Gets Probation

Via Marc A.: "That's right. She murders her husband at gunpoint for the life insurance proceeds so she can continue her affair with a co-workers, she's convicted of first degree murder, but then she gets only probation and a fine. Genarlow Wilson gets 10 years for consensual oral sex with a 15 year old when he was 17, but this adult gets no jail time for 1st degree murder. I guess she's too pretty for jail. And she has two sons. Of course, if a father of 2 sons murdered his wife, he'd be thrown right in jail and wouldn't even get visitation."

Story here. Excerpt:

'Traci Rhode spent two days in jail and will pay $10,000 for the crime of murder.

The jury that convicted the Fort Madison, Iowa, native of killing her husband in their Brownsville home four years ago also set her free Thursday, to the delight of her lawyer and the dismay of local prosecutors.
It took jurors two days to deliver their guilty verdict and another three days to sentence Rhode to 10 years supervised release. Judge Ben Euresti tacked on a $10,000 fine to her punishment and she was released from the Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center within a few hours.
She has maintained her innocence throughout the trial, claiming Scott Rhode shot himself in their bedroom while she showered after a morning walk.

The prosecutors counter that Traci awoke at about 5 a.m. on Oct. 15, 2003, and shot her husband with a .45-caliber handgun while he slept.'

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It was hanging by a thread already, of course...

But I can no longer take seriously or otherwise respect anything said by any court - family, civil or criminal - in the USA or Canada. If I'm ever called in front of one, even as a potential juror, my last and only words to the presiding judge will be a brief explanation of this fact.

I'd rather rot in prison for the rest of my life on a contempt charge than tolerate a system that says a man's life is worth two days of a woman's life, or that 14 dead women in Montreal are more important than 100,000 dead Canadian soldiers (we lower flags over the 14 women killed when Marc Lepine went nuts at school, but not over the 100,000 soldiers who've died defending Canada).

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If there's a hell, she's first in line. Why would this other guy want anything to do with her? My advice to this man is a qoute from Metallica's "Enter Sandman"...[Sleep with one eye open!]


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So, let me get this straight.

A wife can murder her husband to collect his $600,000 insurance policy benefit, and after she is found guilty, her kids can still collect the money?

The obvious next question is --

Who gets the money after her children "disappear?"

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Feminism to the criminal justice system: "Exit light! Enter night!"

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if it weren't for the internet we would not have even heard about this sort of thing. i've been watching it for 30+ years.

the legal "profession" long ago lost any semblance of honor, justice, fairness, truth or equality. bad + ugly + evil + wrong + greed will never add up to any of those words.

what was it Alan said to david in that interview, it's not all women? if it weren't almost all women this would not be condoned.

let's see. woman runs over and over husband w/ his young daughter in the car - free to go.

woman shoots her sleeping husband w/ shotgun = free to go.

woman chases children down and drowns them = free to go.

women molest small boys = free to go.

woman lies about rape for potential $$ = free to go.

woman lies about DV to gain edge in divorce = free to go.

woman injects sperm into male child's rectum to implicate husband = free to go.

on and on and on it goes. maybe it's just me but why do men keep expecting a different outcome (justice)? isn't the definition of stupidity seeing the same thing happen repeatedly and then expecting a different outcome?

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"why do men keep expecting a different outcome (justice)?"

Most men aren't expecting anything - they're not even wathing. They busy working, supporting their families, paying expenses, and during their free time, watching sports, etc.

That's one of the problems. Most of them don't even hear of these things or associate them as anything other than isolated incidents rather than a pattern of outright discrimination against them as a birth group. They've been told they have all the power, and they're going to leave it at that, until they're pummeled by the legal system so much that they can't do anything even if they figured it all out and wanted to. It's all part of the cycle of male disposability. Even MRAs don't see it entirely. We have to keep fighting. That's it.

When the National Coalition of Free Men formed in 1976 in Maryland, it was originally just called "Free Men," and "free" was a verb, meaning to free men from gender expectations, unfair divorce laws, etc. Today I see this battled as exactly that, an effort to free men from the cycle of disposability.

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So how does this ever change, Dave? Is there any reason to expect that it will?

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I must say that I am really disgusted that women can pull these kinds of stunts and get away with it. But don't worry, for as it says in Psalm 1 "The way of the wicked will perish". Of course, in order to make that happen, we have to take action. If only there was some way to organize a protest outside the courthouse that set her free with picket signs that say "We Want Justice for Scott Rhode". But sadly, the justice system is nothing more than a misnomer. There's no such thing as justice anymore. It's all based on two things in your pants, if you're a man or a woman, and if you've got money. But hey, at least we all can congregate here. The internet is worldwide, thus we can change the world if we go about it the right way. Please forgive my naive optism.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Where does it say 1st degree murder? I'm asking because it was once claimed by a feminist that most people on death row are men because their homicide convictions are disproportionately 1st degree murder.

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You're one of the few people I know of who has the energy to keep fighting this type discrimination. I recently didn't have internet service for a period of a few weeks, and I noticed a definite change for the better in my mood during that time..from not reading the depressing news in the men's rights blogs and boards. That might indicate another reason men don't want to hear it - they just want to be left alone so they can pretend there's nothing to worry about.


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...attacking a strawman is that the problem still remains after the fantasy is over. Welcome back to reality Ax.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Don't marry, avoid children, keep women out of the house. Migrate to a better place if you have to marry.

Some would insist that it's an isolated incident. But then, it's too dangerous to put one happiness at the mercy of another person, there got to be safer ways to happiness.

To marry is to support a institution that's designed to oppress you.

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Hey ax -

You've raised an important topic -- that being the personal & psychological impacts of thinking about men's issues and pervasive misandry, sexism, discrimination.

But then, what's the alternative? A daily free Oprah lobotomy and a simpler life as a pussified zombie?

My last girlfriend informed me one day that I would have a more sunny outlook on life and less anger about women if I just erased all my men's rights 'Net site bookmarks.

I really appreciated her concern, but I did the right thing and put her on a plane the next day.

So, stay optimistic ax-man. Time is on our side, even if the present feminist laws are not.

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RandT, you're right that this article doesn't say 1st degree. But a different article does:

Thanks Ax re that thanks. Yeah I notice that too when I don't watch it for a while, like on a vacation or something. It's tough to strike the balance. But when I get things printed in newspapers, get positive responses printed from others as well, see other small positive things happening, I'm happy, so it works both ways.

I remember a time, 8-10 years ago, when it was really amazing that a newspaper would print one of our letters. But that's changing over time and I've smiled when each of these letters, op eds, etc. printed, at

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this perversion of justice has morphed into a money making women can do no wrong enterprise. fleecing men is big bucks, and we all know what that means. lotsa jobs. normally honest people will turn a blind eye when their rice bowl is being tilted. and guys, we are starting to rock the boat. the longer they go w/o trying to remedy the situation, the harder the explosion when the pressure finally builds too far.

lots of people are unhappy w/ what is going on, and the bad guys will send their attack minions in more and more desperate ways to preserve their perverted "justice". notice how that woman debating marc r. every week tries to laugh it off, like it's somehow crazy. and how alan c. kept cutting david u. off before he could make a complete sentence. and how he kept trying right off the bat to make it personal. not a tactic of a good interviewer.

sosick- to answer your question, when i first found myself w/o a family solely because of what a woman wanted, there was no one who understood what happened. not even me. joe blow doesn't have a clue until he is targeted. but things they are a changin'. and our cause seems to be picking up speed.

today we have a way to fight - WORDS, and a delivery system, the internet. they are said by sages to be far more powerful than the sword. that is exactly why so many in the msm are talking of controlling it. we can judge how well we are doing by how vicious, desperate, personal and illogical their attacks become.

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Marc Lepine and L'Ecole Polytechnique will fade from peoples memories here in Canada soon enough as Canada has a new icon for the evil of man that will cause all men to suffer for at least 200 years because of what he's done. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm talking about Robert Pikton. His killing of a bunch of whores and feeding them to his pigs will be forever held up as a reason why all men are bad and women need protecting from them.

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"Pickton, 58, was found guilty of the murders of Mona Wilson, Sereena Abotsway, Marnie Frey, Brenda Wolfe, Andrea Joesbury and Georgina Papin. The defense acknowledged that their remains were found on Pickton's farm outside Vancouver, but denied he was responsible for their deaths.

Pickton listened to the verdict with his head bowed. He will receive life in prison and will not be eligible for parole for at least 10 years when he is sentenced Tuesday."

And, there were another 20 bodies found on his farm that the prosecutors held back in case they lost Round One.

And, he only was convicted of Secondary Murder, meaning that nothing was premeditated!

He told a police mole in prison that he was trying to get to the magic number of 50 murders.

What exactly are Canadian jurors smoking during their deliberations?

With good behavior and a decent appeal, this guy walks in ten years.

Oh well, if he was an American female who had only killed her husband while he was sleeping, s/he'd be getting a college scholarship about now.

Strange planet we inhabit...

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Are you sure that incident will fade from memory? I read in Legalizing Misandry that the Canadians have some kind of "memorial service" for it every year (I guess to remind the population how much danger women are in, from men).

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The school or the city or both hold a memorial every year and the Canadian press get stirred into a frenzy and cover it like it happened yesterday, but there is no official recognized day of memory for that event.

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The key phrase is: "the Canadian press get stirred into a frenzy and cover it like it happened yesterday"..that's really what matters.


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Sorry to say that it is an "International Day" of whining and man-hatred, an extension of some initiative started by feminists in the 80's.

Here's a delightful little gem from the delusional fruitcakes that run such things:

June Michell, who works with Women AWARE, a Montreal-based women's group that advocates long-term counseling for domestic violence victims, supports Dumont's assertion that the rise of domestic violence in North America is attributable to a patriarchal society.

"In my own personal opinion, we're still run by a very male-oriented society where the man is usually the one in control, who takes care of the family," said Michell, who acknowledges that men suffer abuse as well, but more commonly on a psychological level.

Given that women have been proven to commit approximately 60% of all domestic violence and the majority of child abuse, all I can say to such twaddle is:

Save battered women. Win valuable prizes.

(The real trick is getting the batter to coat them evenly. ;)

Seriously folks, I care just as much about battered women as feminists care about battered men. Just as soon as they own up to the 60% of DV their gender causes, I'll even start listening to their opinions.

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But I still do not think there is an official government recognized day of memorial anywhere outside of Quebec. Again, I could be wrong as I pay as little attention to that shit every year as possible.

Plus I still think Mr. Lepine will lose allot of interest over the next few hundred years as the Canadian DV industry will without any doubt hold Mr. Pikton up as the new poster boy for why all men should be treated like Monsters.

Mr. Lepine's status will probably shrink down to honorable mention when the topic of school shootings is raised.

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