Study: Children often fabricate stories of sexual abuse

An excerpt from the article:

"Dr Rawls told how a team of lawyers, police and psychologists got an unpleasant surprise when it assessed a study group of 30 five-year-olds - seven reported they had been sexually abused.

All 30 had been in the care of one man. The seven told of genital touching, the man putting his hands under their upper clothing, of his touching their bottoms and making them touch his.

The revelations were an unpleasant surprise because the assessment team knew there had been no abuse. The children had invented the incidents. Their every moment with the man had been videoed."

With cases such as the one in the article it is a no-brainer as to why men no longer want to be alone with children. One lie from the "little angel" and off he goes even though no evidence was provided. A lying mother and child is a formidable juggernaut in the misandric court systems.

Thus this is another problem men must tackle. It seems as if everyone else -- meaning women and children -- can just make something up(no matter how absurd) and men go to jail. The notion that women and children don't lie about sexual abuse or battery needs to be confronted and debunked.

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"With cases such as the one in the article it is a no-brainer as to why men no longer want to be alone with children." (Mr. Reality)

This is also indicative of the rapid decline of male elementary school teachers. Its sad that our feminized society has determined men should not be a part of a child's life.

FYI (not related to this story)

Today is Friday, my day off from my job as a social worker. I received a phone call this morning at 7:00am asking if I could come in and shovel snow from the parking lot. Keep in mind I work in an environment primarily with female co-workers. (this is a female dominated industry). I get along with them very well, but when it comes time for physical labor lets call in Anthony, the only male in the department. Bottom line: I said no. After recently finishing college I was admittedly unaware of the gender hypocrisy in the work place. Not any more. My eyes are now wide open


Working with women does have some advantages considering many of them are hot. However, I will not kiss their ass just because of their looks. Most men are suckers when dealing with an attractive woman. (and the women know this)

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I get along with them very well, but when it comes time for physical labor lets call in Anthony, the only male in the department. Bottom line: I said no. After recently finishing college I was admittedly unaware of the gender hypocrisy in the work place. Not any more. My eyes are now wide open

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar
Sex-Ploytation (Unaware of the author at the moment I will post his name later)

Both of these books deal with what you're experiencing on the job. What you're experiencing is also the main reason women were not working before feminism(as opposed to the oft-utilized claim that they were oppressed). Many women chose not to work due to the kinds of jobs -- which required physical labor -- that were available for the masses then. Diary entries from women confirm this.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Of course five year-olds lie about rape, for the same reason they make up stories about everything else. They're too young to have a grip on reality. The adults are the ones who are supposed to be able to sort fact from fantasy.

But our legal system is run by activists and crooks who are there to sell snake oil to a gullible, authority-worshipping public, and there is no incentive to prevent innocent men from being victimized. Any fantasy, no matter how inconsistent or ridiculous, is sufficient for a conviction.

Five year-olds and immature adults lie, and there is no punishment for those who are caught lying, and no filter to sort the lies from truth.

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My sister and I got into a heated argument after Thanksgiving dinner last month over this very issue of men's disappearance from the K-12 education system.

She is an educated woman who left a nursing career to become a sixth-grade teacher.

Her argument was basically that "men don't want to do all the work for crappy salaries."

I suggested that any thinking man would not choose a dangerous career path within a matriarchal gulag (any given school) where one wrong look or sympathetic hug could get him charged with being a pedophile.

She really had no adequate rebuttal, especially since her own 19 year-old son recently survived a false rape accusation after months of being stalked by some clever predatory college girls.

Under our current feminist legal shitstem, every man has a prominent target on his back, and even shunning all associations with women is no guarantee that you are exempt from the harvesting...

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And why is it that when a woman is busted for screwing a student, it's always because she actually did it?

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Under our current feminist legal shitstem, every man has a prominent target on his back, and even shunning all associations with women is no guarantee that you are exempt from the harvesting...

Quoted for truth. I have a better one for you. I was recently told about a female in the local school system that filed a "sexual harrassment" charge against one of the janitors at one of the schools. Nearly every female was fired up to believe her -- with pitchforks and burning crosses to boot -- until someone did some digging and found out that this very same female actually had a sexual relationship with the janitor; basically she was fucking him.

He had loaned her some money for something. When it came time for her to pay him the money back -- rather than pay what she owed -- she instead thought of the idea to claim that he sexually harassed her in order to get out of paying the debt.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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With respect Mr.R,

That man was a fool.

He did not shun the association with the pussy predator.

He made himself a target.

Moral of the story?

Do not give bitches your money or your sperm.

Any man going to work in today's school shitstem is automatically a potential "sexual harrasser" if one of his feminist colleagues that he has coffee with every morning decides to terminate his career with a false allegation.

Men ARE prey.

Do not mistake your legal identity for anything like actual freedom.

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So he's never going to have sex with a woman again? I think he's a victim, not a fool. Most men have no idea what they're facing.

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Siggy may have thought he was being scientific with his psychoanalytic "investigations", into peoples' memories of childhood sexual abuse. But since children have a hard time distinguishing between secrets, truth, and lies, maybe a given child's falsehood, or false memory, evolved to become a secret (after all, memory has been shown to be malleable). Then later as an adult, under the intense probing (re-interviewing) of psycho-analysis, he/she could no longer "keep the secret" or resist the temptation to elaborate on it.


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I think he's a victim, not a fool.

He's a fool for giving his money to some stinking ass trick and believing she actually had the intention of repaying him.

He's a victim because like most men he trusted a woman to be as honest and forthright as he was in loaning her the money and of course -- being female -- she wasn't.

If she owed him money she's liable for it regardless. Being a bitch does not excuse you from obligations. He learned his lesson though and THIS TIME he was a victim. Next time he will either not loan any money out or get a contract that can be enforced by the courts.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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decades of false accusations, witch hunts, wholesale stupidity, knee jerk idiotic legislation, entire communities falsely accusing child center personnel of wrong-doing, and NOW we get some competent data?

par for the course. ya think!

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But it is generally ignored by the mainstream media (they would rather, for example, spread mass hysteria with "news" of the witch hunts); it is also conveniently ignored by politicians, who are generally spineless (both left and right) and will suck anyone's dick (or should I say lick anyone's twat) to get re-elected.
Finally, any accurate data that exists, ends up getting distorted and laundered so as to support the feminazi point of view rather than hold it up for examination.

(That's the first time I ever used the term "feminazi", but as each day goes by, the toothbrush moustaches on radical feminists' faces get a little bit longer.. so perhaps the fact that 90% of them are gross hairy lesbians, will be their ultmate undoing).


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