RADAR ALERT: Boston Herald Fans Domestic Violence Hysteria

In an article entitled "Domestic violence at point of 'crisis'" published last week, the Boston Herald quoted Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett claiming that "domestic violence is murder waiting to happen" and demanding the Mass. Legislature "enact an emergency bill that would potentially double jail time for serial batterers before they maim or kill."

D.A. Blodgett clearly wants the terms "domestic violence" and "serial batterer" to conjure up a mental image of a menacing brute who beats women just because he can. But all across the nation, "domestic violence" has been defined down to the point where simply raising one's voice makes the accused a "batterer". RADAR has documented (.pdf file) how the systems in place act as perverse incentives to induce women to make false accusations.

And Elaine Epstein, former president of the Massachusetts Women's Bar Association, has warned that "Everyone knows that restraining orders and orders to vacate are granted to virtually all who apply."

So, when Blodgett says "serial batterer" he's just as likely to be talking about the innocent husband or boyfriend of a vindictive woman as the slavering beast he wants you to imagine.

As the nation learned from Mike Nifong, innocence is no defense when the D.A. needs to grandstand in order to win an election. And unfortunately for the innocent, most of the Nifongs out there aren't dumb enough to get caught.

Please call the Boston Herald and ask them to run a follow-up article to correct the unbalanced and inaccurate portrayal of domestic violence created by the Herald's publication of this article.

The follow-up should highlight the facts that:

  • false allegations of domestic violence are now rampant,
  • men are just as likely to be victims of their wives' or
    girlfriends' violence,
  • victimized men are routinely turned away when they seek help from domestic violence service providers

The Boston Herald's editor, Kevin Convey, can be reached at 617-619-6403. The Herald's comment line is: 617-619-6789. As always, state your opinion in a polite and courteous manner.

Date of RADAR Release: December 12, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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The solution of this problem is simple: don't get married. If you want a free cunt in your bed, be ready to pay for it.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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...feed feminist klan hysteria....it will get you great rewards!!

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"Save battered women. Win valuable prizes".

(Too obscure? I'm not that old.)

Why am I making jokes about this? Simply put, if they're not going to take the gender-neutral nature of DV seriously, why should we take anything they have to say seriously? The only place where men face more bias than we do in the courts is in the media.

Sure, I'm for any effort that reduces the suffering of men or women, particularly abused men or women, but this misandric, one-sided bullshit has to stop. Just as soon as battered men can expect the same level of support, treatment and enforcement to which battered women are entitled, I'll start giving a damn what the manhaters have to say about DV. Until this feminist and media-propagated view of DV as a gender problem is destroyed, millions of men, children and women will continue to suffer unnecessarily, all to keep fat, ignorant, angry manhaters in business.

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...all I can see is her "price tag". It hangs around her neck like the chains on Marley's ghost in A Christmas Carol. In other words, that price tag can sometimes be hard to see, but it's a heavy weight to bear once you realize it's there.

Over the last 40 years, women have redefined ALL male-female sexual relations as a simple whore-client interaction, and yet they protest when we refuse to be "johns" because it's undignified and when we react by treating them as whores, all because they started treating us like clients long before we reacted to this change. This apparent disconnect in the female brain makes sense, given that we've raised two or three generations of women to believe that a) pussy is a saleable commodity and b) that they have all the rights and privileges while we have all the responsibilites. Little wonder everyone's so confused these days.

Anyhow, every woman has a "price tag" that you have to pay to gain access to sex. It consists of actual financial compensation in the form of dowry (courtship/dating costs, rings, weddings) and support for HER children (the courts have made it perfectly clear that children are the woman's property and the man's responsibility), not to mention paying for her for eternity if you divorce. Then there's the emotional costs in the form of the manipulation, head games, lies, cheating, cuckolding, etc. etc. that the female of our species has down to a fine science, not to mention the "grrrrl power" trip that most young women are on these days.

It can add up to one hell of a price to pay for pussy. That price is clearly displayed on the tag thereon, if you know how to spot it.

So, the next time you see a woman and you're thinking about whether she might be worth getting to know, or how attractive she is, or how much you'd like to have sex with her, even if it's a stripper or just some naked skank on a website, remember to check her price tag. It will become a reflex action after a while. After all, it's perfectly clear to me that women have monetized pussy, and oh, how the profits have rolled in. God knows it ain't free.

(If you want to get started on spotting those price tags, see the article posted a few days back on "men's dating mistakes" and the comments made on the article by readers on that site. That's what finally cleared the smoke from my eyes and made all women's price tags visible to me).

Oh, and be forewarned - all sales are final unless the seller changes her mind and decides to keep your money without holding up her end of the deal, and the price on the tag doesn't necessarily reflect the quality or quantity of the goods you're paying for. On the bright side, if the price seems too high, remember that financing is available through your friendly neighborhood family courts.

It's sad really: Until recently I always saw women as human beings and people. But after all this man-hating nonsense and stupidity, they've reduced themselves to nothing more than objects and whores. You go girls.

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You nailed it, RandomMan. I look at the modern self-proclaimed "liberated" western woman and feel nothing but contempt mixed with a truly profound disappointment. They promised us a soul-mate and an equal partner; but have delivered a cross between a petulant child and a cold-eyed tyrant.

Women have been handed real power over men for at least a generation now, and far too many have used it only to enrich themselves, to enhance their own comfort, to feed their monstrous obsession with their own images, and to hand men the bills - payment of which they have enforced with escalating cruelty. They have not used one ounce of their power to help men in any way, shape or form; on the contrary, women have simply defined us as the source of all their fears, pain and anxiety, and demanded punishment to compensate them for their suffering, real or imagined. They don't even bother to conceal their contempt of the male sex; there is no need any more, because they reckon men can't do anything about it anyway, and the winners don't have to worry about how the losers feel.

Neither have children benefitted from the matriarchy in any way you can define.

We have truly unleashed a monster into our midst. Maybe the nature of woman was always thus; but ours is the first generation to have stripped away all pretence and allowed them to expose themselves so clearly and shamelessly. We gave in to her demands to take the wheel, and now she is driving us over a cliff, all the while still screaming in our face that it is all our fault...

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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The feminists and their allies have been promising us equality for decades. "Just give us this, this, this, and this, and women will be equal to men, and you'll be freer than ever, too!"

It didn't happen and it never will happen. The feminists are still miserable, but we've lost our rights in court, to our children and property, to express ourselves.

We must take back our rights, and that means whithering the abuse and divorce industries, and ending the anti-male hatred in advertising.

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...gave women complete power over them(Women always had more of an influence over men than men had over women. Now the domination of men is nearly complete). Stupid pussywhipped men didn't listen.

Now nearly every tyrannical thing she said women would do, they have done. One must only wonder why some intellectual men -- such as Schopenhauer, ancient scholars, Mattusek, and many others -- wrote the horrifying things that they did about women sometime ago?

Notice how when these men spoke they were called "misogynists"(an anti-male shaming tactic) because they told the truth about women.

Remember the unwritten commandment: Thou shall not criticize a woman?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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incentives to induce women to make false accusations.

Bullshit motherfucker. If a woman lies, it is because she "wanted to lie" and thus needs to be punished for it. Nothing "makes women lie." As a matter of fact with the way the misandric laws are noone "makes women do anything."

The skanks that DO lie do so because that's exactly what they wanted to do. A woman that does not want to impugn men does not lie on men. Period. No excuses for someone that chooses to lie rather than tell the truth.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I think we need a leader or leaders for the men's movement, much like Martin Luther King Jr. was for African American civil rights. If 200,000 men refuse to pay child and spousal support, and refuse to negotiate domestic violence charges with prosecutors, something will need to happen. Now, if 1000 men refuse, they are just imprisoned for up to 4 years in Federal or State Prison and their possessions and bank accounts are confiscated and handed over to the baby's momma (as well as federal and state agencies) while they are locked up. There is power in numbers; everything will stay the same and get worse until there is a movement. Politicians gain too much from giving the feminists what they want.

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They don't even have to do that. If 200,000 men will just contribute $100/year to men's rights and participate online the politicians would be licking the jam off of our fingers.

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Regarding women's "price tag", George Bernard Shaw probably put it best:

George Bernard Shaw once found himself at a dinner party, seated beside an attractive woman. "Madam," he asked, "would you go to bed with me for a thousand pounds?" The woman blushed and rather indignantly shook her head.

"For ten thousand pounds?" he asked. "No. I would not." "Then how about fifty thousand pounds?" he continued.

The colossal sum gave the woman pause, and after further reflection, she coyly replied: "Perhaps." "And if I were to offer you five pounds?" Shaw asked.

"Mr. Shaw!" the woman exclaimed. "What do you take me for!" "We have already established what you are," Shaw calmly replied. "Now we are merely haggling over the price."

[Trivia: Shaw was a virgin until 29, when he was seduced by an elderly widow. The experience shocked him into 15 years of total abstinence.]

George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)

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I look at the modern self-proclaimed "liberated" western woman and feel nothing but contempt mixed with a truly profound disappointment. They promised us a soul-mate and an equal partner; but have delivered a cross between a petulant child and a cold-eyed tyrant.

That and the rest of your comment is arguably the best description of men's situation that I have ever read. It captures the essence of misandric feminism, the frontman fallacy and basically every issue we face as men today. With your permission, I will quote this to others on a regular basis. I'm presently trying to educate a couple of my male acquaintances about the men's movement - a necessary step before I try to break through their chivalrous programming and socialization to turn them into MRA's, or "liberated" men at the very least.

This sort of description is invaluable in that effort, and I thank you for it.

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"One must accordingly say that the fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflection but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning; hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradictacble tendency to tell lies ...
dissimulation is thus inborn in her..."

("On Women," by Arthur Schopenhauer 1788 - 1860.)

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Matthias Mattusek wrote: "Fact: Ever since fashion journals and stylish feminism fed sparrow-brain diets like the ones cited above to the Girlie-Generation [sic], men have had to deal with a steadily more egotistical, more spoiled, more sulking role-model, that makes its appearance in every love-relationship and that develops an undertow that exposes even the most love-worthy, female partner to continual, corruptive temptation.

Fact: 30 years of systematic preferential treatment of women have produced a women's ideal that must consider every uncomfortable truth, every frustration, every slight in a relationship as a disturbing threat – a danger that can only be fought off by flight from the relationship. One calls that: emancipation.

Fact: Women are becoming increasingly less capable to have relationships: almost three quarters of all divorces are being filed by women after a relatively short duration of marriage, which comes to them correspondingly easy, because, as a rule, the tab is paid by the husband.

As the result of this [last] statistic, women obviously manage increasingly less frequently to develop the extent for conflict-resolution and for loyalty that is a prerequisite for an adult relationship and even for the constructing of a family.

Psychologists of the University of Washington, who recently published the results of the study of a longitudinal survey, confirm this observation: the best ingredient to keep an average marriage alive today is said to be "to obey the wife." Naturally, that is a devastating diagnosis. The modern woman as spoiled infant who demands unconditional obeisance, no man who still has it all together goes continually along with that.

To be sure, he'll have to secure his future far better than up to now, because the methods for revenge of male unruliness that the legislators put into the hands of women are horrifying. "He shall pay until he whimpers," recommends the Cosmopolitan for such cases. "The thumb-screw lets itself be tightened so delightfully, ever more mercilessly."

How did it come to this? In 30 years of male remorseful guilt and female lobbying, it seems that sulking prosperity-children have grown up, who call themselves, after a women's bestseller, "Bad Girls," and who fashion greed and capriciousness into a program for liberation. Everyone of their wishes must be read by the State and men in their eyes, and if they don't, they are women's enemies.

Just like any other spoiled child, they kick the weak and sink adoring themselves to their knees. Every professional success becomes a manifesto against men, every failure evidence of misogyny, and every instant of motherhood an entitlement to medals for valour.

It drives one silly with laughter to consider for instance the cult of the so-called lone-mothers. The government's aid-squadrons jump to help them as if they were seriously wounded, as if the birth of a child alone were social service in the front-line and, over and above that, a Nobel-Price-worthy performance, and further, as if each relationship-weak social-assistance-recipient who couldn't hang on to her boyfriend or exchanged him for another one were as a-matter-of-course entitled to a war-widows pension in the form of support and government-sponsored privileges for life." ~ Matthias Mattusek

Damn that's real! And the truth shall set you free!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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(RM) - "Over the last 40 years, women have redefined ALL male-female sexual relations as a simple whore-client interaction..."

I believe you left out a couple of decimal points in your excellent analysis.

It would more properly state - "Over the last 40,000 years ..." (From caves to condos is not such a stretch in this equation, right?)

The economics of our ongoing cultural Gender Wars are obvious. Men pay, women gain.

What I can't quite work out is, given all the revolting "qualities" that American women display, and the inescapable financial raping of men that marriage entails, and the inevitable loss of men's dreams and spirit ...

WHY do men still desire a species of women who promise them nothing other than eventual betrayal? (The majority of "till death do us part" women file for divorce...)


Why do so many men intentionally seek suffering?

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Because they're ignorant. If they weren't they'd be here, supporting men's rights groups. But how many men are even willing to donate $100/year to the cause? They'll blow thousands on divorce, civil, or criminal attorneys, but they won't lift a finger to hit back politically.

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RandomMan: "With your permission, I will quote this to others on a regular basis."

You absolutely have my permission, and so does everyone else. Everything I write in the public domain is intended to be for public consumption, use and benefit, not for my own enrichment. Quote from me at will.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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From another dead ancient bard, Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of U.K., quotes from a real man in conversation with high-class bimbos ---

Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.”

Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”


Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.”

Churchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.”

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"Save battered women. Win valuable prizes".

(A tardy reply) -- That IS the funniest line I've ever heard, and I only wish you could have made some money by selling it, if only the Hollywood writers strike were over.

RandomMan, you are one diabolical writer, in the best of all senses.

Have you pitched this idea to COSMO magazine?

I see a cover page with Johnny Depp....

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Sorry to but in but mens movement needs to market itself and on the ground.

when you hold a demonstration ensure that you have asizable presence.

Unless the men make their problems known it will not be heard.

also when we go before a judiciary in any country remember that as a husband they can lock you up[ for 7 years on just her testimonial thats the power they have by law .

Its important to give them an atmosphere that will make them happy about giving justice to men.

It is our fault if we cannot market mens movement becuase we care and its our responsibility to make others care.

We r not in for ourselves but for a society whcih is more appreciative of men and their contributions and will give them their fair due be it the out of what they gain out of their hardwork , their childeren as well as respect for being a man

Say with pride " I am proud to be a man I have done for last million years that for next million years I need not do anything"

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