UK Guardian covers India's men's movement

Read it here. Excerpt:

'The cautionary tale appears to be part of a trend in middle-class India where male angst is on the rise. Men complain that they have lost their traditional role as providers as women work more. Further, women with independent incomes are refusing to submit to the traditional ideal of marriage where an obedient wife accedes to a husband's every wish.

The outcome is an undisguised backlash against Indian feminism and women's rights. One men's organisation is demanding a ministry for men, arguing that 82% of taxpayers are men but that no money has ever been allocated for "male welfare".

The protection enshrined in Indian law for harassed wives has also led to a deep-seated sense of male victimhood. The men's movement in the country has been fired up by what it claims is the "legal terrorism driven by radical groups ... which has resulted in the blatant violation of men's rights".'

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Not all men are as gullible as in the west. Over there, they know where this is heading.

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This article has some subtle nasties in it:

The cautionary tale appears to be part of a trend in middle-class India where male angst is on the rise. Men complain that they have lost their traditional role as providers as women work more. Further, women with independent incomes are refusing to submit to the traditional ideal of marriage where an obedient wife accedes to a husband's every wish.

I'm sure the men's movement is a little bit more complicated than the usual femi-porn thought of men constantly scheming to keep women down. The entire article is full of reasons why men are mad. Try summarizing some of the positive group goals as well.

On crime, too, the men's movement is sifting through official statistics to counter claims that women in India bear the brunt of violence - though police say that every 33 minutes a crime is committed against a woman in India and there is one "dowry death" in the country every 104 minutes.

What did the men's movement find? Care to elaborate before you spout off the usual statistics from the government? Guess not.

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The point is that if the men down there don't do something, they'll end up with a situation like we have in the United States, in which any man can go to prison for life based solely on the word of a mentally ill woman or kid.

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Oh I am not bashing the men's movement in India, don't get me wrong. I'm bashing the "sanitized" coverage of the movement in this particular article. Even the craziest bitch gets her side of the story in most media these days.

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This article is none other than a clear message to all men in UK and in the West to do the same: to unite and to fight for one's rights. Of course daughter owners don't welcome such messages.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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Absolutely. All men must hang together or we'll hang seperately.

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This is why I can't understand why any man would have a lying woman or child in their household. If I see a woman or a kid has a propensity for lying and thievery I do not invite them to my home.

I almost went through this before when some lying ass brat called the police because he/she thought I was spending too much time with his/her mother. The police came and even though nothing was going on the questions were endless. They also refused to listen to what I had to say even though what I was saying made sense. I then took the officer's badge number down -- and mentioned an attorney since I was being treated like a criminal for a crime I did not commit -- suddenly his attitude changed. I still took the badge number and spoke with my lawyer though.

CONCLUSION: If the kid or woman is some kind of spoiled brat do not have them in your house or around you. They WILL lie and get you placed in prison while they hang out and chill in YOUR HOUSE and the law will back the kid or the woman -- or both -- up while stripping you of the small amount of rights you do have as a man, especially if you're a black man.

If the kid is a brat and a liar remember the mother created that spoiled rotten attitude the kid has. It's a refelction of her own attitude. Thus if the child lies on you she will NOT go against her teammat(i.e. the spoiled kid) and will instead have YOU imprisoned whether she knows it is false or not. The facts are most women have an extreme hatred of males which is nourished by the media. So don't expect too much help when "her baby" decides to lie on you to get you out of the picture.

The best thing to do is stay the fuck away from spoiled women and their brats(This does not include well-behaved respectful children that love their fathers, don't tell lies repeatedly or steal, and who respect men).


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mens movement in India is not about traditional roles and traditional expectation . There aim is to built a softer and gentler gender equal society by recognising that everyone has equal rights and protection.

the anlysis of mens movement arising out of loss of tradional roles is actually diametrically opposite to the view of the organisation. It is in fact set to challenge the tradionally held view that men should be protector and providers.

It seeks to liberate men from being forced into this role and seeks to empower men to assert their rights to protection of their "sweat rights" also called as "shrama dhana" on the basis of their contribution.

The International mens day was observed in simple yet enthusiastic fashion on 19th November to highlight their rights and also celebrate their contribution to saciety for centuries

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Western media is trained to ignore the mens view point. this is why their analysis came up that the mens movement came up as an angst against loss of tradional roles when the reality is that the mens movement arose out of the straight jacketting the men into tradional roles resulting in
1. Providing for abusive women
2. absolutely no joint custody rights even on paper
3. Lack of due process of law.
4. Unequal taxation at same salary level
5. Unequal Adultery law
6. Unequal Abortion law
7. Unequal dometic violence protection law
8. No protection of men from Extortion of money
9. Ignoring married male suicde

the list is endless and thats why there is a movement not just demands

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Equality is bunk. It'll never happen, and the feminists don't want it to happen. It's a total con job.

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the anlysis of mens movement arising out of loss of tradional roles is actually diametrically opposite to the view of the organisation. It is in fact set to challenge the tradionally held view that men should be protector and providers.

It seeks to liberate men from being forced into this role and seeks to empower men to assert their rights to protection of their "sweat rights" also called as "shrama dhana" on the basis of their contribution.

Quoted for truth.

This movement seeks to give men what they 'never had' freedom and choice. Watch any old school film and you will see men getting up trudging off to work while the woman sits home and watches TV or listens to the radio. They claim women are "working" at home(then how do they catch all of those soap operas and Oprah?), but that in no way compares to the shift the man must do at work, repairing things in the house, and keeping the spoiled woman he calls a wife happy.

If you were to add the two up and compare them women would still owe men a lifetime of support as would their descendants.

Sosickoftheirlies is right, equality is a sham. It's a lie that women use to steal what they want with impunity.

We will never have a world where "everything" is 100% equal as in 50-50. Now everyone having equal rights is another thing, but having equal rights means equal responsibility. So tell women to start defending men till the death, buying our dinners, pandering to us, telling us we are handsome everyday, watch their every word to make sure they don't "offend us", give us Gentlemen nights, get their asses drafted, etc, etc.

The damn list could go on forever. Women owe men alot, men owe women nothing. We've paid enough for the spoiled histrionic brats that we helped create. It's women's time to pay and god damn it they have no right to complain if ANY MAN runs up the fucking bill on them.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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bharati...well said, educated, scholarly comments!!keep em coming!!

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One suspects that the reasons that Indian men are now facing a well-organized and well-funded feminist legal & cultural assault differ not too dramatically from why American men face the same daily tyrannies and insults.

It would be my assumption that CHIVALRY, though differently expressed in the two cultures, is the common root cause of male disempowerment.

Men just do not want to believe that women are extremely sophisticated predators.

Whether its Hollywood or Ballywood, the ancient myths about "sugar 'n spice" refuse to die... despite abundant evidence.

As a sinful serial "daughter-owner" (guard your sperm, gentlemen!) I learned long ago to pay close attention to what women DO, and then compare it to what they SAY.

My oldest turned 25 today. I got her a cute feminist tee-shirt from a lesbian web site with the slogan:

She loved it.

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