Fox TV Plans to Air "If Women Ruled the World" Reality Show

Due to the current writer's guild strike and some extra time slots to fill, Fox TV will premiere the reality series “If Women Ruled the World" in March. Reported here. Excerpt:

'If Women Ruled the World" will feature 12 unsuspecting chauvinistic men becoming slaves in a new primitive Survivor-like "society" ruled by 12 "strong, educated and independent" women who are "tired of living in a man's world."

... arriving on an island with only partially-completed living accommodations, the group will have to complete their shelters and find their own water and heat. However unlike the CBS reality show, only the male contestants -- who will have to "accede to the women's every command, 24/7" -- will be doing any of the work.

One of the men will be "traded for supplies" -- aka eliminated -- during each episode of the 11-episode series, with the last man standing winning $250,000.'

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"roles reversed" = women boss men around and men have to do all the work and accede to women's demands? Men who are less-than-desirable are discarded?

Sounds like a typical day in suburbia to me.

When one class of person rules utterly over another, it isn't a "-archy" (matriarchy, patriarchy, oligarchy, whatever). It is in fact a state of enslavement. What these people are trying to do is perverse to say the least. Suppose they would subject any other group as a class to such an idea? Suppose such an idea would ever get off the ground? The fact that such a series is even suggested for airing, and by accounts, is planned for airing, points up only this: that the suggested scenario is a lot more like reality than it ought to be.

Contact Fox. Tell them they suck.

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This isn't a reality show, but another day at the office for the hen-pecked American male.

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Same tired spin on the men as agrressors and women as victims ideology this country seems so enamored with. No logic at all, just emotional bullshit meant to rile women up into the regular self-serving tirades on equality. Nothing but the "Frontman Fallacy" at work again.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You gotta be kidding me!

You gotta be kidding me!

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Fox is actually going to release this nonsense in 2008. Get ready for more whining from women that they are supposedly "oppressed." The media loves to spread myths(especiall when it comes to women as supposed victims); no matter how absurd the lies they spread are.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The myth of women as victims and men as abusers-- with absurd claims such as "one out of four women are abused regularly in America"-- has evolved into a secular religion, with the news media providing a window into the "temples"-- our corrupt, hysteria-driven court system.

Various religions have worshipped female virginity, and the new sacred objects are women who claim-- either correctly or falsely-- to have been battered or raped. The mob-like behavior that ensues whenever a man is accused of a crime is the public adoring this sacred feminine object. The counselors and many of the prosecutors and judges themselves are the priests and priestesses of this religion, having been inculcated with the feminist scriptures.

This is one of the problems with America. We have separation of church and state, but in this case that separation is circumvented. Feminists, who are completely irrational and biased, are allowed to control the system. Imagine if the Church of Scientology was being award a billion dollars per year by the government with the explicit purpose of unbalancing the system to the detriment of defendents. But because feminism is a secular religion, this is permitted.

Our constitutional structure isn't strong enough, and the slime of irrationality is seeping through.

Another problem-- the media being allowed to convict defendents, acting as an arm of the state, doing all sorts of things that the law prohibits the state from doing, and getting away with it by hiding behind the First Amendment, which was not crafted for that purpose.

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Based on the capsule description, it does in fact sound like the current reality.

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The portion about women ordering men around and having them beliitle themselves for women is accurate. However, it is the reason for the show that I assume many MRAs are bothered by; such as the regurgitating of thrice-debunked feminist myths already proven to be scientifically and historically incorrect.

This show bases itself on the false claim that women are oppressed.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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All the comments above are bang-on correct.

This is in fact a "reality" show, only with the necessary titillation of scantily clad hot chicks and dudes in speedos.

It could be produced more cheaply by putting in surveillance cameras in any surburban home. ( I'd choose St. Paul Minnesota, home of the most castrated males on earth other than Sweden...)

Why is it funny that money can be made by humiliating MEN on tee-vee, but you cannot say a negative thing about women in the MSM?

More to the point, why is it NOT funny?

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I would just love it if this show gets axed before it even airs 'cause after the first 2 or 3 episodes it becomes clear it's not any different from the regular survivor.

I'm not a reality tv guru, but I did watch one season of survivor. Seems to me building shelters, getting food, winning the challenges are all up to the 2 real men on each team. It just tickles me when it comes down to about 5 people and everybody's like, "We need to vote john off because he's so strong, but who will do the fishing?"

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I was speaking somewhat tongue-in cheek in my post below. Then again, the accepted reality these days is also based on feminist lies.

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