"The 5 Biggest Dating Mistakes That Men Make"

List here. Just one goes like this:

"Men Aren't Chivalrous. The lines here are not always clear. We want you to treat us like equals, but we also want you to treat us like women. It's nice when a man picks up the tab or makes sure his date gets home safely. It may be old-fashioned, but a number of women report that dating a gentleman matters."

Reader comments follow the list.

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We want you to treat us like equals, but we also want you to treat us like women.

From Marc Rudov's "Chivalry died in the Garden of Eden" : "as an author and radio guest who has contact with men and women from all over the world, I know firsthand that this lesson is lost on the women who constantly decry the dearth or death of chivalry. Too many females simply don't accept the premise that, once they leave their parents Gardens of Eden,they are choosing the responsibilities and accountability of adulthood. Unfortunately, these coddled, entitled women want the double standard of one foot in the real world;college degrees, big salaries, home ownership, and one in the garden of special privileges; presumed wining & dining, child custody, etc. Such a woman wants to achieve and to be taken care of. But, life doesn't work that way."

I am forwarding a copy of this article to this entitled, spoiled, brat of a woman.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I'll have to read Rudov's books. His writing is really good, even though he sometimes lets himself get shouted down on TV.

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This pop journalista is the poster child for Attention Whores everywhere.

Re-read her brain-dead feminist-marinated essay.

Does she say even one single thing about what a woman might wish to do for a man who is paying for her excellent date?

She obviously sees men as wallets to be cultivated, less-than-human beings to be commodified, exploited, and harvested.

And then she complains that men aren't chivalrous anymore?

Can't wait for her promised article about the dating mistakes women make.

Like, not getting all his money up front?

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I sent an email to the Losers at her show. Telling them Feminism is benevolent Sexism and that Feminists killed it. Get over it already. And Men who want equality will tell them to kiss our asses. I am sick of the damned whining from these bitches. They always are demanding to know what Men will do for them. Here is one, Leave you nasty Skanky entitlement Bitches alone with your Cats and Vibrators and meet reasonable and realistic Foreign Women. Who are not stupid and brain dead.

I am sick of this Shit. Fed up with these Skanks demanding to be treated like Princesses. Ask me this crap again Princess and My size 12 foot will connect with your fat ass. These idiot Women are as useless as Tits on a Boar Hog.

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No shit, Roy. What do they expect? Some of us are smart enough not to commit to a manipulative woman who's out for nothing but our money. There are good women here and there, but we're not going to settle for anything but the best; we can't afford to any more.

You want better treatment and more commitment, ladies? Then get some class.

* * *

I will say this: I think that we MRAs should be careful to distance ourselves from violence, even speaking in violent metaphor-- although the frustration is very understandable.

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Ah the old "We want to be equal, but we shouldn't have to pay for anything". There are words for that, are they repeatable here?

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In no particular order.

1. Tolerating a woman who will take a non-work call during a date. Cell phones have voicemail for a reason. (See their item #2)
2. Trying to impress. If she hasn't shown an interest in you, don't date her. Remember, you and your posessions/income are separate things.
3. Dating a woman who treats others poorly under any/most circumstances.
4. If you are inclined to chivalrous actions like opening doors and she is not appreciative -- dump her.
5. Continuing dating her if she isn't interested in anything you have to say.
6. Concentrating on looks over behavior.

Don't be afraid to be as picky as you see fit.

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These statements will often be said in the same breath. If they are, tell her you need to use the phone/washroom and split. I guarantee you'll never hear from her again, and that you'll be happier for it.

It would seem that the majority of women are hypocritical by nature.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The more she demand for 'equality', the more she prove herself to be unworthy of it.

The problem with women such as those is that they don't see a point of conforming to any structures that suppose to ensure the happiness of all. It gets to a point where even simple logic is something that they are in denial of.

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The problem with women such as those is that they don't see a point of conforming to any structures that suppose to ensure the happiness of all.

The problem with these women is when they say "equality" they really mean "preferential treatment for women."

A "real woman" that acts like an adult does not need to rant on about equality, claim women are this or that -- or dwell on some mythical oppression -- because she already has it/or shows it via hardwork, sacrifice, and respect(and love) for the opposite sex.

Women that want men to do this and that while not wanting to reciprocate their demands when it comes to men(In other words be "chivalrous" towards him, pay for his dinner, listen to him, abd all of the other things women say men MUST do) aren't looking at being "equal" to a man; they are looking for another sugardaddy to change women's shitty diapers.

These women fantasize -- and obsess(that's right obsess since your chance of being raped is about the same as your chance of being hit by a car) -- about things like rape because they know in all reality no man in his right fucking mind would want them. Who the hell would want to take care of a fully grown female toddler except an idiot?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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All women are being raised in this culture, though-- that's the problem. Just look at the difference between how Scott Peterson (convicted with very little evidence) is treated by the media as opposed to Mary Winkler, who was let off easy in spite of absolutely proof of guilt. Women think they have equal rights but no responsibilities.

Everything that goes wrong in their lives is somehow a man's fault, even when they murder their own kids in the bathtub or play Thelma and Louis with an underaged boy.

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We don't wait for these women that are like this to accept resonsibility; we force it on them by not accepting their double standards and lies. Every man that demands women be held responsible and treats women like adults rather than a spoiled child that always gets her way helps us out. Make her pay for her own shit. We defeat it by not accepting it, by informing other men about the nature of the entitled female(so they are aware and know how to deal with it.), and by lobbying against it on a political level. Every author that spews this shit should get an earful of facts from some MRA somewhere. Stop laying down letting women and their coporate attack dogs fuck you in the ass!

That means we must start calling out the men that support this bullshit as well.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Exactly. When we see a moronic double-standard being applied or a mob indulging in anti-male hysteria we blow the whistle.

It always amazes me how people react with utter horror when you make fun of one of their knee-jerk orgies of sympathy, for example.

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We need to organize another site that is not so politically correct. Sometimes this site censors stories that cut to the bone. I am working on one as I type this.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The vast majority of American women could not have an intelligent conversation about "the culture" or "the law."

(Or, even the impact of feminism.)

They do not care about anything other than their own entitlements and maximizing the exchange value of their vaginas.

So forget about any appeals to women about their special version of "equality" and the privileges they unquestionably accept.

You might as well try to have a conversation with a fish about water.

It is all taken for granted.

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Most western women live and breathe an entitled existence. To them it is their right to be taken care of and pandered to by men.

That's why the skank from the Yahoo article claimed she wants to be "equal" but still treated like a woman. In her mind such a claim makes sense. She "really" thinks women are special and better than men and thus should be shown preferential treatment by men; which kind of shoots her fraudulent claims at wanting equality between men and women in the foot. She only wants to deal with equality when it comes to HIS MONEY AND ASSETS, not her own. Remember part equality/part preferential treatment from 9 to 5, but 100% preferential treatment from 5 to 9. That's her game.

The word "logic" is probably not even in her vocabulary. Like I said if you want to understand the majority of women -- and why they act the way they do -- look at how a 10-year old acts(when they don't get their way and when they want something for nothing) and you'll see a parallel...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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If you need a place to host the site I'd be willing to provide one free of charge as long as the bandwidth consumption didn't get too out of hand. Let me know.

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Will do and thank you.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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