RADAR ALERT: Only Two Weeks Left to Submit Video Questions for Republican YouTube Debate

The deadline for submitting a question for YouTube/CNN's Republican debate is Sunday, November 25th, just two weeks away. The debate itself is scheduled for the following Wednesday.

Seldom is there such an opportunity to focus the candidates' attention on the issues RADAR addresses -- issues such as:

  • The system's willingness to give credence to false allegations
    of domestic violence, as exemplified by Santa Fe Judge Daniel Sanchez' signing of a temporary restraining order against David Letterman based on a woman's allegations that she'd been receiving coded messages from Letterman on his nightly broadcasts for more than a decade. If the accused had not been a rich celebrity, there's every likelihood that Judge Sanchez would have made the order permanent.
  • The culture among prosecutors nationwide that encourages unconscionable behavior on their part, as exemplified by:
    1. North Carolina D.A. Mike Nifong's collusion in the suppression of exculpatory DNA evidence so he could continue his prosecution of three innocent men,
    2. Georgia D.A. David McDade's prosecution of a teenage boy (Genarlow Wilson) that resulted in a jail sentence of 10 years for having had oral sex with a willing girl less than two years younger than himself,
    3. Oregon D.A. Bradley Berry, whose response to two 7th grade boys' participation in their middle school's unofficial butt-slapping day was to charge them with sex crimes that could have resulted in 10 years in juvenile detention and a lifetime on the sex offender registry.

Here's what YouTube suggests you do to increase the chances of your video being selected:

  • Be original -- choose your own approach.
  • Be personal -- your perspective is important.
  • Choose your focus -- you can address one or all of the
  • Keep it quick -- your question should be less than 30 seconds.
  • Make it look good -- speak loudly and keep that camera steady.
  • Provide context -- in your question or video description,
    include your name and home town.

Full information on how to submit your video can be found at http://www.youtube.com/contest/RepublicanDebate

Date of RADAR Release: November 11, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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....The david letterman case is the perfect example of the modern restraining order absurdity!!

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Yes scottkirk, AND the perfect example of the deadly dangers of placing real power into the hands, and unquestioning credibility into the claims, of all females, even the neurotic, demented and downright insane ones. Put this string of absurdities together, all predicated on the terrible old "woman always good, man always bad" canard, and you can easily see how no man is safe in such a twisted society. If they can do that to Letterman. just think what they can do to you.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Paulp...I know what they can do...I'm a victim of a false rape accussation!!

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