Baskerville, Sanjari and Rhodes Interviewed on Ronald Smith's RadioShow

Shocking and true! Dr. Baskerville, Dr. Sanjari and Carol Rhodes interviewed on Ronald Smith's Radio Show. Carol Rhodes is author of "Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family" and was part of the 2007 Equal Parenting Bike Trek Crew. Listen to this interview with zero download time on

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I just happened across a program discussing paternity fraud. Attorney Gloria Aldred jumps in and says "how dare a man walk away from a child when he finds out she is not his"...and the attorny on the other side says, "then take the money out of the equation and make the mother give every cent back.".

A great argument.
What does reason dictate?

oregon dad

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Gloria Allred is a media gadfly. I just wish that someone, an MRA perhaps, would just jump up and slap the crappola out of her whenever she goes into one of her misandric tirades while on camera. That would be a YouTube classic!

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For a hilarious bit of anti-feminist comic relief, see this clip of "Adam Carolla SLAMS Gloria Allred."

It's during a radio show interview about the Michael Richard's lawsuit that Allred prosecuted after Richard's crazy performance meltdown when he angrily shouted the dreaded "n-word" at his audience.

The viewers' comments about this clip are a hoot as well, though unfortunately too many posters use the dreaded "c-word" to describe Ms. Allred.

I believe she's been victimized (by her own stupidity) yet again.

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... and Adam Carolla kind of sounded like a moron, but I also agree that Gloria Allred is about money.

I heard Adam ask alot of hypothetical bullshit and overtalk Gloria alot but really heard no facts to back up his anti-black tirade.

White women that hijacked the civil rights movement with feminism from their expensive homes and their pampered black female accomplices(Like Oprah) lying and claiming to be perpetual "slaves" and "victims" is much different than black men who were/ and are routinely emasculated in front of their women during slavery/and now and who to this day are still racially profiled, beaten, demonized(Then and Now) and unfairly tried in court like slaves.

I think Adam lost that one, others may think differently. I care not...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Well, there were interesting points made by both Allred and Carolla.

If Gloria wasn't such a shameless media whore and amublance chaser, she would have some cred; but everyone knows she's a gold-digger with a red dress and a law degree.

Adam was trying to get her to make a distinction between physical violence and using the "N-word." Basically the notion that there is a clear victim when a person is assaulted, but that when confronted with objectionable WORDS, that person has a choice to be victimized or not.

Gloria argued that words are a form of institutionalized racism and violence, and that Carolla was lacking in his knowledge of Civil Rights history.

Allred did try to demonize Carolla as a racist, stating "he didn't care" about the implications of so-called racist hate speech.

After watching the clip again, I'd probably have to agree it was at best a draw.

Has anybody called Bill Cosby a reverse racist for his latest book blaming black men for the collapse of the African-American family?

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can break my bones.
But words can never hurt me.

Words I grew up with.
Words not being taught pathetic whimps and pussys today.
It is only words folks. Words are not violent.
Particularly in a free speech zone.

Grow up Gloria.
Black people use the word Nigger more than any other group, by orders of magnitude. Either it hurts them or it doesn't, and by all appearances, it does not.

oregon dad

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So when any black person is confronted with someone calling them a "nigger" they should recite "sticks and stones may break my bones...."? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Words can harm, there is power in words.

The word "nigger" is harmful when whites use it, when blacks use it, when ANYONE uses it. The word is a racial slur and people should be addressed by their name and not stigmatized by some raunchy slang word meant to demean a race of people.

Since that nursery rhyme has made you a "fortress against bad words" people should refer to you as "white motherfucker" rather than your name. After all the nursery rhyme makes it less offensive right?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Ethnic Slurs Against People of European
Descent --

* Afro-Saxon
(North America) A young white male devotee of black pop culture.[40]
* Anglo
(U.S.) Any white, English-speaking person, regardless of whether he or she has British ancestry. This term is most often used by Hispanics and Italians and often not meant to be offensive.[41]
* Ann
A white woman to a black person — or a black woman who acts too much like a white one. While Miss Ann, also just plain Ann, is a derisive reference to the white woman, by extension it is applied to any black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like Miss Ann.[42]
* Bule
(Indonesia) White people. Literally: albino, but used in the same way that 'colored' might be used to refer to a black person to mean any white person. [43].
* Casper
A derogatory term refering to a person who has extremely light skin. This is a reference to the cartoon Casper the Friendly Ghost in which Casper is a ghost in a white sheet.
* Charlie
Mildly derogatory term used by African Americans, mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, to refer to a white person (from James Baldwin's novel, Blues For Mr. Charlie).
* Coonass or coon-ass
(U.S.) a Cajun; may be derived from the French conasse. May be used among Cajuns themselves
* Cracker
(U.S.) Derogatory term for whites, particularly from the American South. Derived from slave drivers who "cracked" the whip on the backs of slaves. [44] May be used by whites themselves in a non-offensive manner.
* Gringo
(The Americas) Non-Hispanic U.S. national. Hence Gringolandia, the United States; not always a pejorative term, unless used in an offensive manner.[45]
* Gubba
(AUS) Aboriginal (Koori) term for white people[46] — derived from Governor / Gubbanah
* Gweilo, gwailo, or kwai lo
(Hong Kong and South China) A White man. Gwei means "ghost." The color white is associated with ghosts in China. A lo is a regular guy (i.e. a fellow, a chap, or a bloke).[47] Once a mark of xenophobia, the word was promoted by Maoists and is now in general, informal use.[48]
* Honky (U.S.)
Offensive term for a white person.
* Haole
(Hawaiian) stranger. used to refer to a mainlander, a white person.[citation needed]
* Ofay
A white person[49]
* Peckerwood
(U.S.) a white person (southerner). The term "Peckerwood", an inversion of "Woodpecker", is used as a pejorative term. This word was coined in the 19th century by southern blacks to describe poor whites. They considered them loud and troublesome like the bird, and often with red hair like the woodpecker's head plumes.[50]
* Trailer Park Trash
(United States) a white person generally of low socio-economic status.
* Roundeye
(English speaking Asians) a white or non-Asian person.[51]
* Wigger
is a slang term for a white person who allophilically emulates mannerisms, slangs and fashions stereotypically associated with urban African Americans; especially in relation to hip hop culture.

See Wikipedia’s List of Ethnic Slurs by Ethnicity for several hundred more examples of dangerous speech… used by ALL races to denigrate "the others."

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...address people by name. I knew you'd be the first joker to jump up and claim whites -- as a race -- are being discriminated against by someone saying trailer park trash to someone living in a trailer park. Pathetic...really. Which is why I usually ignore your nonsense.

Now, how many of those races utilizing those terms -- which you filled the WHOLE DAMN PAGE with -- have enslaved whites due solely to their race? Also, how many of those terms were brought about through enslavement of whites and how many of those terms carries with it -- when spoken by anyone especially a descendant of the oppressor -- the painful psychological(and sociological) scars that enslavement leaves upon a human being?

To tell the truth, unlike feminist claims that women were more oppressed than men, blacks actually WERE more oppressed than most other races in the United States in terms of slavery. The term nigger was utilized heavily by whites during those times as a way to "keep blacks in their place." Since the civil rights movement was hijacked by women true equality for black men(Black women got their freedom by joining forces with man-hating feminists. Hello Oprah!) was never really obtained thus many still suffer from the same racist/sexist roadblocks they suffered from before the black power movement took place.

Those questions are of course rhetorical and I do not actually seek dialogue with you. Gotta go...have fun denying black male suffering -- from slavery and racism -- while in the same breath stating adamantly that white men are suffering from women and their unfair laws oppressing them.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You have (arguably) distorted and misinterpreted my post about the universal nature of ethnic slurs.

I was simply providing factual, contextual material.

I could have listed the slurs by Hispanics against Asians, or Chinese slurs against East Indians, or Irish slurs against Italians, or Americans slurs against the Japanese during WWII, or the amazonian Kanomamo tribe's slurs against people who are obsessed with counting beyond "more than two" in their quest for oppressive mathematical hegemony.

My only point was/is -- all ethnic groups indulge in prejudice.

Does that mean I do not believe that institutional racism exists?

That power is disconnected from racism?

Not at all.

Wanna discuss "affirmative action" just for comic relief?

Now, that's a truly insulting racist concept!

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