Isiah Thomas: Guilt by genitalia

Article here. Excerpt:

"Nowhere is female privilege more evident than within the star-chamber like confines of the "Sexual Harassment Industry." In this arena, feminist lobbyists have erected a charnel house to exterminate the expression of random, unscripted male behavior in the workplace. It has even created a ludicrous female right not to be offended…by anything said or done in their proximity. This right can be brandished upon men who accidentally forget to don their automaton costumes before punching the clock."

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He called me a bitch, give me a million dollars.

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Mr. Thomas should have mentioned words like those in this article in his statement to the court. Nothing is going to change until us men step up to the plate and hold women to the same accountability as they hold us.

"Don't get married, don't put your girlfriend's name on any of your property, and hide your assets"

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