Best Political Blog: Vote for Angry Harry

The Blogger's Choice Award will be awarded on November 10th. Vote today!

Whether or not you agree with Angry Harry's approach, he raises important MRA issues. AngryHarry is a front-runner for Best Political Blog.

Vote for Angry Harry here.

Of course, the cadres of women studies majors and government-sponsored feminist organizations have started ticking away at their keyboards, organizing to artificially inflate the numbers for But the grassroots movement of equality-seeking men and women are making their voices heard: You'll also find Feministing nominated for Worst Blog of All time, and Most Obnoxious Blogger.

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This is a good opportunnity to put some links for mensactivism!!

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I love the description for

Young women are rarely given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf on issues that affect their lives and futures. Feministing provides a platform for us to comment, analyze and influence.

Because, you know, you NEVER hear about how women get the short end of the stick in movies, tv shows, traditional media outlets, and real life. Poor little lambs.

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Oddly enough, everytime I see "", I read "". Why is that? :-)

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Just for fun, I tried to register at this feminista site and tell these skanks what I thought of them (after I voted for Harry). I had no illusions of my comments ever seeing the light of day. But I was feeling spunky.

I could not BELIEVE the brier patch of authentications that I was forced to go through. And in the end, after I followed through with all of that BS, I was still never allowed to post anything. Not a single word.

My guess is that they are somehow correlating my membership here, with my email address. Or they were reading my mind. Scary fu**ing sh*t. Seriously.

BTW: I've come to a critical conclusion: The best way to turn the tide against men is to catch young people early, before they've had the fem-koolaid pored down their throats at every whipple-stich. That means an undergraduate course on the psychology of Men and Masculinity at my university. I hope they don't hang me in effigy after I submit something to my undergrad curriculum committee.

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Obviously, as your handle suggests, you are imaginatively out in front of the pack. A true visionary in some kind of shaft-like terrain!

The distinction between "-nisting" and
"-fisting" is the difference between foreplay and consecrating the relationship.

Ideologically speaking.

Feminists understand this as part of their secret sisterly code. (Google Andrea Dworkin's photo and you will get the picture!)

Thanks for a very "penetrating" interpretation.

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Young women are rarely given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf on issues that affect their lives and futures. Feministing provides a platform for us to comment, analyze and influence.

Here is what it should read:

Young men are rarely given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf on issues that affect their lives and futures. Feministing provides a platform for women to continue suppressing that opportunity.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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