Police: Rape case a hoax

Via anthony. Story here. Excerpt:

'Renesia D. Smart, 18, Humble Avenue, Cairo, was arrested late Thursday and charged with giving false information to the police.

“While we were doing the investigation into the reported rape (Thursday) some of the details conflicted with what some of the evidence was showing us,” said Sandefur. “As evening progressed and we spoke with other associates of the reporting party, we discovered that this was a fabrication.”
Her charge is a misdemeanor offense; Sandefur said Smart must go in front of a state court judge.'

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Excellent. All too often false accusers get away with no punishment whatsoever.

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With my false rape case...

The cops were foaming at the mouth to get another conviction for the girls down the hall at the women helping battered womens office!!

The police activelly disregarded evidence to prove the story was a "fantastic lie"...And refused my request to press charges against her for almost getting me killed!!(she almost got me killed by telling some male friends this lie)

Come to find out later that this same girl falselly accussed another man 2 years prior!!

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And no doubt will do it again and again, only to be coddled by their accomplices.

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A misdeameanor? What a joke? Here in Nebraska, it's a felony to file a false police report. Is there any history of a man suing a woman in civil court for lying about him raping her? There has got to be pain and suffering involved here. Wouldn't most men be suffering if they are charged with a rape they didn't commit, especially them knowing that the woman's word is gold to most jurors.

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If he tries to sue he'll just get shafted.

I think the only way that the liars will go to jail is if an enormous grass roots movement rises up, demanding prison for well-publicized false accusers, such as Crystal Gail Mangum. There will have to be enormous public demand for justice. Then other liars who aren't as well known will also start going down.

Organize, gentlemen. Jail for Crystal Mangum!

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