Fall/Winter DAHMW Newsletter Release

Jan Brown of the Maine-based Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women forwarded me a copy of their Fall/Winter newsletter. You can download a copy of it here. The newsletter discusses the recent DV study by the Centers for Disease Control and mentions a new public service announcement they've released.

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(From the newsletter) - "Regarding perpetration of violence, more women than men (25% versus 11%) were responsible. In fact 71% of the instigators were women."

So, common sense suggests that women feel safe to assault a man (usually by slapping, hitting, kicking, throwing objects...).


Simple. It's called Chivalry... you know ...
"be a man, take it like a man, a man never hits a woman, you're a pussy if you hit a woman... etc."

Also, the nearly universal "must arrest the primary aggressor" DV laws dictate that the stronger of the combatants be arrested.

So a woman can safely assume that she can instigate violence and call 911 and just claim to "be afraid of him" and presto ---

he's cuffed and taken away.

HRES 590 just passed UNANIMOUSLY in the House of Reps and will do so in the Senate.

Having a male chromosome is fast becoming a crime in FemAmerica.

Time to make serious plans to get out of the Hillary Gulag, gents.

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The HRES is the byproduct of chivalry, female greed/vanity and misandry coupled with the believed expendability of the male gender. This is why misandry will continue until the aforementioned negative traits have been made socially unacceptable. This means anyone engaging in these ridiculous acts should be automatically seen as a caveman/cavewoman that is stifling progress in this society.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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It's time to take action by sending friends and co-workers a link to this site, and others!!

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